Lovely Libra: The sign of partnerships. Libra season 2019 has got us all feeling a little bit more relationship oriented and attracted to the beautiful things in life. It's the sign of balance, after all, so the synergy of two parts coming together to form something better and more harmonious is tinting our view of just about everything, like a pair of romantic rose-colored glasses. Naturally, with all these Libran hearts n' flowers on the brain, you'll want to know how the September new moon will affect your dating life, based on your zodiac sign. Because the new moon in Libra on Sept. 28 is definitely a romantic one, and all zodiac signs will feel its effects.
"The Libra new moon will make everyone feel more inclined to partner up and discuss matters of the heart," explains astrologer Lisa Stardust, who gave us the lowdown on how the upcoming new moon will affect our dating life. "This new moon isn’t boring and offers us a chance to get our flirt on." And the planets can explain why we'll feel extra glamorous and flirty: During this new moon, there will be a gorgeously sweet sextile aspect between romantic Venus and lucky Jupiter, which will bring tons of good vibes to our love lives and make us feel extra social, warm, and ready to get out into the world and have a fun, flirty time with friends and lovers. It's a great time to date around and have some fun, or stoke the sparkling fire in a current relationship.
And even without this flirtatiously joyful, buoyant aspect, all the lunar Libra energy itself is inspiring us to think about love regardless. "After discovering the things that bring you joy during Leo season, you create a system where you can put those things in motion for the greater good during Virgo season," explained astrologer Valerie Mesa. "Once Libra season rolls around, however, your sense of individuality is complete; hence you're able to share those unique parts of you with another soul."
This is part of why during this new moon, we might find ourselves compelled to make decisions about our romantic partnerships. "We will all be making discerning decisions around love and relationships — even contemplating ending or recommitting to partnerships," continues Stardust. "The caveat is that we won’t necessarily be able to make clear decisions, as it’s a new moon and our intuition will be blocked — so we may make spontaneous and impulsive choices."
The energy of how the September 2019 new moon will affect each zodiac sign's dating life a little bit differently, so read on to get an idea of what to expect when it comes to matters of the heart under this upcoming Libra moon.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You've got your eye on someone, but now's not the time to compromise too much of yourself for someone else. "Commit to a new partnership only if you put your needs first," advises Stardust. It's hard to see things clearly under this new moon, so be sure you're not falling head over heels, even if you choose to move forward.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Are you open to an office romance? Someone in your professional network may have caught your eye in more ways that one. "Connect with colleagues and bond with them after work at happy hour," says Stardust. You never know who you might meet. Take advantage of feeling extra social.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Your independence has been of the utmost importance lately, but with both the sun and moon in a fellow air sign (the only Venus-ruled one at that), you'll find yourself more willing to honor whatever's on your mind -- and in this case, it might be romance. "Love is in the air, surrender to a new crush," advises Stardust.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If you've been struggling in relationships, perhaps it's because it's been difficult to find a balance. Adjusting your perspective and expecation of a romantic partner could help. "Change your inner philosophy now to align with the times," says Stardust. This doesn't mean you lower your standards - it simply means it's time to adjust.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You might be feeling a lil' feisty when it comes to your love life under this moon, Leo, but call on Libra's diplomacy skills to smooth over any turmoil with a softer, sweeter edge. "Choose your words and battle wisely," warns Stardust. "Use kindness to express yourself." You'll solve your issues by being open.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
"Take your power back and commit to yourself," says Stardust. It might be easy to get caught up in the heart-eyes of Libra season's new moon, but right now, the main commitment you should be making is to yourself. That's the relationship that currently needs the most TLC and attention, so leave your lovers on read.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Focusing on others comes naturally to you, Libra, and you can intuit their desires easily. But during this new moon, it's time to prioritize the needs, wants, and desires that reside within you. "Focus on yourself and figure out your needs and desires right now," says Stardust. You'll be more open and ready for others once you do.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
You've been so busy with work that it's been hard to focus much time on your love life. But connecting with others romantically can be a form of self-care, so don't neglect that deep, emotionally in-tune part of yourself. "Give yourself time off from the rat race and implement self-care into your routine," says Stardust.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
When it comes to dating and this new moon, social time is going to where you shine. "Friends are a source of love and kindness — connect with your crew to celebrate good times," advises Stardust. Perhaps you'll meet someone special while out with friends, or if you're in a relationship, it'll make you feel alive to be social together.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You're in a romantic partnership with your career these days, Cap, but under this moon a new professional opportunity may lead you to love. "Say 'yes' to the next big project at work now to elevate your rising star," advises Stardust. You'll find that these new doors opening are allowing you more chances to meet special people.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
If you're linked up, now's the time to get out of town with your boo. If you're single, well, plan a getaway anyway and go on a few out-of-town dates instead. "Plan a weekend trip out of town to alleviate stresses," advises Stardust. You're feeling suffocated, and getting some fresh energy outside of your city will help.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Dating can be exhausting, so how about a stay at home Netflix n' chill sesh under the vibes of this new moon? "Let yourself have some much needed R and R under this luminary," says Stardust. This new moon may feel draining to you, Pisces, so plan lowkey dates or just stay in with your boo if you're in a relationship.