This Zodiac Sign Will Enjoy The Single Life This Month

The very last full moon of the summer will rise in the sky on September 14, at 12:33 a.m. ET, providing one last astrological illumination before we move into the fall spirit. How the September full moon will affect your love life will depend on your zodiac sign, because each astrological house is going to be inspired in a unique way. While some signs will be sexually motivated, other signs will be focused on family and friends, and while some signs will be interested in making long-term commitments, other signs will be getting ready to let go of unhealthy relationships. It all depends on your sign's sensitivity to the harvest moon, and how your sign is feeling during this transitional time of year.
Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about how each sign's love life will be influenced during the September full moon, to give us all a chance to brace ourselves for transformative realizations that will shape many more lunar cycles to come. The way we set ourselves up for the fall will influence the way we approach the rest of the year, so regardless of how big or small of an effect that full moon will have on your sign, now is an important time to pay attention to your intentions and make sure that you're on the path that's going to take you there. Here's what Thomas predicts for our love lives under the harvest moon and beyond:
You’ll be feeling the urge to cuddle up at home or spend some time solo, and that's totally fine, so lean into it. That said, Thomas tells Bustle that "this may be a time when relationship karma bubbles up," meaning that "if you’ve been living well in your love life, you should be reaping rewards and receiving good affection... but if you’ve done anything a bit shady, it could come out at this point in time." Be as graceful as you can during this time, it's never too late to change your mind, make amends, or take what you deserve.
Under the full moon, your social life will be illuminated, so going out will give you energy and inspiration. Thomas tells Bustle that "if you’ve had a friend who you’ve wanted to turn into something more, this could be a time when you take that new step," so make sure you're open and honest so you really give yourself a chance.
You're kind of thriving in the office right now, according to Thomas, "your career is lit up, which means that if you’re single you actually may attract the attention of someone powerful and successful to be at your side." If you’re in a relationship, now might be the time for you and your partner to go to a work even together and flex your power couple vibes, as it could work in both of your favors.
Just as we inch towards to the fall, you’re feeling the urge to try something new and bring more excitement to your love life. According to Thomas, single Cancers should "consider going after someone who is not your “typical type” who may have a different background, culture, or spirituality from you. Anyone who is a bit “exotic” could actually open your eyes to new revelations about love and the world," so try to clear your filters and open up your heart and mind to new possibilities. For taken Cancer, "consider travel with your special boo or enroll in a class together," to make date night more interesting than ever before.
The full moon is going to be a pretty heated experience for you Leo, as according to Thomas, "your erotic energy is especially highlighted at this time and your sexuality will be on fire." For committed Leo, use this time to spice things up or discuss your sexual needs with your partner. For single Leo, get out there and live your bliss — just make sure you communicate your needs and expectations with your potential partners, first.
"Partnership is on your mind at this point in time. For Virgo in happy relationships, you could take steps closer or begin to make long-term plans," according to Thomas. For some Virgo couples, long term commitments will be made and alternatively, Virgos in unhealthy relationships may actually part ways. "If you’re single, you have the chance to attract options who have long-term potential," Thomas says, so know what you want and deserve before you go into the dating pool.
According to Thomas, you might be feeling your work life as a major focus at this point in time, so love may not be the biggest highlight now. That said, "this could be a fated time when you actually attract the eyes of a coworker," whether it's in a friendly way or a romantic way, just make sure you keep things professional. Aka, if you've made a new bestie in the office, keep the socializing outside as much as possible and if you've found a romantic interest, make sure you're handling it in a way that HR would approve of.
"Of all the zodiac signs, you are most favored by this magical and lyrical full moon," Thomas promises. This is the best moment of the year for you in regards to your love life. "You may become official with someone, cross paths with a soul mate, or learn some news about a pregnancy," Thomas predicts, so do something adventurous in love and plan something special if you can. If you can spend it near an ocean or lake, you’ll love it even more as your sign resonates deeply with open waters during this time.
"Your home and family are on your mind at this point in time, so you may want to have a party at your house if you can," Thomas suggests, saying that it's a great time to bring family together in a meaningful way. "If you have a partner, be sure to have a dinner party and you’ll feel especially cozy and domestic together. If you’re single, invite new options over along with friends and see who rises to the top," — essentially, make sure you're bringing loved ones together on this night is some capacity, as it's bound to be a rewarding time for all.
According to Thomas, your words hold a special power at this point in time, so you should consider writing someone that you love an important letter. Aka, now is the time that your words are going to resonate the most with them. "Little love notes would work wonders for you right now! Slip into someone’s DMs if you’re single and watch how you can actually lure them to you," and don't be afraid of making that first move, the right partner will respect it. Online dating is highlighted now for single Capricorn, as well so speak from your heart in your bio and let people know who you really are.
If you notice that you're feeling a bit more possessive at this time when it comes to your partner, that's the full moon at play. "Don’t get too controlling at this time," Thomas warns, as your relationship is more secure than you realize, but "if you’re single, mingle and look for someone who is a total catch and snatch them when you can."
According to Thomas, "this is your most important moment of the entire year." No big deal, right? Astrologically speaking, you’re in the spotlight right now, so if romance is important to you, you can bring that fairytale to life. "You may also be noticing an important relationship beginning or ending at this point in time," Thomas warns, no matter what, though, your hopes and dreams are being highlighted so know that you can turn them into reality, so make sure you have a clear vision of what you want during this time. Aka, this is the time to put energy into manifesting, as the stars are aligned in your favor.