Ready, set, brace yourselves for the final luminary of this year's summer season: The September 2019 full moon in Pisces. The singular full moon of Virgo season 2019 will rise in the skies on Sept. 14, and it's bringing with it a whole bunch of vibez: Good ones, bad ones, but undoubtedly transformative ones. Of course, this September full moon will affect all zodiac signs differently, so it's important to know where your sign stands.
The sun is currently in analytical, grounded Virgo, so many of us may be feeling driven to clean up any messes, get down to business, and reorganize various areas of our lives. But this full moon, on the other hand, will be in ethereal, dreamy Pisces — inspiring us to rely more on our intuition than our knowledge, and to spend our days in a daydream rather than focusing on our responsibilities. Thus, we'll be feeling the classic full moon friction as our bright star and its counterpart occupy opposing astrological spaces.
This full moon in particular is riddled with several significant planetary aspects taking place simultaneously that will both challenge and enhance this Piscean energy — and Pisces' ruling planet Neptune is one of the major players. Neptune (planet of dreams and illusions) will be conjunct the moon (meaning they'll be right next to each other in the same sign) — which in Pisces, can get us all up in our feels (and enhance our ~psychic sensibilities~ for sure), but can also make us feel hazy and confused about what's reality and what's just in our head. Neptune will also be quarreling with both Jupiter and Mars, which can make us susceptible to delusions and also slash our confidence.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who expanded on the complexities of this full moon's energy. "This full moon will bring deceptions to light and make us question our belief system," she shares. "Illusive Neptune will be a key player, igniting fears and phobias within." It's a li'l rough, yes, but it's not all bad: "The flip side is that we can inspire ourselves to heal and transform through this cosmic energy, if we are open to growth," explains Stardust.
Stardust along with astrologer Maia Orion are helping me serve you the lowdown on how the September 2019 full moon will affect each sign, so you know exactly what to expect.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
"This Pisces full moon is likely to bring some clarity and answers to questions that have been on your mind. Have things felt a bit nebulous lately? Perhaps there are even questions pertaining to your day job," explains Orion. "Your intuition is also heightened at this time, so trust your inner voice, and be open to knowledge as it presents itself, no matter how unexpected."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
"This Pisces full moon sees your socializing turned up a notch. Perhaps you’re even feeling an inner battle between allowing yourself enough time to fulfill your hearts passions and creative endeavors vs. making time with friends," shares Orion. "Virgo season is a wonderful time of year to make a schedule, so stick to it — and you’ll have enough time for festive gatherings as well as your personal pursuits."
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
"This Pisces full moon is about to have a mother lode of knowledge as far as your career is concerned. Are you happy with your job? Are you having a hard time managing your work vs. your home and familial obligations?" asks Orion. "[The moon] is putting these topics in the spotlight. As your ruler Mercury travels through Virgo, you may even find great clarity surrounding these issues if you write your thoughts out."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
"Cancer, you enjoy the calmness of silence, of soft-spoken moments, but this Pisces full moon sees your communication and expression amplified!" shares Orion. "Have you been thinking of taking a class, going on a trip, or expanding your circle? This Pisces full moon will put your voice and self-expression to the test, encouraging you to share it with others during the tail end of this productive Virgo season."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
"Leo, the Pisces full moon is likely to bring clarity relating to your finances," explains Orion to Bustle. "Have you been spending too much, wondering if you’ll be approved for a loan, or even waiting to hear about that raise? Your mind is on the money this full moon, and more information is on its way, as you use the last days of Virgo season to help solidify your foundation."
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
"This Pisces full moon wants you to take a break from your schedule and spend some time focusing on your relationships. Are your needs being met? What about the needs of others, those who play centrifugal roles in your life? Do they know they’re appreciated?" asks Orion. "It may be time to channel your ruler Mercury and your strong analytic intellect, and talk (or write — in true Virgo form) it out."
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Virgo season has got you focused and ready to implement positive changes in your life, and this full moon (along with your lovely ruling planet Venus having just moved into your sign today), is inspiring you to pamper your soul — as you deserve. "You’re stepping up your daily vibe by implementing mindful meditation or yoga into your life," explains Stardust to Bustle. "This will help heal your mind, body, and spirit."
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
With a full moon in a fellow water sign, one thing is clear: You're in your feels. Everything else, though? Well, you might be feelin' delusional. "An old romance may come your way again," warns Stardust. "The question is, do you want to go there again? Has the situation changed?" Remember that Neptune's influence over this full moon is making it hard to see things clearly, so beware of your own misjudgments.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Lately you've been getting more comfortable in the driver's seat of the zippy red sports car that is your life — but this full moon is making it hard to maintain a sense of balance and clear direction. "Finding a personal and work balance will be hard," warns Stardust. "However, with careful planning you can do it." Call on the ever-organized Virgo sun energy (and your own fiery willpower) to overcome the lunar haze.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
As in-control and powerfully discerning as you usually are, the energy of this full moon has upped the likelihood of you being deceived — especially when it comes to rumors. "Watch out for gossip that’s not true! Don’t let it cause stresses in relationships with others," advises Stardust. "Take what you hear with a grain of salt." If you're feelin' some type of way based on hearsay, let the full moon wear off before you act.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You're not always the most in touch with your emotions, but under this full moon, you might find yourself feeling more — as if all your precious emotions came out to play at once without an ounce of armor on to protect them. "Setting boundaries is essential now, as is understanding the emotional limits of others," advises Stardust. Use this raw vulnerability to tap into your emotional intelligence and strength.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
A full moon just for you, sweet Pisces! Of course it's going to be intense (and with your ruling planet Neptune forming all kinds of intense aspects, you can guarantee it), but it's also going to be the catalyst for a whole new version of you to emerge. "You’re now questioning your own beliefs, which will serve to help you see your truest visions," explains Stardust to Bustle. Follow your intuition — now and into the coming season.