If you're looking for a quick vibe change, you're in luck, because we're kicking off a fresh lunar cycle on Nov. 26 with the November 2019 new moon in Sagittarius. New moons are almost always a prosperous time for fresh starts and new beginnings — which means that starting new work projects, setting career goals, and putting feelers out for new opportunities is definitely advised. The November 2019 new moon will affect your career in different ways, depending on your zodiac sign, so knowing what to expect can help you use the vibes to your advantage at work.
With this fire-ruled luminary also taking place at the very beginning of Sagittarius season, we're going to feel the optimistic, energetic, and worldly energy of this sign in all our endeavors. Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who shared some insights on how this new moon will affect our career goals. "The Sag New Moon is a very fortuitous and lucky time for us all to attain our dreams," Stardust says.
While this new moon is certainly being influenced by some difficult astrological aspects that can cause chaos (and make us feel pretty damn irritable, too), it's still an auspicious time to further our careers or set some fresh goals for ourselves. Plus, with the holidays coming up, there's plenty of astrological money advice we should take advantage of to keep our finances in check. So long as we keep our cool at work and allow ourselves to be flexible, roll with the changes, and adjust our methodology as needed, we'll make the most of the new moon vibe and go into the end of the year feeling like we have a plan.
To make the most of this astrological opportunity, check out how you can use the November 2019 new moon to boost your career, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
"Talk is cheap — prove yourself to your colleagues and boss now," advises Stardust. "Go the extra mile to show them you’re as amazing as you say you are." Now's the time to think of the biggest, loftiest goals you can dream of in your career — and act with those in mind. Just because those dreams are not a reality yet doesn't mean you shouldn't walk around with the confidence that they will be. Step up your game in preparation for bigger and better things.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Think about your current career goals. Are you on track to reach them right now? And are you being treated as you deserve? If not, start making the first moves toward a better situation. "It’s time to ask for a raise — even if you aren’t able to get one," advises Stardust. "It's at least time to plant the seeds." Think about your work relations and how you might be able to get more people on your side, build new partnerships, and make some smart investments with your money, time, and ideas.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
"A new partnership has the potential to lead to major professional opportunities," explains Stardust. This new moon is an ideal time to make connections, network, and ask for a professional favor if you need one. Just remember that professional partnerships should involve both parties contributing time and energy, so be sure to delegate and renegotiate any situations that involve the bulk of the work falling into your lap when you're only getting partial credit and shares.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Time to get organized and ready to share your visions and goals with others, Cancer. "Take time to work with the team," says Stardust to Bustle. "Your colleagues will appreciate your visions." If you've had some ideas, projects, and goals sitting on your back burner, now's the time to revisit them and start planting seeds for them in the minds of your colleagues. Get your affairs in check and start building.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You're always a creative force, but you're basically on fire under this new moon (which is no surprise, as it'll reach its peak in the realm of a fellow fire sign). "Your creativity is high, which will make you boost with enthusiasm at work," explains Stardust. Use your creativity to problem solve at work and bring a fresh batch of enthusiasm and perspective to your usual day-to-day. You'll be left feeling both refreshed and reinvigorated about the creative potential in your work.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
You've been working yourself to the bone and honestly, it's fogging up your mind. "Take a day off from work to decompress," advises Stardust. "Chances are, you need this time to unwind." After a bit of much needed R&R over Thanksgiving weekend, you'll be able to hit the office with a new perspective and a much clearer mind — but don't skimp on the necessary time you need away from your work e-mails in order to reset and get yourself back into a healthy groove.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
When it rains, it pours, Libra! And right now, things are pouring in your work life, which is great. But what you'll need to worry about it getting overwhelmed. "You’re being pulled in too many different directions now," warns Stardust. "Take a moment and reflect before taking on more projects." So long as you stay organized, focused, and realistic about your time and energy, you can make this full plate work for you — just don't be afraid to say no when you're being stretched too thin.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
The new moon in Sag brings a financial boon your way now, Scorp. "A raise will boost your bank account now," shares Stardust. "How exciting!" But it's not a just a fleeting raise that's on stage for this new moon: it's your future. Use the positive momentum you've currently got going in your workplace to fuel your motivation to go bigger and better. Think about where you want to be six months from now, and start drawing up the plans and talking to the right people to make it happen.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Squeaky wheels get the grease, Sag, and with this fresh-start new moon rising in your sign, during your Sun season, let's just say it's your turn to be the squeaky wheel. "You’re stepping your game up and asking for more at this time," shares Stardust. "Go for the gold!" You know what you deserve, so don't be afraid to say it out loud. It's likely that everyone you work with sees your worth, too, so you might be pleasantly surprised by how willing they are to support you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
This new moon signals a time for you take a brand new approach to the way you're handling work affairs, Cap. "Thinking outside the box will help elevate your status by allowing you to find your truest vision," explains Stardust. What's most effective in your work is being you, so make sure you're building on your momentum by drawing energy directly from your authentic self and channeling that into your job. Embrace your vision and allow yourself to try on new perspectives.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
"Networking will lead you to fruitful ventures," advises Stardust. You're a queen when it comes to collaboration, and there's definitely ripe fruit for the picking all around you. Hit a work happy hour under this new moon to make deeper connections with your colleagues, and keep an eye out for anyone else in your community who might be able to sync their visions with yours to create something amazing. The opportunity is there — it's just waiting for you to snatch it up.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Pisces, this moon is a big one for you, because if you've got a fresh start you'd like to embark on at work, now's the time to start planting those seeds. "A promotion is in the works for you, Pisces," explains Stardust. "Enjoy these newly found opportunities." Things are definitely looking up, so don't drop the ball that's been placed into your hands. Set goals for the new year now, and create a solid, tangible plan for accomplishing them over the coming months.
Sources interviewed:
Lisa Stardust, professional astrologer.