The New Moon Is About To Solidify Friendships For Each Zodiac Sign

The coming November 26 new moon in Sagittarius will be particularly influential on friendships. Sagittarius is a sociable sign, it inspires us to be honest, open-minded, and communicative with the people we love. It also inspires us to move forward with whatever convictions we have, which can sometimes create complications within friendships. But how the November 2019 new moon will affect your friendships specifically will depend on your zodiac sign. Some signs are positively motivated to find harmony socially, while other signs become earnestly motivated to weed out friendships that no longer serve them or change what isn't working. No matter how your sign is affected, it's important to trust that this new moon will be a transformative time that will improve your friendships in the long run – with the understanding that what's in store for us during the new moon might not be immediately positive.
Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about the individual ways each sign's friendships will be affected during the new moon and he assured us that whatever obstacles we have to overcome in our friendships this month will be deeply healing and beneficial in the future. Aka, try to be patient and empathetic if uncomfortable issues arise, as it wouldn't come to your attention without a valuable lesson. To prepare yourself for what's ahead, check out how the new moon will affect your sign and embrace the ways in which it influences your friendships for the better.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
According to Thomas, this is an important time to broaden your horizon when it comes to the types people you have in your circle. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to cut people out, rather add new kinds of people in. "If you open your arms to people with very different backgrounds, upbringing, or from different countries, you could find that they open your eyes to a whole new world," Thomas explains. Consider joining clubs, groups, teams, or classes that have to do with culture, spirituality, or academic interests to find these people.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus is going to be focusing on romantic relationships under the new moon, so Thomas suggests mixing friends and romance together to unite your tribes. Thomas also suggests putting energy into getting to know your partner's friends if you're in a relationship.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The new moon is going to have you focused on long-term partnerships and plans, so Thomas predicts that you'll be interested in booking a trip with a bestie or joining forces on a professional endeavor. Your friendships are strong and you should feel good about being able to plan ahead together.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
"Coworkers are very aligned at this time, so you may notice you’re becoming better friends with the people apart of your team, office, or work setting," Thomas tells Bustle. Lean into this, it will make going to work more exciting and it will be nice to be close to people who really understand what it's like to work in your profession.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
According to Thomas, Leos will be very inspired by adventure during the new moon, so you can expect to get into some fun with your besties who are on the same page. Leos will also be thinking a lot about love during this time, so it might be a good time to find a great wing woman.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
According to Thomas, Virgos are going to be super focused on their home life and their social life at this same time. This combination of interests will mean Virgos will be hosting dinner parties and hang sessions at their homes, so start planning now. Thomas also suggests mixing friends and family together as the universe looks at this as favorable during this time.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
If you've been feeling out of the loop lately, that's all going to change under the new moon. Suddenly. you'll have lots of energy to put into your friendships and some great conversations are bound to unfold. "This new moon will have you blowing up the group chat like crazy! You’re going to be finding the hottest memes, jokes, and ready for chatter! You’ll be extra talkative at this point in time, so find sizzling ways to stay in contact with your friends even more or send messages to new people you’d like to become acquaintances with," Thomas tells Bustle.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
"You’re probably going to be feeling a bit possessive of your friends at this point in time, but remember: you can’t truly control other people (even if you want to)," Thomas explains. Take some time to think about your friends and whether or not your morals and values are similar. Part of the reason why you might be having strong emotional feelings toward your friends is because they're not serving you anymore.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Get ready to party, Sags! "This is birthday season, so find ways to unite your friends around you to celebrate the past year and the one to come," Thomas tells Bustle. This is the prime time to reconnect with friends you've lost touch with and add new friends to your circle.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Caps aren't going to be interested in making too many plans during this time, but it's actually all for the best. "You’re feeling the need to lie low, recharge, and rest at this point in time," Thomas tells Bustle, because you'll be thinking about who to you give your energy to and whether or not it's beneficial or healthy. "If a secret suddenly comes out that you or someone else was trying to keep, be ready to face it. Sometimes this occurs because you need to release something in order to grow," Thomas adds.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Of all the zodiac signs, Thomas tells Bustle that Aquarius is the one likely to have the best new moon experience. "It’s highlighting all of your friends and social life, so it’s an excellent time to go to events or expand your network," Thomas explains. So say "yes" to as many invitations as you please and ride this social energy wave as long as you can.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
According to Thomas, you've very focused on your career, so you're going to be most interested in connecting with people who are powerful and on a similar path. It's OK to want to hang out with the "popular crowd" but make sure you're also taking the time to keep in touch with your other friends who are not riding the same career high that you are.
Though the new moon will allow us to see different things in our friendships, it will be an enlightening time for all. As we head farther into Sagittarius season, we'll see complications within our friendships become less problematic and we'll be feeling closer to our crews than ever.