Given the intense energy of the October full moon a couple weeks back and the wild vibes of Samhain (aka Halloween), I am so ready for the transformational energy of the November 2018 new moon — although that's not to say this luminary will come without its challenges. This new moon will rise on Nov. 7 in the deep and mysterious sign of Scorpio. Venus is nearing the end of its retrograde period, and this moon is bringing us an opportunity to tie up all of our loose ends and make amends for any retrograde-fueled disagreements in preparation for fresh start. Thank goddess, because I think a fresh start is what we all need right about now.
As the saying goes, what goes around comes around — and this new moon is likely to have an emotional boomerang effect. It's carrying us back to the issues that were on the table during October's full moon in Taurus and helping us to see them with more clarity — as well as helping us to hopefully wrap them all up with a nice little bow on top. Of course, this is claw-wielding, poison-possessing Scorpio we're dealing with, so a "nice little bow" may come more in the form of blood/sweat/tears. But that's OK, though. As explained by Forever Conscious on its site, "While things may come to a head on this New Moon, it is likely that this climax will lead to a resolution and a way to move forward and find forgiveness." So no one's promising resolution will be easy, but it will certainly be transformational, and this moon should allow you to release whatever energy has been bogging you down throughout this past moon cycle.
Bustle spoke to astrologers Lisa Stardust and Renee Watt to get their takes on November's new moon vibes and how they're going to be affecting us. "This New Moon serves a transformative time to evolve and transform on all levels. It’s also a time to kiss and make up with those you may have recently gotten into arguments with (during Venus Retrograde)," Stardust tells Bustle. "Remember, you are able to heal the past with others, if you truly let go and move toward a fresh start. Move toward newness and embrace change." Let's do this.
The November new moon energy is going to manifest for every sun sign a little bit differently, so read on to find out exactly how the new moon will affect you, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, god of the underworld and ruler of occultism, so let yourself naturally embrace that energy during this very-Scorpio new moon. "You may find yourself taking your love for adventure down some darker avenues by exploring occult philosophies and hidden schools of thought," shares Watt. It's definitely a good opportunity to get in touch with your spiritual side and embrace the shadows (in true Scorpio fashion!), so grab your crystals and plan an intention-setting ritual.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus, your Venus-ruled energy is supercharged, as the planet of love will be trine Mars during this new moon, making romance and a desire to be extra-social very strong. "This new moon finds you wanting to freshen up your Rolodex a bit, it’s a great time to form new partnerships and romantic connections," Watt advises. Get out there and flirt — you're attracting good energy, both romantically and otherwise.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
New moons are always good for fresh starts and beginning new projects — so use the energy to build your strength. "Committing to a new trendy workout routine may catch your eye under this New Moon, serving as a stress reliever from the demands at work," explains Stardust. It'll be an amazing release both physically and emotionally, so hit up a fun spin class or hot yoga session and see if you can't make them a regular part of your routine.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, the vibes are good for you with this moon, so don't be afraid to let your guard down and have some fun, "With the moon in fellow water sign, sexy Scorpio, you may find yourself crawling out of your shell a bit," shares Watt. "Use the energy to have some passionate one on one time with someone special, not so special, or yourself!" Venus is trine Mars during this moon, so up the passion and get some action.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
New moons = new beginnings. And November's new moon is giving you a fresh start when it comes to deep, transformational issues like your inner self and worldview. "Your inner world is shifting, causing you to change the way you relate to yourself and others. Embrace the change and move toward growth," advises Stardust. You're used to being in the spotlight, Leo, but don't be afraid to step aside for this luminary so you can devote some energy to introspection.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
This new moon is taking place at almost the same longitude as major fixed star Zubenelgenubi, which can bring false accusations and rumors — and be careful, because for as detail-oriented as you are, you may be at risk. "False gossip may get you down, however, you have the capability to stop the rumor in its track, as your truthful nature will be recognized and appreciated by your peers," Stardust shares with Bustle. You know how to cover your bases, Virgo, so remember that the truth will prevail and you can move through this moon unscathed.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
After a possibly rough go in the finance department with your ruling planet Venus retrograding, this moon finally brings some room for boosts. "This New Moon allows you to create more work opportunities, allowing for more bang to your bank account," explains Stardust. You may have to work for it, but you can use your creativity and social skills to make it happen. Don't be afraid to network and take advantage of the ~new beginnings~ type of energy — you may be able to start something new and exciting.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This is your season, Scorpio, so eyes are on you — and that's fine, because under this moon, you are even more mysterious and seductive than usual. As Stardust shares, "With the New Moon aligning with your Sun sign, others will be pulled to you magnetically and feel bewitched by your mysterious allure. Va-room!" Party like it's your birthday and let your best self sparkle — it won't be hard to do in this light.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You may have been taking it easy, but don't get too restless, because you're going to find yourself back in the driver's seat at high speeds in no time. "Taking a break from autumnal activities will serve to help you rest up for your upcoming birthday — which, in true Sag form will be extremely fun," shares Stardust. You've got lots to look forward to, so embrace the downtime during this moon and set some intentions for the upcoming moon cycle.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Cap, you are such a star, and this new moon bodes very well for your confidence and social interactions guaranteeing you'll feel like a star, too. "Your peers are noticing you more and recognizing your amazing qualities, making you feel appreciated and seen by others," explains Stardust. Everyone knows what a hard worker you are, but it's important to feel appreciated for who you are and not just how well you do things. Make a gratitude list under this new moon to manifest more of the positive energy you've been receiving lately. It's a time for fresh starts, and you deserve it!
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Uranus, your ruling planet, will have some aspects during this new moon that can bring about uncertainty and confusion, so despite your successes, you may still be feeling off. "A recent promotion at work will leave you overwhelmed," explains Stardust to Bustle. "This New Moon allows you to believe in yourself more and have more confidence at the workplace." You deserve all the accomplishments and strides you've made at work, so remember that when you're feeling down and take some time to meditate on it during this moon.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
With the moon and sun in fellow water sign Scorpio, you'll be swimming through good vibes during this luminary, and maybe even feel inspired to try some new things. "This moon aspects your modern planetary ruler, Neptune, making you the dreamiest babe in the bunch!" explains Watt to Bustle. "Make the most of the atmosphere by channeling your higher self through meditation, or finally drop into that aerial yoga class you’ve been fantasizing about." New moons are all about fresh starts, so now's the time to seize opportunities.