We're embarking on a fresh lunar cycle starting on Friday, May 22, because that's when the May 2020 new moon will arrive to deliver us a fresh start and a chance to boost our energy levels — especially after the intense full supermoon in Scorpio we had during the first week of May. Taking place in airy Gemini (and rolling in just two days after Gemini season 2020 begins), this luminary sparks a greater need for communication and a desire to learn something new and process some fresh information. But of course, the May 2020 new moon will affect all zodiac signs differently.
New moons can be a sleepy time (after all, this is the darkest and calmest point in the moon's monthly cycle), but May's new moon will lead us straight into to a high-powered full moon eclipse on June 5, and will also be forming some energizing planetary aspects that can boost our motivation — so we're likely to feel more intense than usual. "This luminary squares off with Mars, which means we’ll be drawn to take action around expressing our passions," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. Get ready to make the most of this luminary, because it's the best cosmic opportunity we've had in a while to truly embrace new possibilities.
Read on to find out how the May 2020 new moon will affect your zodiac sign so you can make the most of this springtime lunation.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Gemini's chit-chatty energy is written all over this new moon, and it's definitely making you want to prioritize social connections. That said, you'll want to be cautious about being overly impulsive and saying something that you don't mean or spilling someone's secrets (even your own). "Think before you speak," Stardust says. "Choose your words wisely to avoid drama."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taureans are known for being a little stubborn, and that's OK — but try to embrace some of Gemini's flexibility under this luminary, because reaching out for a helping hand could make all the difference. "Ask for help if you need it," Stardust says. "Don’t steer away from guidance now." If you stay open to the advice and kindness of others, you might find that you accomplish even more than you would have otherwise.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
While this is an energizing full moon for most, it's in your sign this time around, Gemini — which means that all your hard work might be coming to a boiling point and asking you to slow down. "Work is crazy at the moment, which is why you’ll need to focus on your needs and relax," Stardust says. Set some time aside for a Friday night self-care date and think about new ways to express yourself and expand your personal brand.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The dark moon is the ideal time for a moon baby like you to set a night aside for setting intentions and doing some soul searching. "It’s OK to have some chill time," Stardust says. "Center yourself and embrace your visions." By creating a quiet space where you can hear your inner-voice, you'll have the ideal guide for embarking on upcoming adventures.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Friends should inspire you, but the new moon is making you question whether the people you've surrounded yourself with lately are really the type of people you want to be close with. "Friendships will be put to the test," Stardust says. "Only the strong ones will survive." Don't be afraid to ask the tough questions. You're no follower, Leo, so it's time to start embracing the leader inside of you.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Your partnerships have been in need of a tune-up, Virgo, and this new moon is here to help you get there. However, no one said change was going to be easy, so brace yourself for the lunar feels to come. "You’re leveling up your relationships, but that requires strength," Stardust says. "Have faith in yourself." Remember that this is a time of great possibility, so don't hesitate to step into a new and healthier dynamic within your closest relationships.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The new moon is in a fellow air sign now, Libra, so you might be feeling extra inspired to let your mind wander — but don't run away with a fantasy, because right now is a critical time to stay focused and keep your feet on the ground. "Don’t veer away from your tasks now," Stardust says. "Stay on the path you started. No distractions." Keep putting in the work and you're guaranteed to see some results.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
After that intense full supermoon in your sign two weeks ago, it feels like lines have been blurred in all different directions for you, Scorpio. Allow the fresh-start vibe of this new moon to help you go inward and start putting up the energetic protections you need to get your space back and feel more like yourself. "Creating boundaries in relationships is hard, especially at the moment," Stardust says. "But you can set limits if you try."
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
It's been all too easy for you to pour your heart and soul into work lately, Sag — but this new moon is a reminder that you may have been doing this as a way to distract yourself from other heartfelt matters that deserve your attention. "Your professional visions may be interfering with your relationships," Stardust says. "Try to find a balance that works." Gemini is the sign of duality, so embrace its ability to multitask and try to split up your focus in a healthier way.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You're not typically one to get involved in workplace drama, but the chatty energy of this Gemini moon has even got you hooked into the rumor mill, Capricorn. "Gossip with coworkers may be interfering with your goals," Stardust says. "Stay focused." Take some time away from the chatter and allow yourself to refocus on your personal goals and get back onto your trajectory.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Venus, planet of value, is currently in retrograde — so this new moon might trigger some friction and stress around your financial situation, Aquarius. "Money may be a source of frustration, so try not to overspend," Stardust says. Call on the creative flexibility that comes with the moon being in a fellow air sign and come up with new ways to save and make do with what you have.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Action planet Mars has just entered your sign, Pisces, so you're feeling highly energized and ready to move forward. However, the new moon's introspective touch asks you to slow things down so you can figure out where you're headed. "You’re drawn to take action, but not sure what direction you want to swim toward," Stardust says. Quiet down your inner cheerleader for a second and allow your heart to speak — then you'll know which way to point your cosmic compass.