Full moons are our monthly lunar energy peak, during which the sun and moon oppose each other in the zodiac and serve up all the classic full moon feels, fact checks, and freak-outs that we've come to expect. But this week's luminary is going to be particularly intense, because the June 2020 full moon that rises on Friday, June 5 also happens to be a lunar eclipse. In astrology, eclipses are believed to realign us with our fate by causing unavoidable and often unexpected changes in our lives. With the eclipsed full moon also making some hard aspects to other planets, this luminary might spell chaos — so it's good to be aware of exactly how the June 2020 full moon eclipse will affect each zodiac sign.
But let's first look at how the full moon will impact the collective. It's taking place in Sagittarius, a philosophical fire sign dedicated to seeking truth and knowledge. "This luminary occurs in Sagittarius — and Venus Retrograde, Mars, and Neptune aspect the eclipse point, which will be heightening emotions," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. "We will all want to take action and make changes. We are ready to evolve." While a full moon in Sag would typically be a good time to bring plans or project related to traveling and higher learning to fruition, the concurrent eclipse asks us to open our minds, buckle up, and ride with the tides of change instead.
Eclipses in general are time of revelation and intense change — so it feels like no coincidence that this one, which happens to be the first of a new eclipse series, is materializing during such an incredibly intense and chaotic moment in time. Between the ongoing effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the nationwide protests calling for police reform and racial justice in the aftermath of George Floyd's death, this full moon is likely to only amplify the unrest and collective anger rather than diffuse it.
Here's how the full moon and lunar eclipse combination will affect you this weekend, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
If you've wanted to educate yourself and expand your awareness on a large-scale issue, now's a great time to start taking steps toward getting in the know. "A higher minded activity will call you to take action," Stardust says. Reach out to get resources, make time to listen and learn, and be open to a possible shift in your worldview.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Burnout is real, and although there have been a lot of issues bubbling up to the surface lately that have required your full attention and participation, you also need to know when to say no when people in your life ask for more than you can healthily give. "It’s time to set boundaries with friends," Stardust says. Speaking up for yourself is actually an act of love.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
With Venus retrograde currently blowing up your sign and this full moon opposing it in your house of relationships, you'll want to refrain from making any major decisions when it comes to love or business partnerships. "Partnerships and one-on-one may be tested right now," Stardust says. Take things slow, and brace yourself for shifts.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If you've been craving a change in your day-to-day lifestyle, get ready, because this full moon is here to shake things up. "You may need to spruce up your daily routine," Stardust says. Be open to change, and up your self-care and immunity-boosting practicing, as you'll want to prioritize your wellness and make sure you're physically and mentally strong.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
There's no release as cathartic as being creative, so carve out some time this weekend to express yourself through drawing, music, writing, or whatever it is you do to let off steam and process your feelings artistically. "Let yourself get creative under this luminary," Stardust says. You may not feel inspired, but pushing the limits of your creativity can serve as a form of self-care right now.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
While many things in the world have been at a standstill up until recently, you're feeling just the opposite, Virgo. "A work project will come to an end, allowing you time to relax," Stardust says. It feels like you haven't had a moment to slow down, but now is finally a time to pull the reigns on projects and allow yourself a moment to process.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
No justice, no peace — that's your philosophy as a diplomatic Libra. However, taking time out to center yourself is a must in order to keep yourself sane and energized. "Don’t overwork yourself," Stardust says. "Find balance." At the end of the day, balance is what you're all about, so simply step back and embrace the instinct that's already inside of you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Standing up for yourself in a louder and prouder way than usual is a big theme for you now, and this full moon may even bring out a renewed voice that you didn't know you had in you. "You’re stepping up your game not taking no for an answer," Stardust says. Don't be afraid to speak your truth, set boundaries, and say what you know is right.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Self-care in the form of comfort foods, hot baths, and cuddle sessions are good, but your heart is yearning for some spiritual connection, too. "Commit to a spiritual belief now to center yourself," Stardust says. Take a little time out to light a candle, pray, or meditate and see what messages the full moon energy has to send your way.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You're officially in need of a break right now, Cap. Life has been intense, and this full moon is only likely to amplify those feelings — so don't be afraid to take some time out this weekend for resting and recharging. "You’re exhausted, which is why you’ll find comfort relaxing and not working for once," Stardust says. Turn your phone on do not distrub and take a beat.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
While your mind has been focused on bigger issues, you may still find yourself being dragged into social drama, so be prepared to set boundaries for yourself and know when to say no. "Friends will create drama, which is why it’s important to set limits," Stardust says. Bringing honesty and rationality to your conversations will help ensure they go smoothly.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Months of sheltering in place has its pluses and minuses, but either way, it's depressing to feel like life has become monotonous. That said, take matters into your own hands and add some fresh energy into your living situation. "You may want to spruce up and change your home life," Stardust says. Try buying some plants, moving around your furniture, or starting a new tradition with your housemates.