We've got a full moon coming up, and it's one for the books. On June 17, the June 2019 full moon will light up the skies in the fiery, knowledge-seeking sign of Sagittarius. While it feels like summertime in most places, this is technically the last full moon of spring, before the summer solstice rings in the new season come June 21. The sun will still be in curious, quick-thinking Gemini, so you can expect this moon to ramp us up intellectually. Overall, it's a healing moon that will inspire us to revisit the work needed to reach our goals — not only from the past moon cycle, but also from the start of 2019. This requires that we face some truths, yes, but in the end we can work with this energy to kick summer off with a bang.
"The Sagittarius Full Moon ... signals a time to finish up whatever has been left undone this month, especially in the ares of teaching learning, travel, and sports," wrote astrologer Pam Ciampi in Llewellyn's 2019 Daily Planetary Guide. "This is a Full Moon to be careful of, because it's part of an unstable Neptune configuration that increases sensitivity and also heightens a desire for risk taking." So Jupiter, planet of luck and abundance, will be square Neptune, which rules our fantasies, dreams, and illusions. This aspect can make us overly idealistic and prone to making some pretty dumb decisions. It'll put our heads in the clouds without letting us know it, so best look out for yourself.
But Saturn is also in the mix, forming a sextile to Neptune. This tones down the Neptune/Jupiter kookiness and brings about a reality check to Neptune's near-delusions. It'll help us face reality, no matter what that looks like — and ultimately, even if that's hard, it's a good thing.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust to gain more insight on June's full moon vibes. "This luminary forces us to come to terms with the truth — no matter how hard it may be," she shares. "Seeing people and situations clearly will bring tears of passion," continues Stardust. "However, there's a healing energy attached to the Full Moon which will mend our hearts."
Here's what the stars (or shall I say the moon) have in store for us. Read on to find out how the June 2019 new moon will affect you, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
"Understanding your part in a situation and the consequences of your actions is important now, to grow and evolve," shares Stardust. It's tempting to live in a delusional fantasy world, but you're not serving anyone by doing so, Aries — especially not yourself.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
"You’re seeing the true colors of your peers, which may ruffle your feathers and force you to disconnect for a while," warns Stardust. You want to see the best in people, Taurus, but if they're only showing their worst, then what's a bull to do? Take some solo time to process.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
"Others who have recently let you down may try to romance you back into their arms," warns Stardust. "Proceed with caution." You've had no shortage of disappointments lately, Gem. If you're able to soften your boundaries to forgiveness while also keeping your guard up, do so.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
"You’re not in the mood to argue," explains Stardust. "[R]ather you’re opting to hide from the drama and head out solo." It's time to follow your intuition. Do something out of the ordinary for yourself: Don't worry about indulging anyone's needs but your own. Rinse and repeat.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
"Balancing out finances comes at a minimal cost — if your debts are repaid and paid in a timely manner," explains Stardust. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, Leo. Life can truly be a walk in the park on a sunny day if you simply stop biting off more than you can chew.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
"You don’t always have to be right to win an argument," advises Stardust. "Stepping away from a bad situation before harsh words are slung is crucial for you right now." You don't want to get caught in the cross hairs of someone else's stupidity, Virgo, so just say no to drama.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
"You may feel as though others haven’t been totally honest with you," explains Stardust. "This luminary breaks down barriers that are holding you back from seeing the truth." It's been hard to see things clearly lately, but this full moon will be a windshield wiper for your rainy brain.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
"Asserting yourself will come at a cost, as it will break hearts if you’re not careful with your words," warns Stardust. Reel in the stinger, Scorpio, for sometimes you forget just how potent and powerful the poison you wield really is. Think twice before you strike.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
"Issues with others are forcing you to take time for yourself, away from the spotlight, and mend fences," shares Stardust. You've been feelin' the friction of human interaction, and this moon will illuminate your need to step back and analyze where you can smooth things over.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
"Understanding your fears may bring you to a new level of consciousness — but, only if you are ready to deep dive into your soul and heal," explains Stardust. Don't be afraid of that deep, dark abyss inside of you, Cap. Armed with a light, you'll see there's nothing to fear.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
"Your crew may not get along with your crush, causing major issues for you," warns Stardust. "It’s time to set boundaries with all of them to ensure you don’t get caught in the middle." Love can make us woozy, so step back and consider all sides objectively to figure out your needs.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
"A work project may be coming to an end," shares Stardust. "It’s time to look for a new creative place to invest your artistic energies." Thankfully, the world is ripe for your pickin', Pisces, so allow the moon to illuminate the endless possible routes for your next adventure.