It's officially eclipse season, folks, which means the cosmos are more likely to throw some unexpected twists and turns onto the paths we're currently traversing. That said, this Friday's full moon isn't just any ol' full moon: The January 2020 full moon is also a lunar eclipse, meaning it's supercharged in its ability to dose us with a bit of classic full moon chaos — and if we want to cruise through this one gracefully, relinquishing a need for control might be a helpful way to navigate the waves this lunar event will crash upon our shores, cause eclipses don't mess around.
This luminary will peak (in both fullness and eclipse-ness) at 2:21 p.m. EST on Jan. 10 in the watery, emotional sign of Cancer. The moon is happy and very much at home in Cancer, considering it's the sign's natural ruler, so it gets to be its fully emotional, sentimental, nurturing, and occasionally moody self while it's in its domicile. Bustle chatted with astrologer Nura Rachelle, also known as Moon Mystic, about what to expect with Friday's luminary. "This eclipse is bringing our self-awareness and attention onto the North Node in Cancer, accelerating our focus onto the future self we’re creating," she explains.
Full moons are typically a good time for releasing energy that we're ready to shed and coming to realizations about matters, but with all the eclipse energy influencing this luminary, it may be better to leave things up to chance. Rather than actively seeking to make changes during this eclipse, it may be better to sit back and acknowledge what comes up before making moves. "What we are collectively working on is greater nourishment and nurturing of our emotional bodies, and acknowledging how this influences all our other bodies (astral, physical, spiritual, etc)," explains Rachelle to Bustle. "The more we can tune into the energetic flow of our homes, our temples, and the vessels that contain and hold our vital life force energy, the more we can create what we truly want without draining ourselves."
If we're willing to trust the energy of this eclipsing luminary, then it helps to understand how this full moon lunar eclipse will affect our luck, since we may find ourselves relying on fate and chance just a bit more than usual. Here's an astrological breakdown of how each zodiac sign can maximize their luck under the full moon/lunar eclipse this week:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
This eclipse is teaching you to trust your inner compass, Aries. "You are all systems go with knowing what you want, and your luck comes from simply acting on it, with a focus on letting your emotional guidance system lead the way," shares Rachelle. "You’re healing your connection to your purpose, and learning to trust your gut." If you turn the volume down on all your other endeavors, you'll be able to hear the instructions for your next moves clearly.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
"This is a karmic choice point for you, with the results manifesting toward the end of this year," explains Rachelle. The seeds you plant now, Taurus, have the potential to grow with you all year long — so take a risk and plant what you want to see bloom. "With Uranus stationing direct near your Sun, your luck comes from choosing the change that liberates and awakens you. It’s time to let go of the fear holding you back from really living!"
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini isn't the sign of the twins for no reason. Embrace your multi-faceted, many-faced self this eclipse — trying on new hats, masks, and personalities for size. "Your luck comes from playfully experimenting with new self-concepts and self-definition," explains Rachelle to Bustle. "This is a time to let your instincts guide you!" Trusting your inner self and adopting a playful, lighthearted attitude about your current affairs will glide you through this eclipse with ease.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your ruling planet is in your territory now, and you're going to feel the eclipse-influenced vibrations throughout your sense of self and identity. "With the Moon being eclipsed in your Sun sign, this brings a strong energy of integrating self-image," says Rachelle to Bustle. "Your luck comes by seeing yourself accurately." Allow the energy of the full moon to be your spiritual mirror. See yourself in everything around you; un-attach yourself from the image of yourself you thought you had.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Your creative energy is the current that's pulsating through the rivers of your current goals, drive, and motivation — so allow this eclipse to help you adjust your spiritual GPS toward your true destination. "You need to find the highest essence of whatever energy is moving through your life right now," shares Rachelle. "You may be working through endings, but your luck comes from faith and trust in the power of your creativity." The eclipse will realign, then you will steer your ship.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Your hard work is finally paying off, Virgo, and you'll feel the shifting tides under this full moon's beams. "You are in a karmic fruition phase this Full Moon Eclipse, and your luck comes from all the strategic development and the aligned judgments you’ve made this past year," shares Rachelle. "This is a time of reaping what you’ve sown." Enjoy the ripening fruits of your labor — and let the current synchronicity be a reminder that you can, in fact, trust yourself.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
New year, new you, Libra: "This is a time to actively release whatever commitments are outdated or not serving you," advises Rachelle. "Your luck comes from updating your karmic agreements, and releasing the old and stagnant so that the new and aligned energy can come through." Think of this eclipse as a spiritual housecleaning for the seasons ahead. You have many new, exciting projects on the horizon, so don't clutter up your precious space with anything less than inspiring.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Allow this eclipse to awaken the innate knowledge of and confidence you have in your own power, Scorpio. "The world wants you and needs you right now, and your luck comes from shining your phoenix light with everything you’ve got," shares Rachelle. "You are a beacon for those seeking to radically shift their lives." When you speak, others will listen — this is a big responsibility, but learning to trust your capabilities in this area is essential to your growth.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You'll feel the energy of this luminary in your body, so be sure to connect your physical nature with the spiritual and emotional world. too. "Your luck comes from your energy and vitality," explains Rachelle to Bustle. "With Mars here [in your sign], you have all the energy you need to take wisdom action and turn your theories into integrated truths." Allow the hyper-surge of fiery, Mars-y fuel to add some energy and zeal to watery depths of this Cancer-ruled luminary.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
"Happy Solar Return month!" says Rachelle. "Your luck is hand in hand with your ability to purge the stagnant consciously." This is the big full moon of your sun season, Cap, and it's keeping you on your toes as far as maintaining your emotional and spiritual equilibrium. This can be a difficult feat to pull off when you're simultaneously trying to relinquish control at the mercy of this eclipse, but as you step into your sun-season power, you'll find you strike the balance.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
This eclipse inspires you to see the beauty and meaning in things, and embrace a more sentimental side of yourself. "Your luck comes from the new relationships and patterns of relating you’ve been forming with Venus conjunct your Sun," explains Rachelle. "You can ease in your expression of your purpose, and hopefully an idea or two is ready to manifest!" Keep your feelers out for any bolts of lightning that inspire you to see something in a new way.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
"The Full Moon is trine Neptune, who’s been in your Sun sign for almost a decade," shares Rachelle — and this brings a powerfully emotional and harmonious feeling to you, Pisces. "Your luck comes from honoring timeless truth, and integrating the part of yourself that believes you are here to experience all the beauty of life," she continues. "When you do, you can make your fantasies a reality." Expect to see shimmers of your dream world emerging in the light of your waking life.