If you've been diligently pecking away at work projects — ones you started during a recent new moon, in particular — you might notice that they're finally starting to come together during the February 2020 full moon. While full moons tend to be a time when goals are finally achieved, each zodiac sign will feel different effects on Feb. 9.
"Under this full moon in Leo, we will experience a culmination of something that began six months ago under the new moon in Leo; which was on July 31, 2019," Narayana Montúfar, the senior astrologer at Astrology.com and Horoscope.com, tells Bustle. "With this in mind, this full moon would be a good time to reap the rewards of our efforts, and under its positive energy, many signs will have the opportunity to shine."
That, along with other planetary activity, might also mean making a few changes. "The theme of this full moon will be to find a balance between our work and social lives," Montúfar says. "The heavy presence of planets in Capricorn has been making us work super hard — an influence that will still continue for a few months."
You might even be inspired to take a break from it all, Montúfar says. Read on for more ways the full moon might affect your sign, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
This full moon will happen in your 5th house of creativity, Montúfar says, bringing with it the end of a long and arduous project at work. You'll feel a major sense of relief, but will also be struck with inspiration to start a new project, pretty much immediately.
"Make sure to give yourself the chance to create (in and out of the office), express yourself, and have some real fun in the process," she says. From side projects at home, to cool ideas at work, take advantage of this burst of energy, and see what you can create.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Since Leo rules your 4th house of home and family, you might feel drawn to this area of your life during the February full moon, Montúfar says. If something comes up, don't be afraid to take a few days off from work in order to deal with it.
For folks who focus so intensely on their careers, like you do, taking a personal day may seem like a big deal. But sometimes it's exactly what you need to do.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This full moon will activate your 3rd house of communication, which could highlight the way you share ideas at work, Montúfar says. It might lead you to realize that you haven't been speaking up in meetings or sharing ideas with colleagues.
"If you have been cooking up a new project in your busy mind, this would be the perfect time to outline it and present it to your peers," Montúfar says. While it's fine to mull things over, part of building a career is putting yourself out there and taking a risk. So even if it feels foreign at first, this new form of communication will likely bring about all sorts of positive change.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This full moon is happening in your 2nd house of resources, Montúfar says, which means it's going to highlight the balance you have between what you give and receive from your career. You might realize that you're putting a ton of energy in at work, but not seeing much payoff. And you might even start feeling burned out, as a result.
"Ask yourself if you have enough time, resources, or energy to nurture yourself," she says. "If you don’t like the answer, it’s time to make a change." Use this full moon to begin the process of looking for a new job, or simply find ways to feel more fulfilled at work.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Since the full moon is in Leo, you may find that this is your chance to shine at work, Montúfar says. Just be sure you don't overwhelm yourself by taking on too much.
"This moon in your sign connecting with intense Mars means you could try to bite more than you can chew when it comes to the number of projects you can efficiently lead," she says.
Instead, take a step back and figure out what seems most meaningful, and be honest about how much you can actually do. You're capable of getting a lot done, but there are only so many hours in a day, and packing your schedule is not the way to find success.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Something's been brewing at work lately, Montúfar says, and it's possible it has to do with your work/life balance. "Alternatively, a project could be reaching a culmination, or an office secret could be revealed," she says. "Regardless of what happens, this moon is calling you out and begging you to take a break."
By stepping away for a while — or at least making a point of leaving work on time, and enjoying your evenings and weekends — you'll start feeling more like yourself again.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
This full moon might make for a tough day for Libra, Molly Cardinal, a professional astrologer, tells Bustle, as you'll find yourself feeling a bit shaky, in terms of your own self-belief.
You might feel frustrated by all the projects you've started, but have somehow been unable to finish. If that's true, take the time to think about what's actually meaningful, and what's just taking up space. "Turn inwards and figure out what really is holding you back," Cardinal says. "Do some healing work, and take the first step."
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
You're going to feel the effects of this full moon in a big way, and will likely be inspired to reexamine your career, as a result. "The positions of the sun and moon, as well as the position of their [your] planet, Pluto, is focused on [your] aspirations," Cardinal says.
Take a second to assess how you've been feeling, and what your motivations are at work. It may be time to set new goals for yourself, Cardinal says, including ones that feel more real and authentic. What do you actually want? Answer this question honestly, and don't let the opinions of others get in the way.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
During the last few weeks of January, you likely felt a bit aimless and confused, Cardinal says. But don't worry, as it's likely to ease up with the full moon in February.
"Sagittarius is ready to fully step through the fog of the self-doubt and see their options more clearly," she says. "[You] can decide exactly who [you] want to become, what [you] want to pursue, and bring [your] characteristic optimism to that journey."
This might mean asking for new and exciting projects at work, looking into new professions, or even starting side projects outside of work.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
There's been a lot weight on you lately, Cardinal says, thanks to the Pluto and Saturn conjunction, but this full moon will afford you to the opportunity to look forward and appreciate the utility of the changes you've been experiencing.
"Jupiter and Neptune’s aspect on this full moon gives [you] positivity and hope," she says, "and the Aquarius/Leo spectrum of the sun and moon helps [you] look toward the future and understand how this transformative process will pay off for [your] long-term goals."
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Since the February full moon will be happening in Aquarius' opposing sign of Leo, Cardinal says, it may feel like the right time to start considering your current career path from a different angle. Aquarians are often lost in thought, so if you need a little help doing so, reach out to friends and family for advice.
You might not initially like what they have to say, Cardinal says. But instead of digging in your heels, or retreating back into your brain, try to remain open to change, and allow this Leo full moon to inspire you to pursue something new.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You've been feeling inspired the past couple of weeks, Cardinal says, though also a bit frustrated as to how you can express your ideas in a practical way. But this full moon may help you figure it all out.
"Jupiter and Neptune, two important planets for Pisces, are aspecting and giving Pisces all kinds of hopes and dreams," she says, "and this full moon is going to take the idealism and bring it down to earth."
Your nebulous goals will finally start to take form, but only if you do more than talk about them. This will be a great time to hash out a concrete plan and figure out how to make your ideas a reality, Cardinal says, one step at a time.
The February full moon will be a great time finish up projects, and make things happen at work. If you want to set more career-related goals, Montúfar says, wait for the next new moon, which will be happening on February 23.