The Decade Is Closing With A New Moon Solar Eclipse. Here’s What It Means For You.

Welcome to the final major luminary of the decade, folks! The December 2019 new moon, which takes place late in the night on Dec. 25, is rising in earthy, get-stuff-done Capricorn. But it's not just any ol' new moon. As mentioned, this is the last new moon of the 2010s, making it a milestone you'll want to stay up late for. It also falls on Christmas (or just after midnight on Dec. 26, if you're on the east coast), giving it an extra festive touch. And last but not least, December's new moon is a also solar eclipse, which completely changes the energy and vibe of the luminary — and you'll definitely want to know how this baby is hitting your zodiac sign.
New moons mark the start of a new lunar cycle (and in this case, the lunar cycle that will carry us straight into a new decade) — and this often makes the energy of new moons good for manifesting fresh energy into your life. Such is not the case with this new moon, though, and that's because of the eclipse that'll be rolling through alongside it to fully shake things up — in a good way! "The Solar Eclipse on Dec. 25 is one of the most fortunate the stars can give to us," explains pop culture astrologer Kyle Thomas, who spoke with Bustle about this luminary and some of the planetary aspects that are influencing it.
"Not only do solar eclipses bring exciting breakthroughs and beginnings, they open doors to us that were previously locked," Thomas continues, noting that they help establish themes for the next six months. "Be prepared for news because it is coming!" Eclipses are all about fate. So rather than trying to manifest our own goals, we're better off sitting back and opening ourselves up to the cosmic wisdom that'll be bestowed on us. If you're on the wrong path, the eclipse will swoop in and shake things up for you. This can be disorienting, yes — but it's also ultimately for the best.
This new moon takes place in Capricorn, just a couple days after Capricorn's sun season begins. It's also the second Capricorn new moon of the year (the first was in January), so we're definitely going to be feeling the Capricorn-heavy energy of hard work, ambition, and stable plans on the brain. "With the Solar Eclipse being in the Earth Sign of Capricorn, our ambitions and long-term plans are going to be collectively upon our minds," shares Thomas. "Capricorn energy is one that will be with us significantly throughout the coming 12 months because Jupiter, planet of fortune, resides here. We want tangible results for our hard work and we are about to see them through persistence."
Eclipses can be a little scary given their penchant for quickly throwing us into completely new energetic spaces and situations without as much as a hint, but this year's final luminary is set to be a positive one thanks to some auspicious aspects from Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter "comes in side-by-side with the Solar Eclipse spilling gifts upon us that will appear out of thin air," explains Thomas. "This, too, is in part because of a stunning connection to Uranus, planet of surprise and liberation. Miracles shall rain like showers of gold." Let's hope so! Check out how the December 2019 new moon and solar eclipse will affect your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
While the energy of the new moon/solar eclipse isn't great for charging full-speed-ahead in your preferred style, Aries, what it is good for is thinking through your plans without too much attachment, and staying open to fresh inspiration — because it's likely coming! Call on Capricorn's slow and steady, practical-minded energy as you think through your next moves.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Eclipses aren't a good time to attempt brand-new projects. But you, Taurus, have had some solid plans bouncing around inside your brain for quite some time now — perhaps even for the whole latter half of 2019. The new moon in hardworking Capricorn (a fellow earth sign, mind you!) is asking you to start taking steps to actualize these goals. You've had plenty of time to plot and plan. Now make it happen!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Intimacy, sex, and romance are definitely on your mind as the skies darken under this new moon/eclipse, Gemini. What's been coming up for you in the intimacy department over the past six months and even year? Take what you've learned about this part of your life and pair it alongside what you desire in order to help you carve out your next steps. It takes work and planning to be able to set the boundaries you need.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This new moon/eclipse is putting a spotlight on your partnerships and getting you to think a little more critically about what you want in a lover, business partner, or friendship. While calling on Capricorn's rationality will be helpful as you gain clarity in this area, as an emotional water sign, you should also welcome the intuition that comes from the more feeling-driven side of yourself. Let your emotions lead.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
This new moon may be rising at the height of winter, but you're on fire now, Leo! This solar eclipse bubbles up a ton of inspiration and motivation relating to the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of 2019 — ensuring you end the year on a high note when it comes to knowing what direction you want to head over the coming months. Shoot for the stars and be ready to re-energize your passion projects.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
This new moon/solar eclipse is pulling out all the stops for you when it comes to romance, Virgo. If you've felt stagnant in your love life, prepare for the tides to shift and the waves to amp up, because you're about to receive a whole bunch of fresh energy in that department. Thankfully, with both the sun and moon in fellow earth sign Capricorn, you won't get swept too far out to sea in lust. Keep your feet on the ground — but let your heart soar.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
With Capricorn's practical-minded energy dominating, your airy Libran self is likely to be pulled down to earth and asked to consider the future, your stability, and your home life during this new moon and solar eclipse. You're probably feeling a little more domestic than usual, and making your home a highly-functioning and stable space is going to be at the top of your priority list. Create the space you need right now.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Keep your eyes and ears peeled during this new moon/solar eclipse, Scorpio, because inspiration and surprises of all sorts are lurking behind every corner. Think of everything you see, hear, touch, and smell as content that you can mine for ideas. Your mind is ablaze with excitement for what's to come of your personal goals and ambitions, and the world is your oyster. Look out for the shine of a pearl.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
With the new moon/solar eclipse lighting up your second house of money and finance, you can prepare to start setting the stage for your career-based endeavors over the coming months. While you won't want to make any risky, typical-Sag-style moves (it's Capricorn season, so take it slow and steady!), now's a great time to start with some daily affirmations that will encourage your confidence and abundance.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Both beginnings and important endings are definitely taking form for you under this luminary, Capricorn, as this new moon and solar eclipse marks the kickoff to your sun season as well as the second new moon/eclipse in your sign this year. Embrace your confidence and inner Beyonce as you begin to visualize your goals for the future. Now's the time to build yourself so you're ready to start making moves in 2020.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Pay attention to your dreams and intuition now, Aquarius, because the only person who can guide you in the right direction under this new moon/solar eclipse is you. With the luminary taking place in your ephemeral 12th house, you'll likely be ready to close some major chapters in your life, whether that involves ending toxic relationships, saying goodbye to a soul-sucking job, or simply moving on to your true calling. Don't be afraid to bid your past adieu.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Look at the people surrounding you in your life right now: Partners, friends, coworkers, roommates, the whole lot. Are they supportive of your goals and life purpose? Now's the time to consider what kind of energy you've welcomed into your life, and how you want to proceed. Your vibe attracts your tribe, as they say — so adjust yours accordingly to ensure you're surrounded by the positivity and inspiration you need to get to where you want to be in the next six months.
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