The year 2018 has certainly brought us many moons (as well as many subsequent moods), but believe it or not, we're quickly approaching the very last full moon of the year — the luminary that will carry us through the rest of 2018's final moon cycle and straight into 2019. Party time. The December 2018 full moon will crest in the lunar-ruled sign of Cancer on Saturday, Dec. 22. This not only marks the final fully-lit luminary of the year, but it's also taking place less than a day after the peak of the 2018 winter solstice (also known as the shortest day of the year and first official day of winter). December's full moon is also notably going to be the longest full moon we've seen in nearly a decade, serving up more than 15 hours worth of bright, glowing view time — so you'll want to get your moon-goddess-self outside into the night and bask in its glorious moonbeams. We've had a couple doozies moon-wise this past month, boiling tensions right out of the pot and causing everyone to feel a wee-bit delusional. But December's full moon is bringing us a sweet chance to heal from the rocky past month, and it may even have some happy cosmic surprises in store.
Both the last new moon and full moon were in hard aspect to Mars, planet of war, which definitely made us hot-headed and quick to feel frustrated. But December's full moon offers us a much-needed change of pace. "This full moon brings a wave of peace and tranquility after a year of cranky astro weather," shares astrologer Caitlin McGarry with Bustle. "Set some humble intentions for 2019 and surround yourself with your community and people that uplift you." Most people are already pondering what energies they'd like to release in the coming year, so this late December full moon fully illuminates the areas we'd like to work on, showing us where we need to go in totally divine timing. "The moon is at home in Cancer, [so] use its healing silver light to recharge you before the new year," advises McGarry.
That all said, what's a full moon without some classic full moon tears? Cancer is a water sign and its ruling planet is the moon herself — so you can bet this sign is more than a little emo. But that's not a bad thing! "The Cancer Full Moon serves an emotional release, which will help heal past wounds," explains astrologer Lisa Stardust, who also spoke with Bustle about the upcoming luminary. "Be aware, you will definitely be feeling the feels — so make sure you have a box of tissues nearby and a close friend you can call who will sympathize with your struggles." All I can say is: EmBrAcE yOuR fEeLiNgZ — because you'll likely be rewarded with some much-needed full moon healing, clarity, and community bonding if you do. It's all part of the full moon flow, ya know?
So yes, we're emo! But we're also healing! And we're overall feelin' good! This moon also happens to be in a favorable aspect to beloved weirdo planet Uranus, so you might find yourself in the midst of some exciting cosmic synchronicity — along with the bonus urge to let your freak flag fly. Don't be afraid to be your unique, one-of-a-kind self under the light of this moon! Have fun with it and embrace your intuition. You might find yourself blessed by some pleasant surprises, amusing coincidences, and unusual bursts of inspiration.
We're closing out the year with an emotional but good-vibe-wieldin' luminary, and all zodiac signs are going to feel its power. Bustle chatted with Stardust about how the December 2018 full moon will affect each sign, so check out what the stars have in store for you as these winter moonbeams hit their peak.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It's definitely chill-from-home (and work-from-home... and just never-leave-home...) type of weather out there — and this full moon's vibes are only going to seal that deal for you, Aries. "Connect with family and friends from the comforts of home," advises Stardust. "Trust us, no one will realize you are wearing your pajamas and slippers during conference calls." Up the cozy factor and snuggle in for the longest night and the longest moon of the year.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Emotional healing is on the menu during this luminary, Taurus, so take advantage of the vibe and apply the energy to any relationship in your life that needs it. "Use your sweet words to kiss and make up with others who may have recently disappointed you," Stardust tells Bustle. Everything is being illuminated by this moon, especially when it comes to emotions, so allow yourself to forgive and heal as you close out the year.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
It's way too easy to spend into an oblivion of debt while on holiday shopping binges. Like, we all feel you. But just be cautious, Gem, because this moon is highlighting some touchy money issues for you. "Watch your holiday spending, as this luminary sheds light on your personal finances, which may be at a lull," advises Stardust. While it's easy for you to get carried away with excitement, this may not be the year for you to shower everyone you know with extravagant gifts. Channel the energy of this moon into getting your financial sitch in check.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If anyone is going to feel the emotional release of this moon, it's you, Cancer, given that the moon is rising in your resident sun sign. "This may be an emotional time for you, dear crab," explains Stardust. "Under this Full Moon, which aligns with your Sun, you are driven to release and start fresh in many aspects of your life." Full moons are all about release, so align yourself with its energy and let go of any heaviness that feels like baggage weighing you down. You deserve to swim freely.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
It's hard to step back and chill in the midst of holiday party season, especially for a fiery Leo, but try to channel your lunar-lit energy toward self-care during this full moon. "Take a break from the spotlight and use your powerful voice to heal yourself," advises Stardust. The emotional healing vibes are high, and the person who might need your love and support most right now is actually you. Do yourself the favor and spend this full moon having a party for one, self-care style.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Full moon party! Your social life is a-buzzin', Virgo, and the chance for synchronicity to sprinkle magic over your encounters during this luminary is high. "Connect with old friends under this Full Moon — who knows, you may even make some new friends and business contacts," shares Stardust with Bustle. Seize this opportunity to connect with others, let your personality sparkle, and sync up with the abundant, energized vibe of this full moon.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You've officially been busy as all heck, Libra, and just because you thrive as a social butterfly doesn't mean that being booked up 24/7 is your idea of fun! This moon brings good news: The stress-clouds are parting, and a rainbow is shinin' on through. "This luminary puts an end to your seasonal work projects, allowing you to rest during the holidays," shares Stardust. Now's your opportunity to chill, so allow this moon to help you release the stress of recent endeavors and give you a chance to relax and live it up during the holidays.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Let's get spiritual, spiritual. Use this full moon's energy to open your mind and dive deep into your spiritual well of inner truth and feeling. "It’s a good time to meditate your stresses away, using the light of the Moon to guide the way," explains Stardust to Bustle. Vibes are exceptionally high and energized during this moon, so align yourself with the buzz of its built-up energy and do some meditation and visualization work. Anything that allows you to journey inward to relieve your stress will be extra potent.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
With both the holidays and your birthday hitting all around the same time, you've been going hard — but during this moon, money should be on your mind. "This luminary is a good time to call up a financial advisor to gain insight and guidance on your finances," advises Stardust. It's easy to get carried away with holiday spending, but right now, you should use the moon's energy to get your affairs in order and gain a clearer vision of where you're at financially.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Feels, feels, feels. I know you don't always love to feel 'em, Cap, but the lunar floodgates have opened, and this moon is illuminating all the issues in your partnerships. "Personal relationships may be the cause of frustrations, as you are emotionally processing recent dramas," explains Stardust to Bustle. Go with the water-ruled flow of this luminary and use your levelheadedness to resolve these issues with aplomb. Your rationality will serve you — just don't forget to acknowledge that feelings matter as much as facts do in situations like this.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You've been on a tear when it comes to getting things done lately, Aqua, 'tis true. But productive as you've been, this moon is highlighting the fact that you need to indulge in some serious rest and relaxation — for the body and soul. "Stop your workaholic tendencies and focus on restoring balance to your body," advises Stardust. "Use this luminary as motivation to hit up a yoga class and stretch out." The holidaze is all to real for you, so use this moon to take a pause and release your recent stresses.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
With the last full luminary of the year in a fellow water sign, you'll definitely be feeling the emotional waves in spades, Pisces — and it'll actually sail you deep into some serious romance, with a full-moon-charged cherry of creativity on top. "This Full Moon sets off the romance sector of your chart, forcing you to take a creative break with bae," shares Stardust. Spend the full moon with someone special, or channel its eccentric energy into a passion project to express your many feelings.