How This Month’s Full Moon Will Affect Your Job, No Matter What Your Zodiac Sign

With Mercury retrograde finally behind us, all zodiac signs have a full moon and, subsequently, a fresh start to look forward to. On Saturday, August 28, a full moon will rise in the sky just before 8:00 a.m. EST, and lead the way to a new lunar cycle in Virgo that's filled with all of the light and clarity we need. How the August 2018 full moon will affect your job will depend on just how motivated you allow yourself to feel during this recharge period.
Mercury retrograde and the Leo lunar cycle created a lot of mental chaos and confusion for those of us who are sensitive to it. The combination of poor communication and social strains left a lot of us feeling out of sync with friends and distracted from work. Stir in the typical summertime vacation brain and even more of us are going into Virgo season playing a serious game of catch up. Luckily, the ever-organized and direct Virgo influence will help us stay focused on our professional goals, but first thing's first: we have to assess where things are and what our goals are.
Bustle talked to astrologer Linda Furiate about the way in which this month's full moon might affect our professional game, because the last thing any of us need is to be blindsided by some unexpected negative lunar influence. Thankfully, according to Furiate, August's full moon isn't going to throw our professional progress off track, it's only going to inspire us to make even stronger choices and ensure a much more productive fall to balance out the summer.
"A full moon is when the sun and moon are in opposition. In astrology, the full moon represents a time of reflection through those we relate to," Furiate explains. "With this full moon, the sun will be in the sign of Virgo and the Moon will be in the opposite sign of Pisces," Furiate adds, going on to say that during this time we might feel a strong need to create boundaries in our professional lives so that every aspect can be as distinctive and clear as possible.
After a messy and foggy summer of blurred lines and short attention spans, August's full moon is going to shine a light on the chaos and inspire us to clean it up. There's no way to get our professional lives on track without properly seeing where things stand, first. And if you meditate on the full moon and allow it to illuminate all that you've been too distracted to see, according to Furiate, you'll have a great place to start.
After assessing everything, Furiate says that it might become very clear to us which boundaries between co-workers have become too thin. While it's important to have a sense of friendship and trust in the workplace, business for the greater good of all has to come first. Furiate suggests that "this could be a good time to set up a strategy to say no to tasks or behaviors that do not serve our true nature," to co-workers that you've realized you don't have strong boundaries with. Once you talk to your co-workers about the professional boundaries that work for you, you can open up a dialogue about what kinds of rituals and routines work for you both.
Once you're on the same page, you'll be able to be more productive and efficient. "Our intention may be to please our clients and co-workers through our desire to be productive and to serve the needs of those around us," Furiate says.
So, find the time during the full moon to think about the ways in which you can improve internal boundaries and how you can be more efficient with your own self-care. How's your mental state after this messy summer? Let the Virgo full moon shine a light on what you're missing and what you need to focus on getting in the month ahead. Once you can visualize what you need, Virgo's laser-sharp focus will help keep you on track to get it. While your professional life might feel paramount right now, you have to check in with yourself, too. You can only be as valuable to your employers as you are to yourself.