April's Full Moon Is Bringing Some Balance To All Zodiac Signs Amid The Chaos

Welcome to the first full moon of the new astrological year! On Tuesday, April 7, the April 2020 full moon will illuminate the skies, marking the lunar peak of Aries season 2020 and bringing all of the intentions we put out into the universe during the Aries new moon last month to an energetic surge. This is the climax of the first lunar cycle of the spring season, and it takes place in the relationship-focused sign of Libra — the cardinal air sign represented by the balancing scales.
While this lunation is super powerful when it comes to energizing our partnerships (in love, business, and friendship alike), we'll also be hit with some classic full moon chaos thanks to some other planetary aspects that will be simultaneously stirring the cosmic pot. A tough square aspect between hot-headed Mars and unpredictable Uranus could mean chaos, freak occurrences, and unexpected fighting or discord. But with Libra's energy, we'll all find ourselves focused on balance, diplomacy, and love. Also, full moons have the power to illuminate. They bring things to the surface and shed light on matters that may have been lurking in the shadows. Breathing through the stress, tending to your closest partnerships, and seeking to bring balance to any part of your life that feels out of whack will be your shelter in this storm.
Check out your full moon in Libra horoscope for love, career, and friendship to find out how the April 2020 full moon will affect you, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Love: Love is definitely on the forefront of your mind. "You’re putting your relationships first with the desire to make it work, instead of only focusing on your needs," says astrologer Lisa Stardust.
Career: This luminary asks you to work out issues with your boss or within other business partnerships. It's time to talk things through and listen with open ears.
Friendship: One-on-one bonding is what you're craving, so carve out some time for a phone call or FaceTime session to catch up with your closest friends from afar.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Love: Pouring yourself entirely into work isn't going to relieve any stresses, but neither is getting totally lost in love. Keep both feet on the ground during this luminary to buffer out any romantic road bumps.
Career: "Try to keep busy during these times and start a fun new creative project to keep busy," Stardust says. Focusing on maintaining a work/life balance in spite of all the chaos will help keep you sane, and this full moon is striking you with inspiration.
Friendship: You're prioritizing your health and getting a routine in order — so bring your friends into the picture. Join an online yoga class or group workout with a pal to stay connected and feel more social.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Love: "You’re in the mood for love," Stardust says. "Get your virtual flirt on with your crush." Pleasure is at the forefront of your mind under this full moon, so seek it out wherever you can.
Career: Find new ways to apply your creativity to your day job. You're bursting with fun ideas, and aligning your talents with your current career path can put you on a better trajectory.
Friendship: Just because you can't link with your friends in person doesn't mean you can't keep up on your hobbies togethe. Host a craft night or karaoke party via Zoom so you can let loose and channel your full moon feels into creativity alongside your crew.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Love: This luminary offers you a lovely opportunity to get more vulnerable with your partner. Focus on opening up your heart and showing your partner the real you.
Career: Whether you're working from home or not, having a functional space to get things done in your living quarters is a must, and the full moon offers you a burst of energy to carve that space out for yourself.
Friendship: Your friends feel like family right now, so pull your closest pals in close, even if that's virtually. "Embrace your home life and try to have chill time with friends and family via Zoom in your PJs," says Stardust.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Love: Communication is key for your love life right now, so express your feelings via text or e-mail so that you have it all down in words. It'll mean a lot to your significant other now, too.
Career: Use the lunar energy to strengthen your business partnerships and open your communication channels. You're thinking and expressing yourself with extra clarity and diplomacy, so use your skills to your advantage.
Friendship: It's amazing how fast drama can start, even when you've barely left the house. "Shut down the gossip and rumors that are swirling around you without drama," says Stardust. Don't get swept up in anything silly.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Love: Show your partner or crush how much you care by sending them a token of your affection — a small but thoughtful gift can go a long way to boost morale and bring a smile to someone's face right now.
Career: Don't lower your value for anyone, Virgo, and allow the illuminating power of the full moon to light up your self-esteem. "Step up your game and know your worth when dealing with others at work," Stardust says.
Friendship: You're separating the wheat from the chaff in your friendships right now. People's true colors really show during hard times, and you'll see who has your back clearly under this luminary.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Love: It's all too easy for you to put your partner first, Libra, but right now, you need to tend to your own needs when it comes to your role in relationships. Make sure you're speaking your truth when it comes to love.
Career: You're full of bright ideas — and this full moon in your sign is bringing you the confidence you need to push forward with them. Don't shy away from chasing your professional goals.
Friendship: Your friends love you for always offering an open heart and listening ear, but now's a time to set some personal boundaries and put yourself first. "This luminary will make you focus on you and you alone," says Stardust. "It’s OK to be selfish once in a while."
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Love: You'll feel an almost transcendental connection between you and your lover under this luminary, so use this spiritual depth to support each other and open up about your fears. It feels good to have someone to lean on.
Career: "You’re too giving away too much of your energy at the moment," Stardust says. Put up some boundaries at work and don't wear yourself out — you can only go so hard for so long.
Friendship: There's an intense closeness within your inner circle of friendships and they may come to you for advice, but you won't be able to see other people's issues with much clarity right now. "Try to focus on your own needs," Stardust says.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Love: You're really missing the social element of your romantic life right now, so do your best to recreate it. Use the full moon's energizing vibe to plan a virtual "date" with someone new by having dinner on FaceTime, or join a book club with your partner to stay connected.
Career: Collaborate with your colleagues as much as you can right now. Staying virtually connected with your team will really boost your morale under this luminary — and teamwork might spark some fresh ideas.
Friendship: Lean into your friendships and plan a full moon Zoom call with the crew. "Your friends are now a source of inspiration, offering you support and kindness," Stardust says.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Love: It's time to put love a little higher on your priority list, Capricorn. Carve out extra time for your crush or partner and use the full moon energy to show them a new side of yourself.
Career: The full moon will give you the break you didn't even know you needed now. "Work projects may be put on hold, offering you time to destress and center yourself," Stardust says.
Friendship: Use this luminary's focus on balance to bring harmony into your friendships. Reach out to the people whose callbacks have been on the back burner, and call out the friends who haven't been pulling their weight, too.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Love: When it comes to love, the sky's the limit, Aquarius — even if you're stuck indoors.
Career: Now's a great time to pour your extra time and energy into learning some new professional skills. Sign up for an online course or make a plan to start seriously pursuing some of your personal goals.
Friendship: "Taking the high road with others is necessary now to keep the peace and to avoid arguments," Stardust says. Don't let yourself get emotionally involved in the drama and use common sense to guide you.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Love: When it comes to love, Pisces, listen to your heart. "Lean into your intuition," Stardust says. The full moon will light up the truth for you, and you'll be able to see what you want with more clarity.
Career: You might be faced with some tough choices at work, and now's the time for you to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. "Trust your gut when making decisions," Stardust says. Speaking your truth now will allow you a lot more freedom at work down the road.
Friendship: All you want in friendships right now is real, deep, and juicy conversation. Gather virtually with your closest crew under the full moon's energy and get beneath the surface of how you're all really feeling about things.
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