Good news for autumn lovers, bad news for everyone else: The 2019 fall equinox is coming up on Sept. 23, and marks our transition into the season of pumpkin, spice, and everything nice. The equinox is the beginning of a new meteorological season, but it's also the start of a new astrological season, as the sun moves from the earthy sign of Virgo into the balanced sign of Libra. The transition from one astrological season to another has a tendency to change our vibe, and in the case of the fall equinox, it marks a good time to recalibrate and focus on striking a balance between the energies in your life.Of course, how the fall equinox affects you will depend on your zodiac sign.
So what is the equinox, exactly? During an equinox — there are two, one's at the start of fall and one's at the start of spring — the length of the day and the length of the night are approximately equal. An equinox is the opposite of a solstice, which occurs in summer and winter and is when we experience the longest and shortest days of the year, respectively. Once the fall equinox passes, we begin our descent into the quarter of the year when the days are continually growing shorter and nights longer.
Astrologically speaking, the fall equinox also coincides with the beginning of Libra season, when the sun moves out of Virgo and into this ever-balanced cardinal air sign. Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who gave us the low down on the astrological implications of this transit. "The autumnal equinox is the sun’s ingress into Libra," she explains. "During this time we can take a moment and try to find balance in our lives."
Everyone will be able to feel the shift in energy once the equinox hits, but given the astrological nature of this transit, it's going to affect each sun sign a little bit differently. Here's how the fall equinox will affect your zodiac sign so you can prepare yourself for what's in store for you during the first day of fall.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You may start to feel like all the energy you're used to spending on yourself is suddenly seeping out elsewhere, putting a spotlight on your relationships. "Partnerships are a focus now," explains Stardust. "Beware of who you want in and out of your life." Shifting your focus is great, but be sure it's going toward healthy moves.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A new season is always reason enough to start something new, and this is no exception. "You’re implementing a new daily routine into your life," says Stardust. "Start slow." There's no need to rush — seeds planted now will grow strongest with attention, love, commitment, and most importantly, time.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
For various reasons, you've been romantically off the market, but today feels different all of a sudden, "It’s time to get your flirt on and put yourself out there romantically," says Stardust. Even if you're not ready for a new relationship, it's time to spice things up — and this applies whether you're single or linked up!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The sun always shines a little differently after an equinox, and the light within you feels different, too. "Your beliefs are shifting now," explains Stardust. "[E]mbrace change and transformation." You're an ever-evolving being with endless iterations of you — allow yourself to bloom.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
It's easy to look around and judge the people around you, but work to keep these thoughts — however accurate they may seem — to yourself for now. "Try not to gossip too much this week, as it may come back to haunt you," warns Stardust. Protect your reputation and let your sunshiney positivity shine through today.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
The sun has just shifted out of your sign, and maybe you partied a little too hardy. With the equinox bringing some major energy shifts, it's time to do what you do best: Get organized. "Commit to a new money making plan in order to yield a profit," advises Stardust. You'll be in tip-top shape again in no time,
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The fall equinox means many things, but to you, Libra, there's just one: It's your birthday season! "Treat yourself to a new look or have a 'you' day," suggests Stardust. The first day of fall means your sun season has begun, so let it be a celebratory day of self-care and a little extra attention on you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
The equinox marks the time of year that the sun moves closer to your sign, putting a spotlight on you in ways that sometimes feel uncomfortable. If you embrace the skin you're in, you'll be more prepared for eyes on you. "You're resting up for the rest of the month," says Stardust. "Take time to reflect."
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
New doors have recently opened for you, and now, new people may be walking through them too. "A new friendship may bloom now," says Stardust. "[H]ave fun exploring the relationship." Human connection is food for the soul, so allow yourself to feast on the fun that's to come with new friends.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
There's a lot to look forward to as you embark on the final fourth of the year, and your career sector is lighting up. "A new project at work can yield excitement in the future," says Stardust. Even if you're not pumped off the bat, know that this project will open doors for the future.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
The seasonal shift has got you feeling a little existential, but hey, what else is new? "Take a moment out of your day to meditate and be one with the universe," advises Stardust. Centering yourself and getting in touch with your mental powers is the ideal way to step into a new season.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
It's time for you to shine, and to finally conquer any 2019 goals that have fallen to the wayside. "It’s time to invest in taking back your personal power," says Stardust. If you feel you've sold yourself short over the past months, this is the season to hit reverse and get on the path you should be on.