Pluto is a mysterious planet in astrology. As one of the slowest-moving planets in our solar system (also the planet that's usually the most distant from the earth), its influence on us astrologically is esoteric and can sometimes be perceived as a little dark — Pluto is also the god of the underworld, after all. Pluto retrograde 2019 began on April 24, and its annual backspin is going to affect all of us for the next five months. Expect to deal with the unavoidable truth of issues relating to control, power struggles, deep internal changes, your subconscious and shadow self, and any deep, hidden secrets. We'll be feeling these transformations edging closer to our reality in many areas of our lives, but knowing how Pluto retrograde will affect your love life can help you prepare for any major shifts in that department.
Firstly, you're going to want to spend time over the coming months examining power dynamics in your relationships. Are you exhibiting controlling behavior toward your lovers? Is your lover controlling of you? Sometimes facing truths about power and control issues is difficult, but Pluto retrograde will make these imbalances nearly impossible to ignore. According to Astrology King, "If you have been too smothering and controlling in a relationship, holding on too tight, then you may be forced to let go." And while it may be painful and may be difficult, it will also likely be for the best.
This is also a time when you'll want to be extra careful about secrets, lies, and deception. "Immoral or unethical behavior such as lying [or] manipulation ... would have serious consequences that would further restrict your options and freedom," wrote Astrology King. Secrets have a way of slowly eating us alive, and if we're hiding something in a relationship, it can (and likely will) start seeping through the cracks, poisoning the honesty you do have. Be wary of deception — and watch your own back, as things are bubbling to the surface.
"Pluto retrograde will bring exes and new lovers together in a unique way. As long as you engage and respect the taboo, you will have an easy time," explains astrologer Lisa Stardust, who spoke to Bustle about this backspin. "Just be careful for triangular relationships and power struggles."
No matter what your sign, Pluto retrograde and your love life are likely to cross paths in some way, so be prepared for the potential transformations. Bustle chatted with Stardust, along with astrologers Alby Toribio and Renee Watt to find out exactly how Pluto retrograde will affect your love life, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You're raising your vibrations and cutting away the spiritual bullsh*t right now, Aries, so expect to reevaluate your current or potential future partnerships to be sure they jive with your current transformations. "Time to review and reflect, this retrograde will strip down your ego and reconfigure your views on your legacy and place in society," explains Toribio. "And maybe you’ll drop someone who doesn’t meet your redefining standard, try to fix it, or place yourself to attract people who will match it."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Putting yourself out there is a must during this retrograde, Taurus, so get cuted up and ready to flirt, or just be more vocal and experimental in your current partnership. Your inner-self is ready to explore what your boundaries are, really focus on your needs, and be willing to go out there and see who might be able to meet you on your level, and it can be a fun adventure. "Explore, explore, explore! Pluto retrograde will break open and expand your standard in romance," says Toribio. "[B]e open to more romantic exploration, and reconfigure beliefs on love."
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Love is complicated, and you have some healing to do. "Get ready as Pluto opens the gates of Hell," warns Toribio. Yikes. Prepare to dive in deep to explore the parts of yourself that connect you with others. "Pluto retrograde will shine more light on the deepest part of yourself and bring forward energy that will (figuratively) kill you," Toribio explains. "This is a moment where you will transform yourself (ego). Everything should be fine but remember to be open to love when you see it, and let go of whatever doesn’t serve you."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This is a shedding of the stale, and a welcoming of the new when it comes to romantic energy in your life, Cancer. "Pluto will directly kill off any bad relationships, [and] give birth to new relationships," shares Toribio. "Most importantly transforming your relationship of who you are when it comes to one-on-one relationships." There's a paradigm shift taking place. You've taken a lot of sh*t, and you don't want to do that anymore, do you? Your standards and boundaries are becoming firmer.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Best advice for Pluto Rx? Just be yourself. It's due time you cut away the less-authentic fluff that you think you have to embellish your personality with. Your partner should like you for your true self, not your ego-driven self. "Don’t be afraid to tap into that fabulous swagger and confidence Leo’s are known for," advises Watt. "Love will literally be around every corner, and you’re likely to run into a crush or two during your daily routines." If you're single, it will be easy to find love — and if not, you'll probably notice a willingness to be more playful, open, and trusting with your current partner.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Pluto retrograde marks a make-or-break moment (and by moment I mean five-month-period) when it comes to healing past relationships and finally gaining the closure you need. "Romantic connections from the past may get a second chance during this retrograde period," explains Watt. "An old crush is likely to resurface, use this opportunity to make it work or get over them once and for all." It's either a no, or it's taking up your energy — decide truthfully which resonates most with the authentic, non-ego parts of yourself and your current life trajectory.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You have a tendency to enslave yourself to love — which is very lovely and sweet, but not if it's at the expense of your own well-being, goals, and desires. True value must come from within, not from others. "This retrograde may ask you to do some hard work, but it’s all in an effort to build up your confidence," shares Watt. "Putting yourself out there isn’t always easy, however, stepping out of your comfort zone will remind you of your worth and show you what you’re truly capable of!" Challenge yourself to put yourself first.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Pluto retrograde wants to crack you open and force the light into all your shadows, Scorpio, so although this isn't your favorite way to feel, you should get ready to get vulnerable. "Scorpios are notorious for being emotionally guarded as a defense against deception," explains Watt. "However, this retrograde is all about becoming more emotionally open and letting go of issues around trust." It's OK to open up your heart sometimes — most people don't aim to hurt; rather, they just want to relate to you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Power dynamics are highlighted over the coming months, and it's going to force you to look at your habits and the current status quo in your relationship of the moment. "Be sure to stand in your power when it comes to your relationship," advises Stardust. "Don’t let your partner manipulate your emotions — or vice-versa." How much have you (or your partners) had to put up with when it comes to power imbalances? Do whatever it takes to even the playing field, even if it means moving on.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Pluto retrograde can make you feel forlorn or unseen, Cap, and while this isn't a good feeling, it's also a temporary one. "You may feel overlooked at this time by a romantic interest," explains Stardust. "Don’t despair, you will be seen and loved in due time. Focus your energies on healing, rather than love." It's super important to focus on the fact that your intrinsic value as a person has nothing to do with what other people think about you. Now is a time to explore the parts of yourself that you don't feel like you love, and turn them into roses.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
No Aquarius wants to be held down, but how existential is this need for speed? And is it merely a defense mechanism, keeping you from exploring parts of yourself that make you feel vulnerable and afraid? "Squashing fears around commitments will prove challenging," explains Stardust, "but you can overcome your fears with perseverance and determination." You've got the strength inside to work through these issues. Emotions can hurt us, yes, but they can also bring us the greatest of pleasures.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Signals can get confused when planets backspin, especially if you'd rather float downstream rather than pick up your feet. Keep your head on straight lest your emotions lead you astray. "You may develop a crush on a friend who is currently in a relationship with someone else," explains Stardust. "Three’s a crowd, try to crush on someone who is available." Now's not the time to meddle, but it is the time for you to clear the fog from your field of vision and analyze your love life from a higher perspective.