For anyone who was worried that the unicorn beauty trend would die with 2016, fear not — we are a mere 10 days into 2017, and already there is another unicorn product for the Internet to obsess over. Lush's "Unicorn Horn" Bath Bomb is the latest in line after the unicorn highlighter/lipgloss/hair dye of 2016, and it may just be the best fantasy-inspired product yet.
The bar is a pink, yellow and green "horn" (aka a swirly triangle) that crumbles into your bath tub and creates pastel colored, lavender-neroli scented water. It actually does sound like a fantasy, doesn't it? Lush's website touts the product as "magically relaxing," though I personally would call it "heaven."
Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar, $7, Lush
For as amazing as the Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar is, it's actually surprisingly affordable. For only $7.95, you can have the multicolored bath of your dreams (... if that's the kind of thing that you're into). Lush never ceases to amaze us by making bath time just as much fun as it was when we were little, and this time they've seriously outdone themselves. After all, who didn't imagine floating in glittery unicorn dust back in the day? (Or was that just me...)
Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar, $7, Lush
The Lush Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar is available on Lush.com, and makes a great gift for your Valentine, or, even better... For yourself.