Lady Gaga and Urban Outfitters might have seemed like strange, not-gonna-happen fashion bedfellows when Mother Monster was at the height of her meat dress days! But the singer, who has streamlined her look lately, isn’t quite so sartorially exclusive these days. Lady Gaga dropped exclusive Joanne tour merch at Urban Outfitters locations on Friday, May 19. The pieces cruise onto the Urban Outfitters site on Monday, May 22. There are tees and totes, among other items like caps and bombers. How much are the Lady Gaga x Urban Outfitters Joanne merch pieces?
Well, the Lady Gaga x Urban Outfitters Joanne tour merch collection runs the gamut, price-wise. It's $28 for the short-sleeved tees and $38 for the long-sleevers. The totes are $16 and you can use them rather than plastic bags to transport groceries.
The Dad cap is $29 and can be the perfect summer accessory to keep hair out of your face and off your neck, in addition to keeping the sun out of your eyes on those super hot days.
The brick red bomber, which is likely the piece that Little Monsters will most covet, clocks in at $279. It's a funky piece that will last forever and goes with everything, making the cost per wear really low! Plus, it really displays one's love for Gaga and proud Lil' Monster status.
Some of the pieces are UO exclusives, making them that much cooler.
The jacket is only available online.
It's a nice variety of merch, along with actual music.
Choices! You can always grab some fabric scissors and hack up the tees for a custom cut and fit. Remember when Gaga was rocking tattered, vintage rock tees a few summers ago?
For so long, Gaga's outrageous fashions really drew a strong line in the sand between herself... and everyone else. A merch collection at a cool retailer like Urban Outfitters brings her back down to earth just a bit.