Just when you thought this year couldn't get any more intense, surprise: Mercury retrograde summer 2020 kicks off on June 18 to sprinkle a little additional chaos over your summer season. It's serving up three full weeks of mixed signals, communication mishaps, timing troubles, and more through July 12. It's retrograde season, too, so Mercury isn't the only planet taking a temporary backwards jaunt — it'll join Venus, Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, all of which are also retrograde at the time Mercury's backspin begins. This summer is bound to be a doozy, so you should at least make yourself aware of how Mercury retrograde summer 2020 will affect your zodiac sign, so you know what lies ahead.
Planet Mercury rules over communication, thinking, timing, transportation, and everyday technology — so as you can imagine, its retrograde periods affect a lot when it comes to our daily lives and routines. Retrogrades in astrology signal a time for us to slow down. It's a period of reflection, reviewing, and revising our current plans and principles as relating to the retrograding planet's jurisdiction. In the case of Mercury retrograde, we'll want to constantly double check our schedules and all written communication, plan ahead when traveling, and be extra thorough when it comes to handling any fine details or timing-related issues.
This summer's Mercury retrograde takes place in the highly emotional sign of Cancer, which will make us feel more sensitive, easily hurt, and could up the chances of us taking retrograde-fueled mishaps personally. "Mercury retrograde is a time to slow down a bit, reflect, rethink, re-do, re-plan, reorganize, and reconsider. It's a period of correction," astrologer Leslie Hale of Keen.com tells Bustle. "We can expect to encounter confusion, delays, missed meetings, and equipment breakdowns — though hopefully not all of these things at once!"
Check out how Mercury retrograde summer 2020 will affect you, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Love: You're not usually one to hold a grudge, but during this retrograde, you're more likely to take a lovers' quarrel to heart. Communication proves to be especially tough to navigate with a live-in partner, so try extra hard not to take things personally.
Career: Prepare to deal with some issues at work and have to address the way work affects you in your personal life. Roll with the uncertainty by laying low and making a list of things you'd like to focus on resolving post-retrograde.
Friendship: You'll spend a lot of time looking inward during this retrograde, Aries, so prioritize spending time with your closest friends — the real MVPs who you can be honest with at all times.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Love: Miscommunications are at an all time high, so when it comes to having conversations with your partner, be conscious about your choice of words and say exactly what you mean. We're all feeling a little more emotional now, so sensitivity goes a long way.
Career: There's potential for drama and gossip at work, Taurus, so put up your energetic guard and keep your personal matters out of workplace conversations. As tempting as it may be to chime in with your two cents, its best to avoid getting involved.
Friendship: Your social life is shifting, and you'll probably find that your schedule will have to take on some extra flexibility because of it. You might feel your friends are less reliable right now, but try not to hold it against them — as you're probably feeling less secure in the plans you make at the moment, too.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Love: You might feel some tension around what your values are in your romantic relationships right now, and that's OK. Seek comfort in the physical realm, but also give yourself some emotional wiggle room to sort through your feelings.
Career: Don't be afraid to rethink the way you make money. While it's not advisable to make any major career changes during the retrograde, you could take this time reflect on what you (or don't) connect with in your job — and then hatch a plan to re-align your career path with your values.
Friendship: Mercury is your ruling planet, so its retrogrades can even leave a smooth talker like you stumbling for words. When connecting with your crew during this period, spend more time listening than talking to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or arguments.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Love: Your emotions will be peaking in intensity during the retrograde, and it'll be harder to make sense of them — which can make things in your relationship feel confusing. Take a breather and gather your thoughts before discussing anything major regarding your love life.
Career: Because the retrograde is in your sign, take extra precautions when it comes to number-crunching, scheduling meetings, and showing up to work on time. You're likely to miss an important detail if you don't slow down and triple-check things.
Friendship: Look for healthy ways to express yourself with friends during this period to help process your many emotions. Heart-to-heart conversations with your close confidants can help you let off some steam and make sense of your brain fog.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Love: This is a period of deep reflection for you, Leo, so it may be hard to be totally present in love. Be open with your partner about whatever you're going through — and if you need some extra space, ask for it.
Career: Your busy career life may feel like it's hit a bit of a standstill during this period, but think of this pause as a good thing. The slowed-down energy gives you a chance to breathe and figure out what goals you actually want to focus your energy on moving forward.
Friendship: It's likely that old friends or other people from your past will re-enter your life or creep up in your memories right now in unexpected ways. Reconnecting with someone could actually offer you some much-needed new perspectives or opportunities to heal.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Love: Any major conversations or negotiations with your lover will take a little extra tact and planning on your end, Virgo, as your usually sharp tongue will struggle to find the right words to express your feelings.
Career: Problem-solving at work will take some added creativity now, so don't be afraid to check in with your coworkers and ask for a second opinion on things — and definitely save any major course-correcting until after the retrograde clears.
Friendship: You could really use a helping hand right now, but you might find that your friends are just as much in need of support as you are. Pull your emotional resources together and find mutually beneficial ways to lean on each other.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Love: Your partner will likely have to work overtime when it comes to showing you emotional support during this retrograde. This is a time of intense personal change for you, Libra — but if your lover can hang, then it'll ultimately strengthen your relationship.
Career: You might need to work on polishing things up when it comes to your public image and career life now. Temporarily step out of the limelight and try to refine your efforts by smoothing out any rough edges in your work.
Friendship: Everyone you know is a work in progress, Libra, so don't be self-conscious about the fact that you don't feel "perfect" right now. Who does? Remember that your true friends are here for all sides of who you are — even the parts that aren't curated for social media.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Love: Your mind is on the big picture now, Scorpio, but be careful not to neglect your relationship. It's easy to get sidetracked and put romance on the back burner, especially if the retrograde starts messing with your plans, but don't leave your partner in the dust.
Career: Instead of moving forward on big projects at work, take time out to assess all the little details involved in your plans and pursuits so you don't miss anything major. This way, you'll know exactly how you want to handle things once the retrograde clears.
Friendship: This retrograde is a practice in letting go of your need to be in control. You'll find that the dynamics in your friendships are shifting faster than you're able to keep track of, so try to stay flexible and try not to hold grudges for missed dates or misunderstandings.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Love: Your most intimate relationships will be impacted by the retrograde's confusion, so listen to your inner voice and be sure you're setting boundaries with your partner clearly and honestly.
Career: Take stock of any debts you owe now, Sag, and be prepared to make good on them. If people have done you favors or you've made promises about deliverables at work, it's likely that you'll soon be asked for what's rightfully owed.
Friendship: Keep your heart open to new friendships, but also pay attention to any old friends who reappear in your life now. They could be here to teach you some valuable lessons or bring a resolution to past dramas that came between you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Love: You'll definitely run into some emotional hiccups and confusion in your relationship right now, Cap, but it's nothing that can't be solved with some good old fashioned TLC — tender love n' communication, that is! Address issues as they arise by talking them through.
Career: As tempting as it may be to take charge at work, step back and let everyone do their own job right now. All you need to do is worry about pulling your own weight and handling your responsibilities with care. Without you doing more than your share, your colleagues will have to do the same, which will ultimately bring more equality.
Friendship: Slow down and realize that your words have a heavy impact on the people close to you during this retrograde, Cap. Handle one-on-one conversations with friends with extra diplomacy to avoid hurtful miscommunications with your crew.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Love: Instant gratification isn't always the answer when it comes to love. Ultimately, a slow-burning fire brings more warmth than a firework, so don't overlook a good thing with someone due to your retrograde-shortened attention span.
Career: Your schedule has gone totally topsy-turvy, and you probably feel disoriented being so outside of your routine. With things so up in the air, focus on longer-term work projects and leave any new endeavors alone until after the retrograde.
Friendship: Are your friends stimulating your creativity and bringing joy to your life the way you need them to be? Now's a good time to reevaluate who you choose to surround yourself with and why. If your crew is bringing negativity into your life, take note.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Love: Look out, because this retrograde might wash up an ex-lover onto your shores this time around. Remember why you ended things in the first place before you get your heart involved again. Sometimes it's best to just leave someone on read.
Career: Prepare for some curve balls at work, Pisces, especially in relation to your passion projects. You might end up taking a long and windy road to reach your goals, as the direct route proves to be riddled with obstacles.
Friendship: Embrace your fluid, watery nature now, Pisces. Nothing is what it seems, and any plans made with friends right now are likely to fall through. Do your best to stay committal, but don't panic if you run into miscommunications or missed connections with your crew. Once the retrograde clears, you'll have an easier time connecting.