Here’s How This Month’s Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Your Love Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

While Mercury may be the planet of communication, technology, and getting around, we all know that one of this planet's retrograde periods can affect things in our life spanning far and wide. Mercury retrograde March 2019 — aka the first planetary retrograde of the year — takes place in dreamy, emotional water sign Pisces. On top of navigating the tech-related mishaps, scheduling issues, and communication lapses, we're also going to be very much in our feels. That said, relationship changes are majorly in the air. Whether you're single or linked up, you should be aware of how Mercury retrograde will affect your love life — because it definitely can.
Some words of Mercury retrograde love advice? Remember, Mercury rules communication — and when the planet is backspinning, so is our ability to communicate clearly. You'll want to take extra time to express yourself thoughtfully and carefully — otherwise, you'll risk your partner misinterpreting something, and this can easily lead to arguments. We might find ourselves feeling a little extra sensitive thanks to Pisces' influence, too so be aware of that and try to soften up your words.
And remember: sudden endings and beginnings of relationships that take place during this retrograde aren't necessarily going to last. If you and your beau hit the brakes now, you might find yourself together again come April. And if someone strolls into your life while Mercury's rollin' backward, they may roll back out just as quickly once the planet goes direct. Be cautious! Oh, and you know exes love to crawl out of the woodword every time a planet goes retrograde, so look out for those, too.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust about the ~love n' romance~ vibes that this retrograde will be serving up to all of us lovebirds over the coming weeks. "This Mercury Retrograde falls in tender Pisces, allowing us all to use our intuition to build or burn romantic bridges," she shares. She weighed in on exactly how Mercury retrograde will affect love, based on your zodiac sign, so take a peek.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Dear impulsive one, reign in the urge to act on your romantic desires and instead allow Mercury's backspin to become your pause button, giving you time to really think things through. "Use this time to reflect on what you want from relationships and others," says Stardust. "More importantly, use this time to reflect on future desires." With your ruling planet Mars also currently in slow-moving Taurus, hitting the brakes is going to be an all-around heartache reduction technique for ya.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Beware of a friend and the offer of newfound benefits: "A friendship may become more during this retrograde," explains Stardust. "Before you make the move toward love, make sure you have legit feelings for them." Love is fun, and fun is what we all want during Mercury retrograde as an antidote to all the intensity, but don't make moves that you know you might regret later on. That said, if you think it feels right to shake up that friend zone, we're not telling you to hold back, either.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
A fun n' flirty work situation may be in your very near future, Gem. "You may find love at work or through networking," shares Stardust. "Have fun with the flirtation and admiration before taking this relationship to the next level." You may be excited about this cute new fling-thing, but Mercury ain't here to play, so take things slow and let stuff simmer before you take anything to a more intense level. You've got a whole post-Mercury-Rx lifetime for that.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Sex, lies, and Mercury retrograde: The next few weeks of a Cancer's life, basically. "Honesty (and lack thereof) may be a theme now, as you catch your current flame in a series of lies," warns Stardust. Yikes, this isn't a cute look, and communication with this less-than-truthful partner isn't coming easy, especially with Mercury's super-backward influence throwing the vibes way off. Allow yourself to take the distance you need to process your feels until Merc stations direct again.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
People are complicated, and so is the influence that Mercury is wielding over all of us during its retrograde — so check yourself before your wreck yourself when it comes to love n' romance, Leo. "Creating boundaries is important, as you may feel overwhelmed by your current beau," warns Stardust. This isn't to say you're not dealing with something special — it just means let things simmer under Mercury's confusion. Once Mercury's direct, stuff will make more sense.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Your romantic relationships are hitting a major breaking point during this retrograde, Virgo, so expect ch-ch-changes to hit you in the heart. "A commitment will either blossom or fizzle," explains Stardust. "It’s dependent on how deep both of your emotions run." Yeah, the timing isn't ideal, as Mercury Rx in Pisces is sprinkling us with confusion — but trust your heart and gut and you'll know you're making the right decision.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Dear Libra, queen of charming strangers into falling in love with you: Oops, you did it again. "Love will come your way through your daily routine," shares Stardust. "Perhaps an overlooked barista or stranger you see on your daily commute will perk your romantic interest." Love appears in mysterious places, huh? This retrograde will make it all the more mysterious, so just follow your heart eyes to your next conquest and have a lil' bit of fun.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Ring the alarms: We're dealing with a classic, retrograde-induced case of the ex. "An old flame will come back your way, sweet talking their way into your arms again," shares Stardust. You're normally not a sucker for this stuff, but by goddess, this retrograde has truly turned even the most reliable of things into a giant ball of confusion. Go with the flow, but know that nothing that starts now is likely to last.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Retrograde feels are making you take deep look at the relationship you're in. "Your connection to your better half is forcing you to consider a deeper commitment," explains Stardust. "Be sure you know who and what you are committing to before you both dive into the deep end of the ocean together." Remember, communication isn't at its finest right now, so take the time to make your feelings crystal clear.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Aw, Cap, is that you hiding away in the shadows?! "You may feel a little overlooked during this retrograde season, leading to shyness in expressing your feelings toward others," advises Stardust. You can't find L-O-V-E if no one can see you. Use your insane power of will to muster up some confidence — even if you have to fake it 'til you make it. No need to say anything you don't feel comfortable saying, but put some extra work into putting yourself out there.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Feelin' weirder vibes than usual, darling Aquarius? Yeah, it's a weird time — and the retrograde is making you feel like you can't see what's up ahead romance-wise. "Your confidence may be up and down, affecting your footing within matters of the heart," warns Stardust. "Try to rely on yourself for love, not others for affection." The only thing you can really rely on now is yourself, so focus your energy inward and put your romantic prospects on a slight hold.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Mercury is backspinning in your sign, water baby, so your love life might feel like a whirlwind of confusion. "This Mercury retrograde will make you ponder the direction of your current situationship, allowing you to decide if you wish to say committed to your current beau," explains Stardust. Now's not the time to make a final decision, Pisces, but give yourself extra space to sort through your many feelings so you can make the right choice when the retro-haze clears.