
Mercury Retrograde Is Coming For Every Sign. Here's What It Means For You.

by Nina Kahn
Scared woman running through the forest

The dreaded Mercury retrograde fall 2019 is getting a lot of attention because it starts on Halloween this year, which is pretty spooky — but that's just one day of it. We've got three whole weeks to deal with this less-than-convenient transit, which rages on through Nov. 20.

Mercury's final retrograde of 2019 is backspinning through the deep, murky, sometimes-dangerous waters of Scorpio. In addition to the usual Mercury retrograde antics (tech failures, scheduling conflicts, communication drama, e-mail typos, travel snags), this backspin will be asking us to focus our energies on the private, intimate secrets and truths that are likely coming up for air. These could be related to finances, sex, or any other issue that might harbor shame and secrecy for you — but preparing yourself to handle things with honesty and thoughtfulness will help you navigate these choppy waters.

Scorpio is a sign of deep transformation (part of why it's so often associated with things like death and sex), so embracing the ever-changing nature of life will help you ride the waves that the retrograde is causing. Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who expanded on this. "Transformation and growth will help us all change — if we are consciously ready to embrace a new direction in life," shares Stardust. "Take the path less traveled and move towards evolution."

These aspects of the backspin will affect all of us — but there are some additional ways Mercury retrograde fall 2019 will affect each zodiac sign differently, based on where it's hitting other planets and signs in their chart. Check out what's on the chopping block for your sun sign during this retrograde — and how you should handle it to avoid utter chaos.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Financially.

Mercury retrograde isn't typically a good time to make any major money moves, but if there are things that need dire attention, making some minor adjustments might be necessary. "Revise an existing financial arrangement to avoid credit issues," advises Stardust. Just be sure to read every bit of fine print before finalizing.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Romantically.

The dreaded retrograde case of the ex. With Mercury backspinning through sometimes-vindictive Scorpio, you might find that some private, intimate matters regarding a significant other of the past come bubbling to the surface. "Be prepared to find out juicy deets about an ex that will be scandalous," warns Stardust. Just don't get too sucked in.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Physically.

Life's been exhausting even your deepest reserves, and this retrograde isn't going to make that any easier — so take matters into your own hands and clear out any unnecessary distractions from your schedule. "Allow yourself to take time out from the daily grind and relax," advises Stardust. Prioritizing rest, self-care, and reflection time is a must.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Romantically.

Retrogrades are notorious for dredging exes out of the woodwork, and with Mercury's final 2019 backspin kicking off on Halloween, you can bet one or two emotionally-triggering people from your past might come back from the dead. "Watch out, for an old crush may zombie your IG page," warns Stardust. Prepare yourself, and don't let yourself drown in nostalgia.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Spiritually.

Your philosophies on life have taken on a new, possibly spiritual tone lately. Don't run from these deeper thoughts and feelings! "Your ideals are shifting now, as are your personal beliefs," explains Stardust. Embrace the new ideas that have been dancing around in your consciousness lately. These are seeds that, if tended to post-retrograde, could grow into a beautiful garden for you later on.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Socially.

Mercury, planet of communication, is your ruling planet, so you'll be feeling the effects it has on our ability to express ourselves properly even more than other signs. "Stay clear of gossip to avoid disastrous consequences from others," warns Stardust. Now is not the time to involve yourself in anyone's choice to run their mouths. Stay far away.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Financially.

It's been a rough go for your bank account recently, Libra, and it's taken a toll on your stress level. While this retrograde isn't the time to do a full-blown financial reboot, you can slow down and start making plans to stabilize. "Your finances are up and down," notes Stardust. "Make better plans to avoid this in the future." Make plans now, and wait to set them in stone post-retrograde.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Spiritually.

You're usually pretty connected to your intuitive senses, but with Mercury retrograding through your sign, you may feel blocked from the free-flowing access to your higher self that you take for granted. "Confusion is making you doubt your intuition," explains Stardust. "Trust your gut." Just because the retrograde is crossing some wires doesn't mean you're not still deeply connected.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Socially.

Be careful of the things you say and do now, Sag — and of the things you've said and done in the past, too. "Secrets come to light," says Stardust of this retrograde. "[P]rotect yours to avoid being exposed!" Handling matters with honestly and acknowledging that communication is hazy during this period will help you deal with any social explosions as gracefully as possible.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Socially.

You're usually able to rise above petty social drama, but during this retrograde, you may find that your circle of friends are creating a spiral of miscommunications that threaten to suck you in. "Friends may create drama now," warns Stardust. "Be sure to stay in your lane to avoid issues." Remember that just because your friends are involved doesn't mean you have to be,

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Financially.

You've been working your butt off professionally and expecting a well-earned payoff to boost your funds. Of course, Mercury retrograde is notorious for its ability to cause snags and delays, so don't be shocked when you're forced to wait it out. "A promotion at work may be delayed," shares Stardust. "Don’t worry! You’ll receive it soon." Try not to push things, and revisit deals once Mercury stations direct.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Tina Gong/Bustle

How Mercury retrograde will affect you: Socially.

With Mercury retrograding through a fellow water sign, communicating with others may feel as impossible and having a conversation deep under the sea. You'll have a tendency to run aay with your thoughts, so make an concerted effort to truly hear people. "Listen to people closely," advises Stardust, "as your imagination will now run wild." Don't read between the lines — take words at face value for now.