We may be in the thick of Aquarius season 2020, but communication-focused planet Mercury officially entered Pisces on Feb. 3, trading in the fresh Aquarian air for Pisces' deep, emotional waters. Because this planet governs communication, making plans, and the way we express and share our ideas, it plays a major role in our social life — so knowing how Mercury in Pisces will affect your friendships can help you navigate these cosmic waters.
With Mercury entering Pisces, our communication style will take on a much more emotional and sensitive tone that requires an extra dose of gentleness and tact. "Mercury, a logical planet, finds it difficult to be in the very emotional zodiac sign of Pisces and causes us to feel clouded and confused," says astrologer Kyle Thomas.
In astrology, Mercury is perhaps best known for its tri-annual retrograde periods, and it just so happens that we'll be experiencing one during Mercury's upcoming stint in Pisces — meaning Mercury won't leave fully leave the sign of Pisces until April 11, and will therefore have an extended influence over our social lives.
This is also, interestingly, the second Mercury retrograde in Pisces that we've experienced in the past year — the last being in March 2019. And this second go-around gives us a chance to revisit and resolve some of the issues in our friendships and social circles that came up at this time last year, so we can leave this Mercury transit with a clean slate.
That said, Mercury in Pisces (retrograde or not!) has the potential to deepen our friendships and refine our emotional intelligence in relationships of all sorts, so long as we're willing to be extra sensitive and thoughtful in the way we express ourselves. Here's how this transit will affect your friendships, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
"Secrets or gossip could suddenly be popping up in your social circle," Thomas says. Pisces' influence can make communication fuzzy and unclear, making it hard to know what's true. This just means you should tighten up your circle for now to only the most trusted few.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Mercury in Pisces is a really social and celebratory period for you, Taurus. "Now is also a lovely time to expand your network online, so expect to see new friends, follows, and DMs slide right in," Thomas says. Use your current magnetic social flair to grow your social media following and start networking.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You're basically the popular kid at school during Mercury's extended stint in Pisces. "People are likely to be praising you, so expect lots of excited and congratulatory messages from friends and your network," Thomas says. "You also could notice that you’re becoming friends with people who have success or popularity, as well." Let your social personality shine, Gemini!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Mind-expansion has been a major theme for you since the start of the year, Cancer, and Mercury in Pisces is attracting you to social experiences that broaden your horizons in many different ways. "You are drawn to connecting with people who are overseas, or friends from a different background or spirituality than you," Thomas says. "They may be delivering unique news that opens your eyes about the world."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Your closest circle of friends is going to be an excellent sounding board off of which to bounce your current thoughts about sexuality and romance during the next couple months, Leo. "Expect to discuss your intimate and sexual needs with your friends — possibly even some taboos," Thomas says. "You may also be voicing your fears about relationships or need advice about how to improve your relationships." Don't be afraid to open up and be vulnerable.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
With Mercury passing through your house of partnerships, you're majorly leaning on your friends for relationship-related advice. "With commitments and partnerships on your mind, you’re likely to be talking all about your current [partner] with your besties — asking for advice or getting their thoughts," says Thomas. "If single, you're certainly asking your BFFs what they think you need in a main partner."
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You've been putting a lot of energy towards work. Consequently, "you could find that you’re becoming closer with your coworkers, possibly even considering them friends," Thomas says. "However, you could also be talking a lot about your work life with your pals and requesting their input." Either way, your friends (from work and otherwise) are helping support you in your career path right now, and it's helpful.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
You're a private person, but you'll find yourself leaning heavily on your trusted inner circle when it comes to getting their advice on your currently-dramatic love life. "Expect to be gushing to your besties about your newest crush or the scintillating details about your love life," Thomas says. "And if things seem amiss in your relationships, you’ll absolutely be venting." Let it all out, Scorpio.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Keeping your financial sitch in check has been a major goal since the start of the year, so remember that you can still have a bustling social life without going out and blowing your paychecks. "Now is a [perfect] time to be planning fun events at home with your pals, whether it’s a movie or game night," Thomas says.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Mercury in Pisces has morphed you into a chit-chatty social butterfly, Cap. "Nobody is going to be more chatty than you right now, so get ready to light up everyone’s texts and messages," Thomas says. Whether on social media or in real life, expect to be the star of the show.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Mercury just finished its jaunt in your Sun sign, Aquarius — and now it's time for you to slow down and evaluate some serious matters regarding your career and finances. "Money is on your mind at this time, so you could be discussing income with your [friends]," Thomas says. Now's the time to tap your social network for resources!
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
With Mercury in your sign, you're feeling the retrograde vibes heavily and may reconnect with friends from your past. "Everyone wants to talk with you lately and you don’t mind the spotlight," Thomas says. "However, during the retrograde, you could find yourself more reflective or realize you feel uncomfortable with something a friend previously had said." Address these issues with friends now rather than letting them fester.