We're in the middle of a major retrograde season 2020 at the moment, with a whopping five planets on a reverse course. Mercury entered Gemini on May 11 and it'll be here through May 28, but this transit is actually making our lives a lot easier. We'll have a solid few weeks of clear thinking and effective communication amidst an otherwise cosmically confusing time, so these weeks are a great time to reconnect socially, come up with creative ideas at work, and knock some things off your to-do list.
Gemini is one of Mercury's home signs (the other is Virgo), so when it's here, it's happy — and we'll find that thinking, communicating, and scheduling flows easily and smoothly now. "Mercury visits Gemini once a year, bringing a curious, fun, and communicative vibe," astrologer Narayana Montúfar tells Bustle. "In a year filled with rare and tough transits, this planet-sign combination is truly a breath of fresh air, and we should be definitely taking advantage of it." If you need to negotiate something for work, catch up on texts and phone calls, or give some deep thought to a decision, the coast is clear to do so.
All signs should maximize on the good vibes and clear flow of energy during Mercury's stint in Gemini. Find out exactly how Mercury in Gemini will affect your zodiac sign so you can capitalize on this cosmic moment.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your communication skills are on fire, Aries. Use this burst of mental energy to get super caught up on all your correspondences and bring that inbox down to zero. It'll feel good to check off that box on your to-do list, and you'll have fun connecting with friends and revisiting old conversations and ideas in the process, too.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
If you need to make decisions around work or finances, now's a great time to get down to it. You're thinking super clearly when it comes to crunching numbers and assessing value, so you'll be able to put together a budget (and stick to it, too). Pop open a spreadsheet and plan your empire, Taurus!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
With your ruling planet snuggling up right at home in your sign, you're feeling all the most Gemini parts of your personality come out to play. You're the life of the party, and you're bubbling over with fun and fresh ideas about just about everything. Satiate your need for mental stimulation in all aspects of life by asking questions at work and planning some fun game nights with your friends.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You're exploring your spirituality right now in a deep and analytical way, Cancer, and you'll probably be able to level up and take some solace in your own belief system. Remember that the only way out is through, so follow your curiosity. Keep exploring the realms of your subconscious and infusing your mystical side into everything you do.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Both your circle of friends and your colleagues are seeing you as the glue holding these groups together. Your ability to think for the collective right now is making you an excellent leader, but you're more interested in sharing the torch — so embrace the collaborative energy in work and friendships to make something great.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Things have picked up at work in a big way, and you've probably found yourself totally slammed with meetings and projects — but you're also busy with some shiny, new career aspirations, too. Capitalize on this moment and use your mental clarity to think about your next moves career-wise, as you're being given opportunities to level up in your job.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Expand those horizons, Libra! You've probably been on like, 20 different Wikipedia holes over the past week, because your mind is going a million miles a minute and you're ready to absorb all sorts of new information and skills. This is a great time to dust off some yet-to-read books from your shelf and transport yourself to a new place through literature — or go with nonfiction and learn something new instead.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
While Mercury being in Gemini makes us chattier, you still have your guard up in some ways during these weeks, Scorpio, and that's OK. You're testing the waters of intimacy in your relationships and making sure you feel safe before you bare your whole soul. Word of advice? Don't totally retreat into yourself. It can help to air out your shadowiest feelings and fears with your closest friends, as talking things through could help you see more clearly.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
If you need to have a one-on-one conversation with someone about something deep, now's the time to go for it — so book that heart-to-heart session now, Sag. Whether it's your boss, best friend, or partner, you've found a little clarity and will be able to articulate your feelings or concerns more easily than usual.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You're focusing on sprucing up your lifestyle and Mercury is giving you exactly the energizing boost and clarity needed to do so. Work to push your worries aside and bring a balance to your life right now. Be sure to factor in time for socializing and exploring your interests. You can't have all work and no play — your happiness levels affect your health, too.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You're feeling flirty, fun, and ready to have a good time, Aquarius. You're full of exciting ideas for personal projects and creative endeavors, so outline some new ideas relating to art and creativity. You'll also find that pleasant and lighthearted conversations with your crush flow more easily now, so chat it up and have some flirty fun.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Putting your emotions into words is flowing with ease right now, Pisces — which is great, because you have a lot of emotions, and it's not always easy to express them. That said, if there are any conversations you need to have with people in your inner circle (like friends, family members, or roommates), do it now while you're feeling expressive and open to sharing your feelings.