'When We Rise' Is A Can't-Miss Series

Get ready for some seriously heavy but entirely poignant television because ABC's newest miniseries event When We Rise will tell the stories of some of our country's most inspirational human rights leaders and their struggle to bring us forward as a nation. In today's political and social climate, it may seem like we haven't come as far as once thought, but watching When We Rise will force viewers to see the past that we simply can not repeat. So, to make sure you plan out your viewing schedule, how many episodes will there be of When We Rise?
This series, which is based on the true stories of activists for the LGBT movement, will air on four separate nights. This television event will begin on Monday, Feb. 27 with a special two hour premiere from 9-11 p.m. ET. From there, you can see parts two and three on March 1 from 9-11 p.m. ET. Parts four and five air on March 2 from 9-11 p.m. ET, and the final two parts will be on March 3, also from 9-11 p.m. ET. They are not considered "episodes" but instead are broken into parts with a total of eight parts, spread over four nights when all is said and done.
The fact that this is coming from the screenwriter of Milk, Dustin Lance Black, should be enough to grab your attention and get you ready for an elegantly told story of struggle and perseverance. Black told The Hollywood Reporter that the timeliness of this series isn't something he is happy about. "I would give anything for this to be less topical," he told the outlet, but he added that he hopes it serves as an inspiration, at the very least.
This is not a series that you want to miss. It is extremely important for us to see our nation's history to ensure that we don't make the same mistakes again. This series is unique because it will inspire you, upset you, and make you want to make a difference all at the same time. Make sure you tune in to be a part of this important special and the message that it sends to us all.