How Many Photos Can You Upload In A Single Insta?

The days of pestering all your friends with, "Should I post this photo or this one?" may be over. On Wednesday, Instagram announced their newest feature: You can now post multiple photos in one post. Instead of individually uploading photos, users will now be able to combine up to 10 of their photos in one Instagram post.
Those users looking to add photos and videos in a quick and clean way will be happy about this new feature. And, if you've ever felt weird sharing more than one pic a day from your Insta-worthy vacation, your problem is solved. Two things to note though: Each photo uploaded must be in the traditional square form and videos will once again have a time restriction at 60 seconds long.
This move once again brings Facebook-owned Instagram more in line with its parent company. Similar to mobile uploads within Facebook albums, users can select from their camera roll with a number appearing in the top right corner of each photo. Whichever photo they choose first becomes the cover photo for the collection of images.
After choosing your photos, the next prompt will allow you to edit. You can choose to filter each photo individually or the entire assortment of images at one time. This is perfect for those looking to keep a consistent theme.
While the location tag will apply to all of your selected images and videos, during editing, you can tag friends in individual photos.
Now, all that's left to do is share your collection. While your post will appear the same way an individual photo would, your friends will view the additional photos by swiping back and forth. Blue dots will appear underneath the photos to show followers how many you've uploaded and which number they are currently on.
Worried that each photo has to be amazing to receive it's own likes? Don't be. Users comment and like just once for your entire upload, so make sure that cover photo is great.
Time to dig into your camera roll and get ready to post lots of #TBTs that almost made the cut the first time around.