This Is How Long Each Zodiac Sign Takes To Fall In Love
You Earth signs like to take your sweet, sweet time.

When you realize that you're starting to fall for someone, it's only natural to wonder if they're feeling the same way. Unless you're lucky enough to date Aries or Cancer signs, who are open with their affections, it may take months for you to finally have an idea of where your partner actually stands. Truth be told, how long it takes for someone to fall in love is influenced by many different factors. If you're curious about how your partner may be feeling, their zodiac sign can reveal a lot.
"Traditionally all Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are most likely to be among the slowest signs to make a move when it comes to love," Terry O’Connor, astrologer at The Astro Coach, tells Bustle. Earth signs value stability and are known for being very practical in their approach to love. So they're not the biggest believers in love at first sight.
Among the Earth signs, O’Connor says Capricorn is probably the slowest of them all. "Formal, old-fashioned, serious and guarded, these Capricorns want love just as much as the next sign," he says. "The timing issue with Caps though is the slow and methodical process that they (and others who like them) have to go through. They want love to be worth it."
On the other end of the spectrum, Aries is known to fall in love the quickest. According to O'Connor, "Aries flies out of the trap like a horse on race day." They're passionate and driven by their desires. If they feel like they're in love with someone, they will go after them.
Whether you have eyes for a Leo or think you might be compatible with a Scorpio, here's how fast each zodiac sign falls in love, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Very Fast
Aries is known for being passionate and fast moving. They're always living in the moment and they never second guess themselves. When it comes to falling in love, there's no sign that does it better. “Aries are leaders, courageous, and like to be in the driver's seat,” O'Connor says. "They explode into action and once they have set their sights on someone, their determination and needle-like focus will pursue that love — until they decide it's not what they want anymore."
Aries just loves the excitement that comes with falling in love. As astrologer Kyla Derkach previously told Bustle, they have a “childlike innocence” about them, especially when it comes to relationships. “It could feel like your elementary school crush all over again,” Derkach said. “They are competitive types and love to play games with their love interests to spark up some friendly rivalry.”
Although they tend to fall hard and fast, getting them to stay in love is another story. They're one sign that tends to leave just as quickly.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Slow
Taurus, the most sensual sign among the zodiac, needs to feel that physical pull towards someone first and foremost. According to O'Connor, they're drawn towards people who are strong and stable. It takes more than just a few dates to see if someone can provide them the security they need in a relationship.
In the early stages of dating, Taurus will take note of the amount of effort someone makes in order to win them over. "Taurus needs a partner who they can trust," Derkach previously told Bustle. “The motto for this sign is 'slow and steady wins the race,' and they're notorious for taking their time. They want to be courted, and they want to be sure the person is the perfect fit for their mind, body, and soul. They're slow to commit, but once they do, they're yours for life."
Among all the Earth signs, Taurus is most likely to want love. Since they're Venus-ruled, good food, thoughtful dates, and romance will keep them hooked for a while. Tauruses don't really like to date just for the sake of dating. They date with the intention of finding someone to settle down with. So even if a Taurus takes a while to fall in love, they will stay in love for a really long time.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Slow
Gemini is a sign that takes a while to fall in love. They're very social creatures and they like getting out there and meeting new people. For them, dating is all about exploring their options. According to O’Connor, Gemini is moved by the mind.
In order to keep a Gemini interested enough for them to fall in love, they have to be mentally stimulated. "They’re attracted to intelligence, banter, sarcasm and lighthearted playfulness," O'Connor says. "Words and how they receive those words will be like pollen to a bee."
Gemini tends to get bored pretty easily. As astrologer Arriana Fox previously told Bustle, "Unless you're lucky enough to get close to a Gemini, you often don't get to see what a real 'gem' they are, as they're good at hiding emotions." Once they realize that they're still into the same person they've been talking to for months, that's when they'll start wondering if they've fallen in love.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Very Fast
Cancer is known for being sensitive and emotionally in tune with other people. They're known for being compassionate, affectionate, and nurturing. They tend to be a little shy at first, but they have a lot of love to give, and have no trouble falling in love fast.
As Fox previously told Bustle, "This sign sees love as a long-term commitment and not meant to be trifled with. Your feelings better be the real deal, or they will see through it.” They need a partner who can make them feel completely safe and secure in order for them to fully commit themselves.
Cancer is all about the comforts of home. They enjoy nice meals, cozy nights in, and making emotional connections. "They’re sensitive and want to know that you get them," O'Connor says. When they do find someone who really sees them for who they are, they get emotionally attached and will likely stay that way for a long time.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Very Fast
The zodiac’s royal lion is one of the biggest romantics. They are fixed signs, so they may take some time to commit to someone. However, as fire signs, their hearts and desires tend to rule over anything else.
"Leo is a charismatic and often a colorful person who can make decisions quickly," Leslie Hale, astrologer for, tells Bustle. Leos have a tendency to fall in love a little too fast. When they do, they'll be loyal until they have a reason not to be. "This can be good or bad depending on the person," Hale says. For instance, Leos often fall in love with the wrong type and can get hurt over and over again until they change who they go after.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, which makes them enjoy being the center of attention. According to Hale, Leos like getting their egos fed. "If you can do this in a subtle, or not so subtle way, then you have a good chance at capturing Leo's heart," she says.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Very Slow
Typically, Virgos aren't in a big hurry to fall in love. According to Hale, they're more about work and productivity, and less about romance and dating. They'd rather spend most of their time building their network and going to industry events than dating a bunch of people who likely won't meet their standards.
"Virgo is typically not interested in anyone they would consider a 'risk,' and this means anyone who does not share their same work ethic or has undesirable qualities that could interfere in any way with their career or slow them down," Hale says. In order to win the heart of a Virgo, it's important to go slow and allow things to unfold naturally. If they get pushed into defining a relationship before they're ready, they might cut and run.
According to Hale, Virgo is a serious sign who likes to get things right the first time. "If you can appreciate these qualities and impress your Virgo with your own hopes and plans for a solid future, you could find yourself on their short list to date when they have time to actually think about it," she says.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Fast
Libra is another Venus-ruled sign who loves love and is a true romantic at heart. In fact, " India Leigh, intuitive reader and astrologer, previously told Bustle, “Libra was born in love with the idea of love. The scales represent this air sign, so a romantic match is not so much an option as a requirement. The question is, will you be the one?”
Since they're Air signs, they like being social and love making new friends. They're also very charming and they like to flirt. If they find someone who's beautiful inside and out, and who's willing to put an equal amount of effort into pursuing them, they can fall in love pretty fast. For them, relationships are meant to be partnerships. It's important for them to find someone who's willing to give as much as they get.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Slow
Scorpios are Water signs that are known for being deep, sensual, and passionate. According to O'Connor, they love those traits in themselves and they like that about others as well. "They’re all about the mystery with an intense and somewhat magical and captivating aura," O'Connor says.
When it comes to dating, a Scorpio will give you just enough to feel like you know them, but they likely won't give you the whole story until they trust you completely. Since they tend to be suspicious about other people's motives, it takes a while to earn a Scorpio's trust and love. Scorpio doesn't just let anyone in.
In fact, astrologer Clarisse Monahan previously told Bustle, "There needs there to be a deep, emotional, and magnetic connection for them to fall in love. But once they get there, being a fixed water sign, Scorpio tends to stay in love and in partnership connections for a long time. This is especially so when they feel they are in a twin flame or soulmate scenario. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, so they will fight to keep the love alive, and the relationship is going. This is not a sign that gives up on love."
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Slow
Out of all the signs in the zodiac, Sagittarius is the sign that doesn't really need a relationship in order to be happy. They're adventurers. "They want to travel, mentally and figuratively," O'Connor says. "They want people with whom they can explore. They want fun, freedom, and frolics."
For them falling in love is all about finding the right partner and being in the right place in their life to take a relationship on. If they find someone who doesn't stifle their sense of freedom and who's willing to explore the world with them, they will find themselves falling in love.
"In relationships, they're totally honest with their loved ones,” astrologers Amy Zerner and Monte Farber previously told Bustle. “They aren't apt to be too demonstrative. They also aren't much for showering their partner with gifts or flowers, which is a character trait that may be misconstrued as a lack of warmth or consideration. However, they will make it exciting for their beloved in other ways." When a Sagittarius is in love, they will make their feelings known.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Very Slow
Capricorns will take their time when it comes to love. According to O'Connor, they love people that work hard, are responsible, and take initiative. Many younger Capricorns find themselves being attracted to older people, as they're more likely to have achieved success.
"Capricorn, being the mountain goat, will take its time to scale that mountain and reach its goals," O'Connor says. "They apply the same methods in business as they do with love. They want love to be worth it."
Caps take their time in determining whether someone is worth investing in or not. They will move at a slow and steady pace. After all, if they’re going to commit to someone for life, why rush? This is also a sign who doesn’t feel the need to settle down on a certain timeline. Until they truly find someone they connect with, they're more than happy to focus on their life goals.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Very Slow
Aquarius is another sign that doesn't really need a romantic relationship in order to be happy. According to O'Connor, they're very social beings. "They’re attracted to people that perhaps stand out or are not afraid to show off their unique and individual self," he says.
They like being out in the community, making friends from all kinds of backgrounds, and they have a natural desire to create change in the world around them. They tend to put more focus into the community than themselves or a romantic partner. It doesn't mean that Aquarius won't ever fall in love. It just takes a really long time.
As Monahan previously told Bustle, "Their idealistic nature outwardly veers more towards social causes and humanitarian issues, but they all have a secret hidden nature that longs for deep connections and love. When they do fall in love, they tend to fall deeply and will do everything they can for the relationship." Many times, an Aquarius will be friends with someone first and then start to develop feelings.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Very Fast
If there's one sign that's most likely to fall in love at first sight, it's Pisces. As Hale says, "This sign falls in love quickly and is prone to getting hurt more often than others as a result," Hale says. "They are often as much in love with the idea of love as anything else."
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, which is the planet of dreams, fantasy, and deception. People born under Pisces are very sensitive and don't handle emotional neglect very well. "They prefer partners to be emotionally caring toward them," Hale says. As long as they have this, they can stay in love forever.
Of course, there are a lot of different things that can go into how fast someone falls in love. Everyone does it in their own time. Generally speaking though? An Aries is going to make moves way faster than a Taurus.
Terry O’Connor, astrologer at The Astro Coach
Leslie Hale, astrologer for Keen
Kyla Derkach, astrologer
Arriana Fox, astrologer
India Leigh, intuitive reader and astrologer
Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, astrologers
Clarisse Monahan, astrologer
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