If things have felt inexplicably intense (you know, like, beyond that whole pandemic situation), perhaps it's because we're in the midst of a major spring retrograde season, during which we're experiencing a whopping five retrograde planets at once. Whew. While retrogrades are known for causing slow-downs and stresses, we're catching a small break with Jupiter retrograde 2020, as this lucky planet's backspin is relatively benign compared to the chaos of some of the others'. Jupiter begins its annual backspin on May 14 (just a day after Venus retrograde begins) and will carry on through Sept. 12, giving us four months to expand our minds, seek out knowledge, and explore the bounds of our spiritual and philosophical ideologies.
Retrogrades in astrology are always challenging in some way, as they ask us to hit pause on our life and review, re-assess, and revise our paths in the areas ruled by the backspinning planet. But because of Jupiter's inherently lucky and abundant energy, this planet's slow-down often feels more enlightening than frustrating. "As the ruling planet of good luck, fortune, learning, philosophy, and spiritual practices, when Jupiter retrogrades, we begin a period of profound inner growth," astrologer Narayana Montúfar tells Bustle. "It’s a chance to review what we have learned while it was direct and realign with our inner compass and truth."
This year, Jupiter will retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, and it'll be forming some significant aspects with other planets throughout the next four months that will enhance its already-powerful retrograde energy. According to Montúfar, these aspects could "bring us good luck and fortune," and also "[give] us the drive and focus to succeed at what we are most passionate about" — so we should all embrace the energy of Jupiter retrograde, as it can bring lots of cosmic rewards our way.
Here's how Jupiter retrograde 2020 will affect you, based on your sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Get ready to revamp the way you think about your career path, Aries. "Jupiter’s presence in your career sector has brought success to your work and public presence, and this retrograde is the perfect opportunity to figure out if this expansion is truly in line with your path," Montúfar says. Listen closely to your heart and mind during the coming months to help align your higher values with your work.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The world is your oyster, Taurus, and you know it — and this retrograde will only help to further dissolve the borders that separate you from whatever knowledge and experience you seek. "You have been learning, studying, and expanding your horizons in a big way," Montúfar says. "As your view of the world changes, celebrate this moment along your journey and get back to your core values." Allow yourself to morph into whatever new version of you is trying to emerge.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Jupiter retrograde has its benefits, Gemini, but you'll need to work harder to slow down your mile-a-minute mind and make sure you're setting proper boundaries as your life's circumstances shift. "[This retrograde] suggests big changes unfolding in a financial situation, sexual partnership, or marriage," Montúfar says. "This is a chance to make choices that take you closer to the place you want to be." Slow your pace to ensure you're making the choices that feel right.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
It's so easy to get lost in the emotions of a romantic relationship, especially for a feelings-focused water sign like yourself — but make sure you slow down and think before you find yourself in too deep without having considered your true goals and desires. "Jupiter has been deepening your one-on-one relationships," Montúfar says. "As Jupiter retrogrades, you may want to be careful about their development and the commitments you make within these connections."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You've experienced a total upheaval in the way you live your day-to-day life recently, Leo, and this retrograde will help you discern between what's aligning you with the future you want — and what's not. "Jupiter has most likely changed your daily routine [over the past months]," Montúfar says. "As it goes retrograde, you may experience some disruption, which will help you make final adjustments." Adopting healthy, new habits doesn't always feel natural, but with lucky Jupiter helping you implement them, you'll have a better chance to make them stick.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
During this retrograde, Virgo, the only thing stopping you from experiencing a total epiphany when it comes to pleasure, passion, and fun is your own self-consciousness — so check that baggage at the door. "As Jupiter retrogrades, you review your yearning for having more creativity, freedom, and sexual enjoyment in your life," Montúfar says. "You can have it all, as long as you stop worrying about what others think of it." Allow yourself to feel into your heart and do what makes you truly happy. From there, things will more easily fall into place.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Get ready to examine the foundations of who you are, Libra, as you'll be digging through the archives of your childhood, family life, and early experiences in order to more deeply understand yourself. "Jupiter retrograde draws attention to your sense of security, making this a very introspective time that offers a deeper understanding of your past," Montúfar says. "Trusting the process will help you have faith in the future." Don't fear what you've already conquered — instead, use it to become more empowered as you move forward into the future.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Jupiter is all about expansion, and you've been doing a whole lot of that, Scorpio. Now it's time zoom in, just a bit, to make sure you're not skipping over important details that'll help you get to where you want to go. "The way you communicate with the world has been expanding enormously, but is this growth sustainable?" Montúfar says. "Use this retrograde to clarify a long-term goal — then apply course corrections, find solutions, and make wise choices that guide you to your destination." Use this time to refine your future plans.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
What's on your mind over the coming months here, Sag, is actually your relationship to yourself and your self-esteem. "Your value system and sense of self-worth have shifted quite considerably," Montúfar says. "Jupiter’s retrograde marks a journey of rediscovering what’s truly amazing about you, and realizing all the good things you have to offer to the world around you." As you readjust to the cosmic upgrades that Jupiter has sent your way, you may feel like you have to get comfortable in a new skin — and the retrograde's slow-down is the perfect time learn to love your new inner reflection.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Jupiter in Capricorn has lit up your sign with blessings and a virtually unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and your horizons have expanded immensely because of it — so this retrograde will help you better integrate this knowledge, if you stay open to receiving it. "Having Jupiter in your sign has been both intense and sweet at the same time," Montúfar says. "And as it retrogrades for the next four months, you are in for another round of personal growth, so keep up the good work!"
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Jupiter retrograde is pulling you into the deepest parts of yourself over the coming months, Aquarius, and you'll be learning to shine some of this optimistic planet's light on parts of your psyche that were previously hidden away in the shadows. "You might realize there is some healing to do, and paying attention to your dreams and intuition is the only way to get where you want to be," Montúfar says. Allow yourself the freedom to slow down and lean into your spiritual side, as this will help you navigate the retrograde's teachings.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
It's easy to be distracted from yourself when you're surrounded by new faces and energies, as you have been over the past months — but during Jupiter retrograde, you'll want to slow down and allow your higher self to assess whether the people in your life are really the people you want to share your energy with. "You’ve been learning a lot about friendship as more people with common interests come into your life, but do they align with your beliefs and view of the world?" Montúfar asks. "Figuring that out is really important before you invest yourself in these connections." Don't settle for anything or anyone who limits your zest for life.