The vibes, they are a-changin' — but it's not just a new calendar year that's brought a shift in the energy. In case you missed it, lucky planet Jupiter entered Capricorn on Dec. 2, 2019 after spending more than a year in its home sign of Sagittarius — and it'll stay here through Dec. 19 of 2020. Jupiter is the big ol' planet of happiness, expansion, and growth, so naturally Jupiter in Capricorn will affect your love life (as well as your work and personal life, too) throughout it's jaunt in this hardworking earth sign during the majority of 2020.
Jupiter is believed to be a planet of good luck, good fortune, growth, idealism, expansion, and joy, so when it comes to our love lives, Jupiter can certainly play a big role. Good relationships help us grow, expand our horizons, and open our minds to new things and fresh experiences, and that's what Jupiter is all about. Plus, depending on where Jupiter is hitting your zodiac sign's chart, it might have an even more major influence on your relationships.
But Jupiter in Capricorn can present some challenges in love. When Jupiter is in Sagittarius, as it was for the majority of 2019, it's known to be in its domicile, or home-base, as Jupiter is the ruler of Sag. But in Capricorn, Jupiter is said to be its fall, which means its energy isn't expressed as freely or easily. "Things get awkward when a planet is in its fall, and when Jupiter is in Capricorn, its path to expansion, joy, and good luck is severely restricted by Capricorn's love of conformity and cautious, conservative philosophy," wrote astrologer Pam Ciampi in Llewellyn's 2019 Daily Planetary Guide.
Because of the critical, goal-focused influence that Capricorn is bearing on Jupiter through 2020, we'll likely find ourselves being more discerning when it comes to dating and choosing potential romantic partners — only being willing to prioritize someone if they truly embody the qualities that we're looking for in a lover. This might mean being way pickier in dating, or getting serious about whether or not you want to be so committed in a preexisting relationship.
"This is the year to get very clear on what you are most dedicated to, and why," explained astrologer Nura Rachelle, also known as Moon Mystic, in an interview with Bustle about Jupiter in Capricorn. "When you have your why, you can stay aligned and focused no matter what the inevitable challenges." Love takes work, and goal-oriented Capricorn knows this. While it may not be the most happy-go-lucky and "fun" vibe for your love life, it's a good time to get clear on what you want in a relationship and build the foundation you need to make that kind of love a reality.
Whether you're on the dating scene or in a committed partnership, expect to view your relationships through a more goal-oriented lens this year and be more steadfast in maintaining boundaries and only putting energy toward those who serve your highest interests. Here's how Jupiter will affect your love life, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your career is taking off this year in ways you never expected, and now's an important time to put in the work. That said, you may find that it's hard to find time for dating, so seeking an independent (and equally driven) partner who inspires you to push forward toward your goals is ideal. It's OK to set the dating bar high right now — you have neither the time nor the patience to let someone less-than-inspiring hold you back.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
With Jupiter hitting your ninth house of travel and expansion, now's a great time to plan a faraway trip to satisfy your travel bug. Or perhaps you've been thinking of enrolling in school again or simply taking a class. No matter your goals, when it comes to love, you're looking for a partner who won't hold you back from this sort of growth — and who will actually encourage it. Linking up with someone who can allow you space to explore your interests and plan mind-expanding activities for you both to enjoy together is key this year.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Jupiter is hitting your mysterious and sexy eighth house through most of 2020, Gemini, which means it's time to expand your horizons when it comes to exploring the deeper, more mysterious parts of loving someone — and it's also time to explore your erotic side. Get in touch with your core desires and embrace both the emotional and sexual unknown when it comes to love. Don't settle for anyone who can't satisfy your deeper needs.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Prepare for things to get serious when it comes to love this year, Cancer! With Jupiter in Capricorn transiting through your house of committed relationships, you're in the business of deepening your bonds or building a solid new relationship from the ground up, tailored to suit your needs precisely. Just be sure not to let your own insecurities get in the way of trusting your heart in love.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
This is a big year for you in terms of accomplishing goals and expanding your horizons when it comes to your work and passions. That said, it will behoove you to seek a romantic partner that can support you in your quest to build a life that aligns with your lofty creative vision! You're working on moving back-burner projects to the front, so choose a partner who can get behind your burst of motivation.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Jupiter in Capricorn is hitting your fifth house of romance and pleasure this year, Virgo, which means big things are taking place in your love life. Expect major shifts in your approach to love and perhaps in your relationship situation entirely. There's endless possibility (and desire!) for romance under this transit — work on opening your heart and not letting your critical nature turn lemonade back into lemons.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Don't be surprised if all of a sudden your typically social-butterfly self is feeling a little more domestic when it comes to love and relationships. Jupiter is lighting up the familial home center of your chart, which has you thinking about what it means to build a life and make a home with someone else. You'll likely have more serious conversations about money or cohabitation with a lover, and when it comes to dating, you'll be drawn to warmer personalities who make you feel safe.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Clear communication is going to be a major theme in your life this year, so when it comes to love and relationships, know that this is going to become an even more important focus. You're going to be dedicated to expressing your feelings in the most authentic way you can (which isn't always easy to do emotionally for a private sign like you!), and you'll expect your potential partners to be equally transparent with their goals and motives in love.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Money is majorly on your mind this year, Sagittarius, but that doesn't mean that love is off the table. With work and other money-making creative outlets on the brain, you're more likely to meet someone through your job or who otherwise has shared interests and passions when it comes to their career. If you put in the work, you can truly make both love and a booming bank account happen, especially if you find someone who is also on their grind.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Lucky Jupiter is lighting up your sign all year long, Capricorn, which is adding a touch of luck and good fortune to virtually all of your affairs and imbuing you with a newfound sense of confidence and optimism when it comes to dating. Maintain your focus when it comes to achieving your goals in love — luck is on your side, so you don't need to compromise. Trust that the universe will bring you opportunities in love that serve your higher growth.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
This year is all about deep, existential growth for you when it comes to love — but it's also about healing, Aquarius. Instead of ignoring old heart-wounds and letting them fester, work on healing the pain of the heartbreak on a deep level. By doing so, you're making room for a potentially soul-shifting connection with a new mate to take place. Allow yourself to get comfortable in the overlapping space between strength and vulnerability.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
You're seeking connection and collaboration with others this year, Pisces, and it might be hard to devote all of your love and attention to one person. Remember, one person likely can't fill all of your desires, even if they are an ideal partner, so try not to get overly critical. Instead, appreciate what someone can bring to your life dating-wise, and then fill your currently endless well of curiosity and desire with friendships and collaborative experiences with other people in your life to supplement that.