There Will Be Two Eclipses In January & They Might Bring Some Drama To The New Year

As we turn the calendar to a fresh year, we'll also be gearing up for some nearly instant astrological action. The year 2018 included tons of planetary retrogrades that asked us all to reflect and grow. It was painful, or at least awkward. But if you did the work, prepare for karmic rewards. January has back to back eclipses and you'll want to know how January 2019's two eclipses will affect you in the new year!
The retrograde whirlwind of summer 2018 had us all scrambling for peace of mind. The past was present but confronting the uncomfortable energy afforded us the ability to actually, finally move forward. With 2019 on the horizon, we're equipped for the coming eclipses. They're predicted to be positive and a reward for all that reflecting you've accomplished.
Forever Conscious writes, "2019 is an action based year, and all of the internal work we have done in 2018 is going to be able to be applied. We are going to be able to take our newly upgraded selves and shine for all of the world to see." When the new year hits, this becomes almost immediately apparent. We'll hit the cosmic ground running with eclipse season. The first of two occurring on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6 as a partial solar eclipse.
The meaning of a solar eclipse is similar to that of a new moon. Except it's power is astrologically amplified. There's a grander energy to the possibility of those new moon like beginnings. Being at the very start of a new year, this solar eclipse can be affirming for the year ahead. According to Astrology King while a new moon cycle's influence can last for up to four weeks, a solar eclipse's can last for up to six months which is some serious energetic significance.
The year 2019's first eclipse comes with creative power. If you've had your own business on the mind, the first six months of 2019 might be the most supportive time to focus your energy on your ventures. Astrology King writes, "It is ideal for creative, musical and artistic projects and encourages acts of kindness and charity. With integrity and good intentions, it is possible to build your little project into a big business." Whatever projects, whether non-profit or for-profit, your heart is in, now is the time to engage!
Later in the month we're confronted with a total lunar eclipse on Jan. 20 and Jan. 21. Described as a full moon, only stronger, experiencing strong emotions can be expected. It's all about how we digest the emotions and move forward with them, morphing them more into opportunities. According to Astrology King, "a total lunar eclipse has an even strong influence on your private life." Imbalances in close relationships could be illuminated with a total lunar eclipse. It's a time to evaluate those relationships that surround you and decipher what works from what is bogging your energy down. Because 2019 is all about staying profoundly positive and surrounding yourself with a supportive squad!
Astrology King prepares us for some sort of change, which might be unexpected. However, you might not feel uneasy about it. This change can be perceived as new opportunity. Hello, positive perspective! Welcome to my life. Astrology King writes, "brighter stars align with the Sun to give the confidence and courage to accept change. Patience, self-control, adaptability and an open mind will help you and take advantage of the new opportunities that arise from the changing conditions ahead."
Even if at first the changes feel like a whirlwind of anxiety, the alignment of the stars allows us the power to transform changes into opportunity. When the countdown for the new year begins, get excited. It's about to be one full of progress.