How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Money
Some are big budgeters while others can’t say no to an impulse purchase.

Everyone has a different relationship with money, and in some cases, the way you handle your cash could be written in the stars. While some zodiac signs will happily spend their very last penny, others will meticulously track their finances in a spreadsheet.
Where you end up on this cosmic spectrum has a lot to do with your birth chart, which reveals where the planets were when you were born. You might be a thrifty Cancer, a spendy Taurus, or somewhere in between.
Your sign’s ruling planet and element can also affect your relationship with money, according to astrologer Babs Cheung. While the traits associated with each sign might mean you’re predestined to feel a certain way about finances, it can also help reveal what you need to change.
If your zodiac sign is notoriously bad with money, you can use this info to become more aware of your habits. That said, your zodiac sign’s traits can also point out some positives, and that’s what you’ll want to lean into to save and spend like a pro.
Are you the queen of coupons? The ruler of raises? Or the patron saint of on-time payments? If you've ever wondered how your sign affects your finances, this is what the experts say about how you manage your money, according to astrology.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As a sign ruled by the warrior planet Mars, Aries will fight for every penny they have. It’s tough for you to sleep until you reach your financial goals, but that’s where you get the energy you need to get up early, take double shifts, and work second jobs.
That said, you’re a fire sign, too, so you can be impulsive with your spending staying on track with a monthly budget isn’t a bad idea to keep yourself in check.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Luxury-loving Venus always has you in its clutches, and it’s so obvious when you look at your spending habits. “Taurus is such an indulgent sign as it rules over the senses,” Cheung previously told Bustle, and that means you have a hard time saying no to the finer things in life.
It’s tough for you to go an hour without a little treat, whether it’s a coffee, a scone, or a brand-new purse. You also give in to bigger purchases and shiny things that catch your eye. Your life’s theme song is definitely “7 Rings” by Ariana Grande.
The good news is that Taurus tends to be one of the richest members of the zodiac. You’re hardworking and diligent when it comes to earning your own money, but you also have a lot of luck when it comes to your connections, too. It’s not uncommon for a Taurus to have a rich aunt or a trust fund.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini is all over the map when it comes to finances. As an air sign ruled by Mercury, your mood can change on a dime. One day you’re taking advantage of credit card points and rewards programs, and the next you’re wondering how you’re going to pay rent.
Because you’re so unpredictable, it wouldn’t hurt to get a finance app that can send you reminders. That way you’ll see in real time if you’re over-spending or if you forgot to pay a bill. This set-up is a godsend for the more impulsive members of the zodiac.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If you’re wondering who might be the queen of coupons, it’s Cancer. You’re one of the thriftiest members of the zodiac, even when you don’t have to be. You could have thousands to your name and still venture out early on a Saturday to take advantage of a BOGO.
This is because you value security over status. As a water sign ruled by the moon, it’s tough for you to part with your money. You’re constantly thinking ahead to the future and worrying about a rainy day, so you’d rather decorate your home with secondhand items than accidentally spend too much.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Leo is one of the original material girls. As a sign ruled by the sun, you appreciate the art of surrounding yourself with beautiful things, especially if those things get you a little extra attention. You also like to be financially sound so you can give to others generously.
While you have a touch of impulsivity in your veins — you are a fire sign, after all — you also happen to be one of the savviest zodiac signs. If anyone’s going to earn a free stay at a hotel or elite access to the lounge at the airport, it’s you.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Virgo, it's no secret that when you want something you'll figure out a way to get it. As an earth sign ruled by Mercury, you know your way around a spreadsheet. You budget like a boss and are more than happy to stash money aside every week until you reach a goal, even if it means you can’t order Uber Eats for a while.
You also aren’t afraid to talk on the phone with your credit card company. You have the number stored in your phone for the moments when you need to ask a question or pay a bill. You pride yourself on having a perfect credit score, and you won’t let anything mess it up.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, so you’re more than OK with spending a little money. If something catches your eye — whether it’s a cute shirt or concert tickets — you’ll likely get it. And you won’t feel guilty about it, either.
Sometimes you buy things you don't need just because they're on sale, so it's important to check your impulses before coming home with a million pairs of one-dollar socks from Target. That said, Libra is represented by the scales, so you do eventually like to strike a balance in life.
If you feel like you’ve been making it rain in your own club, you’d benefit from having a no-buy month where you only get the necessities, like groceries.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
As a water sign, it’s pretty easy for you to get caught up in your emotions when it comes to spending. If you see something you have to have, it won’t take much for you to pull out your debit card and click purchase.
That said, you truly value security and stability, which often stops you from going overboard. As a driven sign, all you have to do is set your sights on a goal, and it won’t be long before you reach it.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, so you love the idea of shedding bad habits and replacing them with new ones. If you want financial independence or a nest egg for the future, you’ll make it happen.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
A wild and free sign ruled by expansive Jupiter, Sagittarius tends to have an interesting approach to money. “They think that if you’re free with your cash, it will always come back to you, and you’ll always have what you need,” astrologer Stina Garbis previously told Bustle.
In other words, even though you don’t always have much money to your name, you’re still one of the most generous zodiac signs. You’re quick to donate money to a cause or help out a friend, and you’re also good at living on a budget.
This approach is actually why you’re good at investing, too, since you won’t be too tied to the ups and downs of the market. If your investments go belly up, you’ll shrug and invest elsewhere, NBD.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
As an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet associated with rules and responsibility, you can bet that a Capricorn will always have their finances locked down. You’re serious about saving money and aren’t afraid to do it the old-fashioned way.
You pride yourself on your work ethic and ability to move up the corporate ladder, and you certainly aren’t afraid to ask for raises and promotions. While other signs might shy away from these conversations at work, you’ll already be in your boss’s office with a speech ready to go. And before long, you are the boss.
A portion of your monthly income always goes directly into savings, too. That way, you can buy a house by 40 and retire by 50. This has always been your goal, and you have a good chance of making it happen.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Aquarius, as a sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of technology and innovation, there’s a good chance you have every financial app on your phone. On a good day, you’ll be budgeting and moving money into savings. You’ve also been known to love a credit card point, especially if it’ll score you something for free.
That said, when your air sign energy kicks in, it’s not unheard of for you to forget all about your finances in favor of having fun. If you want a fancy drink or a new ‘fit, you’ll pull out your credit card and make it happen. Your spending habits may be unpredictable, but at least you know how to have a good time.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Pisces is known to have a go-with-the-flow approach to finances. As a water sign, you can’t be bothered to budget and you definitely won’t be caught lying awake at night thinking about the future.
According to Garbis, there’s a good chance you’ll take a job just because it sounds interesting, and not because it pays a lot. Your goal is to be happy daily, so you aren’t one to suffer through a schedule you hate just so that you can save more money.
You’re also good at building a life with what you have. Instead of upgrading to larger apartments and fancier cars, you take really good care of your studio and your bike — and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Babs Cheung, astrologer
Stina Garbis, astrologer
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