Since the beginning of 2017, the universe has been engaged in a bit of a cosmic kerfuffle astrologically. The Autumn Equinox is going to help restore some balance to your life, so get ready to breathe a sigh of relief. Just how does the Autumn Equinox affect your sign? On Sept. 22, the sun shifts into Libra, the air sign that is eternally seeking balance, according to Intuitive Astrology. "As the sun shifts into Libra on the equinox, we are reminded of the goals and lessons we started during the last equinox in April, which was the start of the astrological year," Intuitive Astrology explained.
The Autumn Equinox marks the halfway point through the astrological year, and it's a time to begin to harvest the bounty from the seeds you planted in April during the Spring Equinox. With Mercury Retrograde beginning a new nine-year cycle at the beginning of 2017, the total solar eclipse in August, and multiple planets retrograde simultaneously most of the year, it's totally normal to feel off kilter.
Luckily, the Autumn Equinox in Libra can help you restore some balance to your life no matter what your sign is. While it might feel like nothing is going your way, as long as you have continued to move toward what you want, things should start to turn around. This is one of the reasons I love fall — It always feels like the beginning of something shiny and new.
"The Autumn Equinox is an invitation to create balance in our lives between light and shadow, between joy and sorrow, between ease and struggle," Dr. Athena Perrakis, founder and CEO of Sage Goddess, tells Bustle in an email."
"It becomes an opportunity to appreciate duality in all its forms, and to understand that any challenges we experience are temporary. The universe ebbs and flows in a constant motion that prevents us from being truly stuck, no matter how stuck we might feel. If you're in the shadows of your life right now, light will soon emerge."
If you want to get really involved in setting yourself up for success during the Autumn Equinox, Sage Goddess is hosting a live Fall Equinox ritual on the night of Sept. 22 at 6 p.m. Pacific Time online and in person at its Los Angeles showroom location. And, because I know you're dying to find out, here's what the Autumn Equinox means for your sign.
1Aries Should Confront Old Wounds
During the Autumn Equinox, fire-sign Aries might be forced to confront and old emotional wound, or address an unresolved conflict. "In order to reach your long-term goals you will need to face the source of your pain," Astrology King explained. "The new moon opposite Chiron means you must adjust your methods or expectations in response to your deepest and most painful wound."
Chiron is a comet with an erratic orbit, according to to Cafe Astrology. It represents your deepest wounds, and it takes 50 years to come full circle. You're probably only half this age so don't be surprised if these old wounds are hanging around from a previous life and have been slowly creeping to the surface of your consciousness.
Additionally, because of the position of the sun at the beginning of the Autumn Equinox, you might face challenges from others who seem to be standing between you and your goals, according to Astrology King. Take a step back and think through whether or not you're actually on the best path.
2Taurus Will Feel The Love
Because of the position of Venus in relation to the sun in Taurus, the Autumn Equinox will bring an abundance of peace, love, and harmony for earth-sign, Taurus-born people who have healed their wounds. "This is one of the best transits for dating and being affectionate with your lover," Astrology King noted. "Increased personal beauty and popularity will boost your self-esteem and bring opportunities to make nice friends."
You might also feel more expressive, and this is an ideal time to negotiate, move forward with plans, and sign contracts. However, if you have an old emotional wound you've neglected, the Autumn Equinox will bring this to the surface for Taurus.
Additionally, the new moon on Sept. 19, pre Autumn Equinox, is when Taurus will see the full force of the romantic aspects at play. "Rarely have you had such a strong outlook for finding your one true love," Susan Miller wrote on Astrology Zone. "Each planet will act like a loving relative that wants to have you coupled up."
3Gemini's Duality Will Be More Apparent
Gemini, sometimes you might feel like you're actually two people. This is both the blessing and curse of your twin air sign. During the Autumn Equinox, your duality will become more apparent. In order to not appear to be saying thing and doing another, it's important for Gemini to be consciously aware of their actions.
"Your love life should be OK but there may be some tension if you don’t don’t give back as much as you receive," Astrology King explained. "You may have a selfish attitude and not care about the consequences. Overspending now could cause financial stress in a few months time."
However, you also have the ability to achieve a great deal during this time. "This is a good time to act on your plans and work on reaching your personal and career goals," Astrology King noted. "Your positive energy reduces the chance of resistance while attracting helpful people."
Just remember to appreciate the people in your orbit. Giving as much as you get can ensure the Autumn Equinox is a successful time for Gemini.
4Cancer's Confidence Will Be Tested
The Autumn Equinox for water-sign Cancer could be a confidence test as you face challenges from others who think they know better than you. "Your ego is on the line, coming under pressure from others through arguments or challenges to your authority," Astrology King warned. "Passing this test will give you confidence and satisfaction."
If you keep believing in your abilities, the Autumn Equinox can be a time of great growth and strength. "You should feel motivated to reach your goals and can be assertive and direct in getting what you want," Astrology King explained. "Your initiative and positive energy can get thing moving and impress superiors."
However, if you have an old emotional wound, you'll need to address that during this time in order to move forward.
5Leo Will Be Filled With Creative Energy
For fire-sign Leo, the Autumn Equinox will bring an abundance of creative inspiration because the position of the sun for Leo brings forth a multitude of personal expression.
"You should be motivated to reach your goals and enjoy good times with friends and family," Astrology King explained. "Your self-confidence and positive attitude will make a good impression on people who can help you succeed. This is a good time to use your initiative and make real progress."
And, the best creative expression often comes from transforming painful experiences into art. If you have a neglected emotional wound, the Autumn Equinox is a perfect time to face it head on, and turn it into something beautiful that can inspire others.
6It's A Mixed Bag For Virgo
For earth-sign Virgo, the Autumn Equinox could bring both amazing highs and painful lows. On one hand, the position of Venus in your sign could bring a bounty of love and affection. "This is a time of peace, harmony, romance and fun," Astrology King noted. "Increased charm and personal beauty make you more attractive and popular. Expect more attention and tenderness from your partner."
On the other hand, the position of Mars could leave you feeling angry and frustrated. Astrology King suggested taking your aggression out at the gym. And, finally, the position of Mars opposite Neptune could leave you feeling self conscious and discouraged. If you find yourself feeling like this during the Autumn Equinox, use this time to practice self care. Don't try to reach goals you are unlikely to achieve while your confidence is not at its highest.
The good news is that this period will only last from Sept. 21-27. Use that time to lie low and recharge your emotional batteries. The Lady Gaga Netflix documentary Five Foot Two comes out Sept. 22, so it's the perfect time to stay in and refocus your energy.
7Libra Will Feel More Grounded
For air-sign, balance-seeking Libra, the Autumn Equinox in Libra might help you feel more like yourself. If you've been feeling like a balloon floating through the atmosphere lately, this is a perfect time to ground yourself, and get clear with who you really are at your core.
"You will find it easier to express your identity and be yourself," Astrology King wrote. "The focus is now on you and your goals for the year ahead. It is time to draw a line under the previous year and make a fresh start. Individuality and expression of that comes easier because it is the self that is in focus. The extra energy is best used by expressing what you want, what your goals are, and getting the ball rolling."
Additionally, if you have a neglected emotional wound, now is the time to give it your full love and attention.
8Scorpio Could Get Good News
During the Autumn Equinox, water-sign Scorpio might get some exciting news that could be a game changer. "I feel every Scorpio will have something to cheer about, for that new moon eclipse last month was fantastic for you, dear Scorpio, and the very best is yet to come," Miller noted on Astrology Zone. "You haven’t seen the depth of good fortune due you yet, but it will start as soon as next month."
This is also an ideal time for Scorpio to expand their social circles and bring new energy into their lives. "Life will become much more fun, and you will be dealing with many new and friendly faces around you," Miller predicted. "That new moon will appear in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, friends, acquaintances, and groups of people."
Additionally, Miller noted that any seeds Scorpio plants during the Sept. 19 new moon will sprout and come to fruition as soon as 10 days later. For Scorpio, the Autumn Equinox is basically a bag of magic beans. Use them wisely.
9Sagittarius Could Reap Professional Rewards
For fire-sign Sagittarius, the Autumn Equinox could bring well-deserved recognition and acknowledgement to your professional life. "It’s time to get the reward and industry acknowledgement of the fine work you have been doing, dear Sagittarius," Miller noted.
This energy also offers Sagittarius the opportunity to leverage their achievements to get something they want and deserve. "Make an application to enter an awards show, interview for a new job, or talk your boss into giving you a promotion," Miller suggested. "Whether you are self-employed, early in the month, start a publicity or advertising campaign about your recent victories."
Additionally, this is also an ideal time for your love life. Sagittarius will be leading a charmed life for most of September, which makes this the perfect time to turn on the charisma and attract the love and affection you deserve.
10Capricorn Could Get A Case Of Wanderlust
If you've been itching to get the hell out of dodge, the Autumn Equinox is a perfect time for earth-sign Capricorn to consider taking a trip, or interaction with people online who live in other countries. The Sept. 19 new moon, pre Autumn Equinox, could leave you with a case of wanderlust. "All new moons open a portal of energy in which you have two weeks to take action," Miller, who predicted an adventurous travel trend, explained. "Virgo is an earth sign that blends perfectly with your Capricorn Sun."
Additionally, Capricorn will yearn to learn during the Autumn Equinox. "Your mind will be thirsty for knowledge, so even attending book signings and visiting museums would give you the stimulus you crave," Miller suggested. "In your daily life, as this influence begins to take hold you will see the potential of projects in broader terms than you would usually do. Your creativity is being stimulated, and original ideas will flow."
Finally, Miller predicted that after the Autumn Equinox, Capricorns with immigration issues could see those resolved in a positive manner.
11Aquarius Could Improve Their Finances
The Autumn Equinox might help air-sign Aquarius resolve some long-standing financial issues. "Your financial outlook will improve after Sept.21, the new moon in Virgo 27 degrees, which will be accompanied by the majestic moon’s large entourage, including the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus," Miller noted. "That is an enormous amount of energy to be centered in one part of the horoscope, so this says to me that you will be very determined to find new source of income and by George, you won’t stop until you do."
A combination of cosmic planetary energy, and sheer determination could help motivated Aquarians turn things around during the Autumn Equinox. "All kinds of interesting information may surface in the days and weeks following this new moon," Miller explained. "The point is, you will take full control of your financial future, and as a result, will soon come out all the richer for having focused on it."
12Pisces Might Have A Communication Breakdown
For sensitive water-sign Pisces, the Autumn Equinox could feel more like Mercury Retrograde if you're not very careful to practice clear communication with those around you. "You have a crowd of planets in your opposite sign of Virgo, and Virgo’s ruler is Mercury, giving Mercury a starring role," Miller explained.
"The condition of Mercury is revealing that misinformation, misunderstanding, and crossed signals could play havoc on an episode you encounter together after the new moon arrives, and this glitch can come up any time in the coming six months. You will have to go the extra mile to be very clear and be sure you are getting the right message from your partner too."
The news is not all bad, Pisces. The Autumn Equinox could bring recognition for your creative talents. Additionally, this time period also has the possibility to shake up your love life. "The actions you take in the days that follow this new moon on Sept. 19 in regard to the forming of a serious one-on-one relationship will have the power to change your life for a long time, possibly forever," Miller noted.
Carpe diem, Pisces. The cosmos have your back.