How To Quickly Find Out Which iOS Your iPhone's Operating On

Apple's newest operating system upgrade is expected to be released in September — and lots of iPhone users are eagerly anticipating its arrival. That being said, you might be curious about which iOS is on your iPhone right now — especially if you want to get a sense of just how much the iOS 13 upgrade will change your phone's appearance and functionality. Thankfully, it's pretty easy to figure out which version of iOS your phone is currently running.
According to Apple Support's website, to find out your phone's current iOS, you simply need to open "settings." You then click "general" and "about" and your version of iOS will be displayed where it says "software version." Apple Support notes that you can also check to see if you have the latest version of iOS — or if a newer version is available — by clicking "settings," then "general," followed by "software update." If there is a newer iOS version available, it will be displayed on your screen and you can choose to update immediately by hitting "download and install." As Apple Support adds, you can also choose to toggle on automatic updates while you are in this window, which will help ensure that you always have the latest version of iOS running on your phone.
OSXDaily, a website that reports Apple-related news, notes that while it's not imperative to know which type of iOS your phone is running, it can be useful information. For example, the website suggests that knowing your iOS will help you identify all the available features your phone has and determine whether new apps are compatible with your phone, since apps usually indicate their iOS compatibility in their descriptions. Moreover, knowing your iOS could also be helpful if your phone is acting up or you're having troubleshooting issues, the outlet added. Apple Support will likely want to know which iOS version your phone is using when trying to assist you.
And, of course, knowing your phone's current version of iOS will help you get a sense of just how much your iPhone experience might change when you upgrade to iOS 13. You can compare you current iOS to iOS 13 simply by googling both versions, which should bring up detailed Apple summary pages that highlight features for each iOS.
iOS 13 is expected to have lots of new functions that are already generating significant buzz. According to Apple, these include extensive updates to the photos and maps applications, which are designed to create more personalized, user-friendly experiences. Moreover, iOS 13 will also allow users to employ "dark mode" on their phones, a design feature that "introduces a dramatic new look for iPhone" that is "designed to make every element on the screen easier on your eyes," Apple says. Other major updates include security and privacy improvements and a new Siri voice, according to Apple.
iOS 13 is expected to be released in September, according to CNET, though the exact release date is not yet known. In the meantime, you can research your phone's current features by familiarizing yourself with its iOS — and then get excited about what's to come in the next iteration of the operating system.
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