As if our collective sense of timing wasn't already completely bonkers thanks to Mercury retrograde winter 2020, we've also got another mind-bending phenomenon here to mess with our sense of time — because daylight saving time 2020 officially begins this weekend, during the wee hours of Sunday, March 9. Our clocks will be "springing forward," which is a cute way of saying that we'll be losing a whole blessed hour of our weekend come 2 a.m. Sunday. But in exchange, we do get a later sunset and an extra hour of daylight in the evenings until DST ends in the fall — which maybe makes losing a precious hour of sleep worth it.
But this DST weekend happens to have a lot going on in the astrological front, too — so we'll want to be aware of how daylight saving time 2020 affects each zodiac sign if we want to avoid drowning in cosmic drama on top of the time change. "The moon is in fiery, competitive Leo on March 8. It's void in the early-morning hours, so this is definitely a morning to sleep in and chill," says astrologer Leslie Hale of Keen.com. That said, definitely let yourself hit snooze a few times — because you'll be losing an hour of sleep time later that night. Cancel your morning brunch date and blame it on astrology, if you must.
Saturday also happens to be Mercury's final day in retrograde — which yes, is certainly a cause for celebration but not a time to get carried away. The retrograde ain't over yet, kids. "A Leo moon is a great time to get together with friends, lovers or do something active and fun. But by evening, the moon is approaching its opposition to Mercury retrograde and this can bring confusion, disagreements, or some petty annoyances," Hale says. But don't fret — with a little extra patience, neither DST nor Mercury retrograde have to ruin your weekend plans.
Then on Sunday — just hours after DST rolls our clocks forward — the Moon enters organized, detail-oriented Virgo, which will help us clean up our acts. "[T]his acts as a fresh and trail-blazing type of energy for moving forward and achieving what we have been working on — especially as Mercury finally turns direct," Hale says. We love this vibe, as it will help us to get organized and set our heads straight after the dizzying retrograde and the disorienting DST clock shift.
We'll all feel the energy of DST weekend in a slightly different way, so check out how daylight saving time 2020 will affect your zodiac sign if you want to be prepared.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
I'm not sure that anyone really likes DST, Aries, but it's definitely making you feel a little extra cranky this weekend. Try not to let the Sunday scaries get the best of you. "The time shift will not be comfortable, and you may want to stay at home thinking about all you have to do the next day," Hale says. "Don’t let it take you down too far, however, as you should be able to adjust over the next week and get your groove back."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A lost hour of the weekend isn't bringing you down — after all, you know how to prioritize an extra nap or two to make up for. "This day was meant for you, Taurus, and with the Moon in your house of love and friends, it would be a real shame if you didn't act on your feelings and tell those you love the most how you feel," Hale says. "Better still... show them how you feel!" You're feeling extra expressive of your feelings and ready to connect with the people closest to you.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
With your ruling planet Mercury in a face-off with the Moon just hours before DST begins, you're not feeling your finest and might want to spend some time being introspective and giving your feelings some space to air themselves out. "You may feel drawn to stay at home and reflect — something you don’t do often," Hale says. "If this is the case, maybe you are better off [embracing it], as the vibes may seem somewhat confusing and off."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Prioritize taking care of yourself this weekend, Cancer, as you've got a lot on your plate and you really could have used that extra hour of sleep that DST stole out from under us. "You will have a big week ahead dealing with family members, co-workers, and those who come across like family members," Hale says. "It can still be a good weekend though, if you can come out of your shell long enough to tap into the beautiful planetary energy that should suit you well."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Your professional life combined with the retrograde has been a total stress-dump lately, so DST is only adding to your chaos. But don't freak — the fog is finally lifting you should be able to see some sunshine coming through, Leo! "You're always ready for something spectacular to happen, and it just might this weekend — that is, if you can take your mind off work and your financial situation long enough to see the forest for the trees," Hale says. "Relax: The energies will be more to your liking in a few days."
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
For a grounded earth sign like yourself, DST is nothing to worry about — in fact, this weekend is shaping up to be a really exciting one for you. "You aren’t really a Virgo if you can’t make this weekend one of the best you’ve had in a long time," Hale says. "You could tap into some mystical revelations as the Moon opposes Neptune later on Saturday evening. Grab your partner or close friends and show the world that a Virgo can have as much fun as anyone out there."
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You've been overworked and spread thin lately, Libra, and it feels like you're losing days rather than just an hour. "Daylight savings time is going to make you tired, if not sort of depressed. It looks like this is a day to spend alone, thinking about the future and who you will spend your time with over the next month," Hale says. "If you have an opportunity to get out, you should — if you can overcome yourself. Things will shift soon." Stick it out and ride the waves!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Losing an hour this weekend is no biggie for your, Scorpio, as your energy is on hyper-drive — you're feeling social, clear-headed, and ready to tackle the week ahead with positivity. "If DST cuts into your sleep, who cares, right? Friends are waiting, and this is a day to spend in their company," Hale says. "You could also have some sort of special insight into what’s coming up in the work world next week, and you'll be prepared to make the most of it."
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You're going a mile a minute, Sag, thinking about your plans, goals, and having fun all the while. That said, don't stress about DST — you don't have time to worry about it! "With everything you have going for you now, expect this day to bring a focus on what and how you are going to accomplish in the next month," Hale says. "Don’t miss out on fun, however — although there is little possibility you will miss out on anything."
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
As a routine-oriented earth sign, DST might stress you out — but there's no reason to let it! Embrace the free-flowing energy of ~time~ this weekend and do something adventurous. "You like to stick to the same routine, but this is truly a weekend to step out of your box, get in the car, and take a short trip," Hale says. "Your loved ones will appreciate it, and this will more than make up for loss of your typical routine, as you can go back to it next week."
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
DST looks cute on you this year, Aquarius, as the weekend's astrology is making for a magical, sweet, and social energy for your love life and beyond. "This is a weekend to stay in and have romantic adventures at home with your partner, if you have one," Hale says. "Otherwise, get out and you will sense the electricity in the air, which you should relate to quite well. You may even find yourself feeling like you are in your own element!"
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Your focus is on your partnerships now, Pisces, so much so that you won't even notice the lost hour of DST. "This is a weekend to be active with your partner. If you don’t have a romantic partner at the moment, don’t forget that your partners extend to those who you are involved with on a day to day basis," Hale says. "It can be a mystical day for Pisces, and with the Moon’s opposition to Neptune on Saturday, you may find yourself particularly aware of what is going on with those you are connected to. This weekend will be about them."