Capricorn Season Is Coming, Hold On To Your Friendships

Capricorn energy inspires us to be bolder, more clever, more ambitious, and more straightforward. While this can be great inspiration for our professional lives, the ways in which Capricorn season will affect friendships can be a mixed bag. For some zodiac signs, that progressive and direct energy will inspire them to be better listeners, better supporters, better partners and just better friends in general — the energy makes them step up in all aspects of their lives and be their best selves. But for other signs, the relentless and wry energy can make them feel overwhelmed, stressed, and actually cause them to check out of their friendships or social lives briefly.
So you'll want to know how your sign is affected specifically, because you might want to give your friends a head's up if you're about to lose your steam socially. If you have a friend who seems to be slightly checked out during Cap season, you'll be able to see where they are coming from astrologically. Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about unique ways in which Cap's energy will translate to each sign, and according to Thomas, it's important to remember that while Caps get a reputation for being really serious, they're also really funny, so we're all going to have our fair share of laughs this season, together. Here's what each sign can expect:
Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)
If you don't have a lot of friends who work in the same industry as you or who have similar career goals as you, now is the time to find them. You'll find a lot of inspiration from these friendships, and according to Thomas, "if you want to add some powerful new friends to your contacts, this is the best time of the year to do so."
Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20)
"This is an excellent time to get out of your comfort zone and meet people from very different cultures and backgrounds than you. If you want to learn more about the world, associate with people who are very different from you and you will surely enjoy the spontaneity and excitement," Thomas tells Bustle. You don't always have the energy or thirst for "new" when it comes to friends, but during Cap season you're going to be so energized by meeting new people and learning about them, that you'll do a lot of it.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun. 20)
There are a lot of people in your life who you're not yet friends with, but can and should be. According to Thomas, during Cap season you'll be "spending more quality time with the friends of a significant other in love or business." Getting to know these people in the sidelines of your life better will enrich all aspects of your life.
Cancer (Jun. 21 – Jul. 22)
If you're single, you're going to be putting a lot of energy into your friendships that you've had for a while, making sure that they're filled with the same amount of love and respect they were built on. And if you're in a relationship, Cap season will inspire you to work on the friendship aspect, according to Thomas. "This is an excellent time to build a stronger relationship with your one-and-only, not only romantically, but also to become better friends. The strongest relationships are the ones that can have a best friendship imbedded within your partnership. It will help navigate the more difficult times."
Leo (Jul. 23 – Aug. 22)
Leo is making friends at the office during Cap season, which is not only expanding their social lives, but also making their professional lives more fun. "Find ways to enjoy your jobs together more and you’ll be able to be more productive while you’re at it," Thomas suggests.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sep. 22)
Virgo is going to be the fun friend during Cap season,. "Fun and spontaneity is extremely highlighted during this time for you," Thomas tells Bustle, so go out with your friends, embark on adventures, and try new things. You're not always this daring and open, so take advantage of it while the cosmos encourage it.
Libra (Sep. 23 – Oct. 22)
You're not really in the mood to go out and socialize, but you're still in a position to get closer to people, both new and old, during Cap season. Hosting a holiday party or serving up a dinner with friends will give you just the right environment to be social, without having to go out. According to Thomas, you'll spark up a deep friendship with anyone who comes through your home during this time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
According to Thomas, "your communication sector is lit up marvelously, and it appears you’re going to be extremely chatty with your BFFs" so be in touch, make plans to catch up, and let this energy bring you closer to each other. You're not always feeling this expressive and chatty, so make the most of it. Your friends will appreciate it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
"You’re feeling more possessive than usual at this time, so you could be looking at some of your friends as objects and wanting to make sure they’re yours for the long-term. Of course you only mean well, but this could be a bit off-putting to them now," Thomas warns Bustle. Being aware of this potential tendency might keep you from destructive behaviors and creating an unhealthy balance. Give you friends space during Cap season, it will be good for both of you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
"This is a time when you are front-and-center and you should be! Make sure that your friends are lifting you up and keeping you energized and consistently bringing happiness into your life," Thomas says. "If not, it may mean the relationships have outlived their purpose and you’re ready for a new circle." Though birthday months are all about celebrating with friends and looking at the positives, this attention will also make it really clear if some friendships are no longer serving you, so leave room for a bitter sweet experience.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
You’re likely feeling the need to lie low and recharge at this time, and you're not in a rush to run to holiday parties and put energy into your social life. "This may also be a time when you are facing karma in regards to your friendships and relationships — so if you have lived well and don’t have secrets to hide, you may find this to be a peaceful and enjoyable period," Thomas tells Bustle. However, if you have kept secrets from friends, this could lead to some tense conversations for you. So if there's anything you need to share, do it now.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20)
According to Thomas, you're going to be feeling pretty popular right now, and you'll be fielding invitations all Cap season. "The stars are all in a cosmic dance telling you to get out and about and enjoy as many events as possible.This is the perfect time to get closer with your acquaintances or even add new lovely staples to your crowd," Thomas tells Bustle, so ride the energy wave while you can, adding new friends to your posse is going to revive your social life.
While Capricorn energy affects us all in different ways, and to different degrees, we all will feel the desire to be better at being a friend, in whatever way that means to us, individually.