If Capricorn season felt a little too intense for you with its goal-oriented, work-obsessed vibes, good news: Aquarius season 2019 is officially here to swoop in and grab the reigns in its unique, airy, and avant-garde style starting Jan. 20. Buckle up! This sign is all about being unabashedly yourself and a revolutionary free-thinker. Aquarius energy doesn't care about tradition, and it doesn't cling to the past — its mind is always on the future, focused on exploring possibilities, thinking outside the box, and making the world a radically better place. That said, you can bet we're all in for a wild ride with this fixed air sign in the driver's seat.
So, let's talk about the overall ~Aquarius vibe~ that we'll all be embracing over the coming month. Aquarians are basically aliens in human clothing — and just in case you took that as anything but the highest compliment, let me clarify: I absolutely mean that as the highest compliment. Even the most seemingly normie Aquarian has a twinkle in their eye that betrays the fact that their ideas are totally out there and other-worldly. What's also fascinating about Aquarius is its paradoxical nature: Its energy is based on being a complete and total individual, yet it devotes this uncompromising uniqueness to the collective good.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust about what's to come for us during Aquarius season. "The next 30 days will focus on getting unique projects with the collective off the ground," she shares. "As we all approach life from a distant and empathic view ... we [can] implement change into the reality of our day-to-day lives." Social, intellectual, and quick, Aquarians work very well with others (this sign rules the eleventh house of the zodiac, which deals with community, humanitarian efforts, and working together, so it makes sense) — so long as those others can keep up with their limitless ideas and idealistic dreams.
And it's no surprise that the Aquarius vibe likes to stray from the beaten path and march to the beat of its own drum. Just look at its ruling planet, Uranus, which happens to be only planet that spins on its side. No coincidence there! Uranus is the planet of sudden change, inspiration, and higher thinking. It's also apparently the coldest planet in the solar system, which is also symbolic, given that the Aquarius can sometimes be viewed as a bit of an ice queen due to its emotionally detached and highly-objective perspective.
In honor of Aquarius season, make a pledge to let your freak flag fly over the coming month. Be your weird, true, one-of-a-kind self, and stop worrying about what other people think. Because news flash: The world needs more people who can think for themselves and envision a better future for humanity as a collective. Let yourself imagine it, and then call upon your most unique qualities to make it happen. Let's get weird!!!
OK, enough of my Aquarian-inspired manifesto (can you tell I'm a fellow air sign?). No matter what your sign, you're definitely going to feel the Aquarius vibes over the coming season in a unique way. Stardust, along with astrologers Kesaine Walker and Ashley Otero, spoke with Bustle about exactly how Aquarius season will affect each zodiac sign, so check out what's on the astrological agenda.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aquarius season's collaborative-minded energy is firing you up, Aries! It's time to get out there, socialize, and let your exceedingly bright light radiate. "You will connect with your friends, allowing you to step out and reclaim your status amongst your peers and colleagues," shares Stardust. Shine on, you crazy diamond, you.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
OK, Taurus, what exactly do you want? Figure it out, cause the world is legit your oyster, and you should really try to carpe diem that sh*t over the coming month. "The universe is conspiring to offer you a clean slate," advises Otero, "but you need to show that you're all in!" Jump into your next cosmic opportunity with the idealism of an Aquarius, and you'll be golden.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Your chatty and ever-knowledgeable nature might be put to the test this season, as some very-Aquarian opportunities to work collaboratively may emerge. "Be prepared to share all the information you've acquired throughout the years as you could be asked to teach what you know, or even speak at events," shares Walker.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
"You can soar to high heights, but pay attention to how partnership dynamics challenge you to become a better version of yourself," advises Otero. We all need a little help from our friends from time to time, Cancer — and although it's not always easy to let people see the softy inside that protective exterior, it's the only way to really shine this season, so let it flow.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Aquarius may be all about the collective, but this season is going to get you thinking about the personal — specifically, your intimate relationships. "The next 30 days forces you to focus on relationships and how you partner," explains Stardust. "You may choose to give your all to a relationship to ensure it works out in the long term." Don't be afraid to dive in head-first for what you really want.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Time to hop on the self-love train, Virgo, and start making some lil' changes in your life and perspective so you can be your best-ever self. "You have a right to inner peace and unconditional self-love," explains Otero, "but you need to turn your attention inwards toward what really matters to internalize it." Call on Aquarius' airiness to help liberate yourself.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
As a fellow air sign, you're going to be lit up this season and full of fresh, new, creative ideas. "You may find yourself feeling extra creative which will give you the sudden urge to make some changes around your home to reflect your creativity," shares Walker. Spruce up your space so that it continually inspires you to be your airy, high-concept self.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
For you, Scorpio, Aquarius season is all about being cool, calm, and collected. "You are redesigning your inner thoughts and personal beliefs, opting to change the way you handle your emotions," explains Stardust. By looking at things objectively, Aquarius-style, you'll be able to sort through your deep well of feelings with more clarity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You are on FIYAH this season, Sag, so don't you dare keep your shine n' sparkle all to yourself! "This season could bring romantic love into your life as people will be drawn to your energy like never before," shares Walker. Call upon Aquarius' boundless intellectual energy during the coming month to sprinkle some extra magic over all of your encounters.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You're on top of your game work-wise after a productive-as-heck solar return, but that doesn't mean you're not looking for a lil' something to boost your spirits now that the sun has left your sign. "Your focus will be on making money," explains Stardust, "as your heart is crying out for some new bling to boost your self esteem." You surely know what you're doing there, so indulge.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Whew, Aquarius, your attitude toward conquering your goals has been pretty can't-stop-won't-stop for a while now. But the sun is in your sign now, so it is officially your time to sparkle. "During your solar return, you are focusing on yourself — for the first time in a while," explains Stardust. "Allow yourself time to celebrate your uniqueness and most importantly, enjoy yourself!"
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
You are no stranger to an inward journey, Pisces, so embark on one during Aquarius' solar reign. "Opportunities to rewrite your narrative are waiting to be discovered early in the season, but you'll need to get clear on which people and values align with your intended direction," advises Otero. Use this time to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the energy you invite into your life.