Hillary Clinton Throws A Savage Subtweet At Trump
If there's one person in American politics who has a lot more time on their hands right now than they expected at this time last year, it's former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. After suffering a relatively narrow Electoral College loss last November despite winning the popular vote by nearly 3 million, Clinton kept a low profile for months, seemingly content to stroll through the woods while only making the occasional high-profile appearance. But recently, she seems to be going a bit harder after her former rival, President Donald Trump ― Clinton subtweeted Trump with a reminder that she could've handled so many of the things the new president now seems more than a little taken aback by.
Now, to be clear, there's no way of knowing whether Clinton herself tweeted the short, sweet little barb, or whether she still has someone managing her social media accounts. During her campaign, the vast majority of her tweets were posted by her campaign staff, while any tweets that came directly from her bore the signature "-H." Nowadays, however, her Twitter bio makes no such disclaimer, meaning she may be running the whole show herself. It impossible to say for sure, however.
The tweet was actually a reply to her former senior adviser, Philippe Reines. In addition to being one of the closest members of her inner-circle through her tenure at the State Department, Reines was the man who portrayed Trump in Clinton's reportedly exhaustive debate preparations.
Indeed, the feeling of "can this really be happening?" that so many Democrats, progressives, and even moderates and independents are feeling right now were predicted with pretty crystal-clarity by Clinton prior to Election Day, from Trump's temperament issues, to his inattention to detail and policy, and of course, all the Russia stuff. Simply put, you can't say she didn't warn you.
It'll be interesting to see whether Clinton's tweet ― dry and understated though it is ― will draw any response from the president, who is himself famously combative, vitriolic, and not at all understated in his behaviors on social media. Suffice it to say, even somebody who isn't a huge fan of Clinton's can probably appreciate just how nice it would be to have someone so carefully rehearsed in the White House right now. Rather than someone who sends the entire government on a wild goose chase over an angry, wildly inflammatory, utterly factually baseless Twitter tirade, for example. But alas, by way of about 80,000 votes scattered across the wrong three states, the nation was not so fortunate.