Here Are Your Chances Of Meeting Someone Special In 2019, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

It's that time of the year again to take a quick look into what astrology has in store for you in the upcoming year. If you're single and would like to see a change in your love life, 2019 is looking to be a pretty good year for a lot of signs. According to astrologers, a few lucky zodiac signs are even favored to meet their someone special in 2019.
As Kyle Thomas, astrologer from Love by Luna, tells Bustle, "2018 was a year filled with rocky retrogrades, especially because Venus, our beloved planet of romance and beauty, went through a thunderstorm starting all the way back in September only to finally regain her speed at the very end of December." The good news is, Venus will not be slowing down in 2019, so you can expect a much easier year ahead.
But that wasn't the only planet to slow down. Mars, the planet that rules passion and sexuality, also went retrograde over the summer. According to Thomas, "This sluggish energy also affects our relationships, particularly when it comes to the sexual chemistry we feel." Like Venus, Mars will also remain strong throughout all of 2019, so "we won’t have any hurdles thrown into our sex lives this coming year, either."
So how is your love life going to be in 2019? According to Thomas, some signs will be fighting an upward battle to love, while others are likely to meet that special someone. So here are your chances of meeting someone special in 2019, based on your zodiac sign.
1Aries (March 21 - April 19)
In 2019, Aries will be very focused on yourself, your career, and travel. Because of this, Mark Pavlisin, Advisor Divinus from, tells Bustle, this year is not likely going to bring in new or lasting romantic life partners. But that's totally OK. You can focus on you and still have fun with people you meet throughout the year. But if you are focused on love and you really want to meet someone, Thomas does have some dates to keep in mind.
"Use the beginning of the year when Mars is in your sign (until Feb. 14) to go after new options, or lay new seeds for love after the New Moon in your House of True Love on Aug. 1," he says. "These would be perfect times to add some sugar and spice into your life."
2Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
If you're a Taurus looking to meet that special someone in 2019, Pavlisin says that you are in luck. You're likely to meet new (or even past), potentially long-term relationship candidates. Expect it to be exciting, sudden, and "unexpectedly powerful." It seems like finding the love you truly deserve has been a long time coming. According to Thomas, 2018 should have been a "supremely important" time for partnerships. But if you didn't find your one true love, you'll be just fine in the new year.
"Jupiter will be spilling more golden dust upon your partnerships throughout the new year," Thomas says. "Our favorite planet in the sky will be lighting up your House of Intimacy, promising that you are feeling the urge-to-merge." It's important for you to take the time to look at what you give and receive in your relationships, and how you communicate your desires. "This is a time when you can truly feel union with another person," Thomas says. "Open your heart and body, and let love in."
3Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Get ready Gemini, 2019 is your year for love. According to Pavlisin previous years of spiritual and individual growth is going to lead you to meetings and reconnections with potential relationship candidates. If you've had a rough couple of years in the love department, Thomas says, "the Universe is here to open some doors!" Jupiter, our "blessed planet of fortune and luck," moves through your House of Marriage and Commitment this year until Dec. 3. This means that you are the luckiest of all signs to partner up and find someone to have an adventure with. The best part is, the person you meet will have lifetime potential written all over them. If you're already committed, be sure to look for ways to take your relationship to the next level. If you're looking, "Be upfront with what it takes for someone to hold your hand forever," Thomas says.
4Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If you've been working on yourself for the past few years, Pavlisin says that 2019 is likely to reward you with "lasting new spiritual friendships, a life partner, or favorable business/career relationships." So across the board, your relationships are looking pretty positive. In the new year, you'll likely see three major eclipses in your House of Marriage and Partnership. So if you're single, finding that special someone will definitely be on your mind.
According to Thomas, some important dates for you to look out for are Jan. 5, in which an "open door" for love will take place, with a culmination taking place on July 16. "Another eclipse will pop up here on Dec. 26, yet again clearing the path before you to happier relationships," he says. Be sure to make a note of these dates on your calendar.
5Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The potential for you to meet someone new and exciting is pretty high in 2019. But as Pavlisin says, certain changes in your life may bring challenges that will require you to adapt and be a little flexible. Other than that, it's going to be a great year for love. "With Jupiter, the planet of miracles, dancing through your House of True Love and Romance until Dec. 3, you are the luckiest of all signs to find new love," Thomas says. "Go out there, soak it up, and radiate like the star that you are!"
6Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
"You're likely to meet or connect with favorable long-term romantic candidates, but it will require moderated exuberance at the outset, along with clarity and discernment of intentions," Pavlisin says. "Once that’s in place, a relationship can then favorably flow into harmony."
If you want to find someone special in the new year, it's important for you to lead with your heart. According to Thomas, you'll have three eclipses in your House of True Love and Romance, which means "you will be seeing destiny come into your life." This will take place on Jan. 5, July 16, and Dec. 26. Also, keep an eye out for the New Moon on Aug. 30. "You’ll have a vast majority of stars in your sign, so you’ll be magnetic and able to manifest the life you’ve always wanted," Thomas says. Take action and open your heart.
7Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
If your birthday is in the later part of Libra, the chances of meeting that special someone in the new year may not be that high. According to Pavlisin, you may have to work on issues regarding new or past connections and your sense of identity.
Overall, 2019 is going to be all about you, your sense of self, and what you really want for your life. Some important dates for you to look out for are Mar. 21 and April 19. According to Thomas, these are two "stand-out" moments of the year. They're not only back-to-back Full Moons in your sign, but they're a "very rare blessing" from the Universe. "Use these dates to reach for the stars and create the life you want," he says. "Also, with Mars powering through your marriage zone at the very start of the year until Feb. 14, be certain to give your boo some extra affection or update your dating apps to 'LTR only.'"
8Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
"You had an immense amount of luck last year with Jupiter in your sign," Thomas says. "But this year, you are focusing more on adding wealth to your bank account." Don't worry, love is still written in the stars for you. If you're looking, he suggests focusing your attention on the New Moon on Mar. 6. The influence of the moon will help you add options to your contact list. But the New Moon on May 4 can help to put someone of "marriage material" on your radar. "Keep the faith and love can be yours," Thomas says.
9Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You are likely to meet someone that you connect with on a personal and spiritual level in 2019. But in order to turn that into a relationship, Pavlisin says that you will need to be clear and upfront with your intentions early on. So stop saying, "I don't know, we'll see where it goes," if you really like someone and you want a relationship with them.
It's a great time for partnership because Jupiter will be giving you more luck and fortune in every area of your life until Dec. 2019. "If spicing up your love life or finding your soulmate are high on your list, you have more opportunity now than ever," Thomas says. Set an intention for what you want to see happen in your love life for 2019 and the Universe will provide. As Thomas says, "This is the beginning chapter of the rest of your life, Sagittarius." Enjoy it.
10Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
It's time to for you to level up and look forward to bigger and better partnerships, Capricorn. According to Thomas, "You’re always so strategic whenever you're looking to the future, and this year will be putting a big focus on your long-term vision."
You'll have three big eclipses in your sign, as well as a major stand-out moment for marriage and partnership around July 2. "This year is a huge one where destiny will shift for you, so be sure to write down a list of what you want in a partner," he says. If the one you're with really isn't "The One," it may be time to find someone even better. So don't worry because that person is out there and 2019 might just be the year you finally meet them.
11Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
When it comes to love, 2019 is looking to be more of a casual year for you. According to Pavlisin, you can likely expect "flash-in-the pan, unsustainable connections" that are new, exciting, and sudden. In other words, you may meet people that are temporary but really fun. Since Jupiter will be moving through your House of Friendships, it's not a bad idea to go out with your friends and meet new people without any expectations. If you're looking, make sure to ask your friends to introduce you to new options. As Thomas says, "This will definitely bring more luck into your life in the love department."
12Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
If you're looking forward to meeting that special someone in 2019, there's good news. The likelihood of that happening is very good. According to Pavlisin, you're likely to meet someone that you have a good connection with. You're known for your dreamy nature, so just "don't leap too fast," he says. Take your time and get to know someone before you go all-in.
To make the most out of your search, Thomas suggests focusing your attention on the middle of August through September. It's a great time to partner up, get engaged, or even tie the knot. "You’ll have five celestial bodies bringing you luck in the wedding department," he says. "So look ahead and write down what you want in a partnership and make steps to find this special one."
Some signs may have a better chance of meeting that special someone in the new year than others, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you won't find love. The start of the new year brings new opportunities for love. It's just a matter of staying open and focusing on it. Besides, each sign has times of the year that are more favorable for finding that special someone, so be sure to keep those in mind. Whether you meet the love of your life in 2019 or not, it still looks like everyone has something to look forward to.