These Are The Only Times Someone Has Rejected A Rose In Bachelor Nation History

The whole point of going on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette is to nab that rose and bring it (and the lead on the show) home with you, so it's always a surprise when someone rejects a rose on The Bachelor. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened before. Sometimes a contestant just isn't feeling it and decides to try dating offscreen for a minute.
Honestly, going on The Bachelor or any Bachelor Nation show and choosing to leave, as opposed to being eliminated, is a great thing. What's the point in forcing yourself to interact with or date a person that you don't see a future with in the real world? Rejecting a rose isn't a failure of casting or of the Bachelor Nation process but a confirmation that yes, one can get swept up in the drama of it all, but one can also know what exactly is right for them in the moment and bail. There's nothing wrong with bailing when it comes to love and romance or standing up for yourself and your feelings inside. It's worth noting that rejections on Bachelor In Paradise are more implicit, because if you give someone a rose, they take it, and if you don't, they're rejected. There's a little more give-and-take that makes it less dramatic. As well as a ton of scheming.
Let's take a look at some of the more notable Bachelor Nation rejections over the course of the show.
LB Says "Bye Bye" To Ben
There were like 30 girls named Lauren on Ben Higgins' season of The Bachelor, which is why we ended up calling one of them LB. In any case, LB wasn't sure that she even wanted to be on the season, so she cut herself loose on Week 2. No harm, no foul there — LB barely got into the swing of things before she peaced out.
Madison Leaves Brad
Madison told Bachelor Brad Womack that she didn't feel comfortable taking a rose from any of the other women on the show, and she wasn't as far along as she wanted to be in the competition, so she was going back home. OK, lady! See ya later.
Sharleen Didn't Want JP From The Get-Go
This isn't exactly the same as rejecting a rose outright, but Sharleen from Juan Pablo's season of The Bachelor spoke repeatedly that she didn't know why she was on the show from the moment she got out of the limo.
Brittney Brought Her Grandma... Then Said Goodbye
On Ben Flajnik's season of The Bachelor, Brittney brought her grandma during the limo arrivals. That was as much of her family that Ben would get to meet, because Brittney self-eliminated a few weeks in on a date in San Diego. At least she could hang out with her grandma when she got home.
Rejecting a rose doesn't happen all that often, but when it does, it's sure to be entertaining.