After six seasons spent floundering through life, Girls' Hannah Horvath seems to finally be growing up. At least, enough to tell off a teenager for acting bratty in the show's series finale.
When she stumbles across a teen neighbor wandering pants-less (and shoe-less) through the streets, Hannah immediately jumps into protective mom mode, literally giving her the clothing off of her own back and insisting she help her home. Hannah initially thinks the girl is in some kind of trouble, considering that most people don't run out of their houses half-dressed unless it's a pretty major emergency. But when she later realizes that the girl was just mad at her parents for making her do her homework, she lays into her like any good no-bullsh*t mom would do. She preaches to her about how hard it is to be a parent; that they don't want to nag her but they have to, because they only want what's best. And then, because she's still Hannah, she demands the girl give her jeans back.
It's a simple moment, but one in which we truly see who Hannah has become. The younger version of herself may have agreed with her teen neighbor and taken her on some wild, late night adventure, regaling her with the freedoms that adulthood — or at least her version of it — can offer. Or perhaps she would have even been that girl, stumbling home from some suburban house party, running away from responsibilities and life.
But for once, she actually acts responsibly. She doesn't have time for the trivialities of adolescence that, not too long ago, she may have bothered to entertain if she were bored enough. Now she has a kid to care for and a real life to lead. And for that, she needs her own pants.