This Giant Inflatable Version Of Twister Is Here To Raise The Stakes

Call your family. Call your friends. Stretch your muscles and go for a warm-up jog. The game that limber people love is back with an awesome upgrade. Ladies and gentlemen, giant inflatable Twister is here, and it’s taking the original classic to a whole new level of amazing.
With a 15-foot by 15-foot dimension, this party favorite allows more players than ever to test their flexibility and color mastery. It gets better, though. The inflatable is slightly unstable and a tad bit bouncy, thanks to scurrying participants aiming to point their limbs on the vacant colors. You end up getting a way more challenging, competitive, and enjoyable version of the classic game.
Featuring the same rules as the normal Twister, each player must take turns spinning the wheel. Once a color is called, all participants must get their hands or feet on a vacant slot with the same color while avoiding touching the mat with their other body parts. The goal is to maintain your balance (and to beat your opponents into oblivion) even if you have to twist your body into something that resembles a pretzel. It’s fierce, it's brutal, but that’s what makes it so much fun.
Granted, the $2000 price tag puts it out of the realm of reasonable budgets, but part of it is just because of everything that goes into making it work — for instance, it comes with a full-on one-horsepower air blower, which runs nonstop to keep it inflated while you're trying to crush your friends. Additionally, you’ll be provided with a three-foot tall spinning wheel with assorted colors to let you know where you should position yourself to survive the match.
The game has everything you need. All you have to do is loosen your joints, brainstorm ways to sabotage other players’ balance (especially if you’re almost on your way to losing the game), and keep your competitive spirit burning.
Honestly, I'm hard pressed to think of a situation where this isn't the perfect activity. Whether you’re having a birthday party, slumber party, barbecue, a simple gathering with friends, or it's just a quiet night at home with your dog and you need something interesting to do, this game sets you up for hours of entertainment.
Need more activities to keep the fun going? You can get the Giant 4 Connect in a Row, which is another fantastic option for ensuring that your guests are having a great time. Three feet wide by two feet tall, this giant game puts a unique spin on the original Connect 4. To encourage teamwork (and make sure everyone can participate), you can turn it into a group game and have each team form strategies to win against the other.
Or, if you and your loved ones are super into Jenga, you could get one of these Yard Games Giant Tumbling Timbers to see which player has the steadiest hands, the most exceptional precision, and the best hand-eye coordination. If you thought Jenga gave you anxiety, you've got another thing coming.
Get your family and friends moving while having fun with large versions of the games we grew up with. Choose your teammates and show no mercy. These aren't for the faint of heart.