George Conway Just Blasted Trump's Birthright Citizenship Proposal With A Blunt Op-Ed

Kellyanne Conway's husband paired up with another legal expert to deliver some harsh words to POTUS on Tuesday. Constitutional expert Neal Katyal and D.C. lawyer George Conway's Washington Post op-ed on Trump suggesting an end to birthright citizenship via executive order reaches a crystal clear conclusion. Specifically, the duo claims, the 14th Amendment ensures all individuals born in the United States are granted the rights of citizens. And according to them, that rule transcends partisan lines.
In an interview with Axios on Tuesday, Trump said, "It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't. You can definitely do it with an Act of Congress. But now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order."
A chorus of voices (including conservatives like Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz) immediately spoke out to challenge Trump's words. Conway and Katyal joined them, squashing Trump's proposal from a legal perspective. They wrote,
Whoever they are, they have it wrong. An executive order to reinterpret 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' could never pass muster because, if the Constitution provides any leeway to decide the meaning of that phrase, it provides it to Congress, and not the president.
Then, Katyan and Conway went on to underscore an equally critical point: that even in an age when politics seem to be incredibly fractured, there are some things that transcend political beliefs. They wrote,
The fact that the two of us, one a conservative and the other a liberal, agree on this much despite our sharp policy differences underscores something it is critically important to remember during a time marked by so much rancor and uncivil discourse: Our Constitution is a bipartisan document, designed to endure for ages. Its words have meaning that cannot be wished away.
Katyan is a liberal, and Conway is a conservative. But despite Conway's conservative status, not to mention the fact that his wife has been an outspoken advocate and direct employee for Trump, this is not his first pointed criticism of POTUS.
In the past, he has called Trump out for his "false and misleading statements," and has defended the constitutionality of the Mueller probe, among other things.
More recently, he tweet-quoted a Washington Post op-ed that criticized Trump's response to the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: “This president will never offer comfort, compassion or empathy to a grieving nation. It’s not in him. When questioned after a tragedy, he will always be glib and inappropriate."
To the Washington Post in August, Kellyanne Conway said of her husband, "I feel there's a part of him that thinks I chose Donald Trump over him. Which is ridiculous. One is my work and one is my marriage."
The Post also noted that Conway, once a conservative who actively supported Trump's presidential campaign, switched his political status to "Independent" in May. He said of his change of opinion, "I'm just saddened by how things turned out."