George Conway Lodges A Number Of Accusations At Trump In A New Tweet Storm

If there was ever anyone who loved to launch a tweet storm more than President Donald Trump, it might be White House counselor Kellyanne Conway's husband. In a lengthy Twitter streak launched Sunday, George Conway called Trump a "malignant narcissist" and accused him of only looking at the Russian investigation with his own self interest in mind.
"Think of it. The Russia investigation was a legitimate investigation, with a legitimate basis, into how a hostile foreign power tried to interfere with and undermine our democracy," Conway tweeted Sunday. He went on to argue that it had been in all Americans' best interest that the investigation be allowed to progress without obstruction due to allegations of foreign interference. "If only so that we could all know what really happened and take steps to see that it never happens again," he continued.
"But because you are a malignant narcissist — a person with both narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders — you couldn't view it that way," Conway wrote to Trump. Instead, Conway argued that Trump viewed the Russia investigation "purely in terms of [his] own ego."
Conway went on to accuse the president of not only failing to do what was in the best interest of the nation, but of failing to comply with the oath he'd sworn when he took office. "You viewed the investigation as casting doubt on what you perceive as your great election victory (in which your opponent garnered nearly three million more votes than you did), and so you took multiple steps to obstruct, and repeatedly lied about, the investigation from the outset," he charged.
Conway's tweet storm came in response to Trump's recent assertion that the Russia investigation was "a total scam, a Witch Hunt" that must never be allowed to happen again. "Think of it. I became President of the United States in one of the most hard fought and consequential elections in the history of our great nation," Trump tweeted early Sunday. "From long before I ever took office, I was under a sick & unlawful investigation concerning what has become known as the Russian Hoax."
Trump alleged that Democrats and intel agencies had "seriously spied" on his 2016 campaign, eventually leading to the Russia investigation. "This never happened before in American history, and it all turned out to be a total scam, a Witch Hunt, that yielded No Collusion, No Obstruction," he wrote. "This must never be allowed to happen again!"
In his own thread of tweets, Conway accused Trump of refusing to take Russia's election interference seriously — despite having been presented with evidence of it. "Instead, you continue to lie, calling the investigation a 'hoax' and an 'attempted coup,' and you didn't even mention Russia's conduct in your recent 90-minute conversation with Putin, the man who seeks to undermine our institutions," he tweeted.
Far from being done, Conway went on to accuse the president of acting out of self-interest. "Put simply, you put your own perceptions of your self-interest above the national interest, which you seem unable to comprehend or respect," Conway charged. "That is your greatest offense against the country, an offense that incorporates but vastly exceeds the statutory crimes you've committed."
Conway went on to say that regardless of whether Trump was ever convicted in a court of law, he should be forced to pay for putting his self-interest before that of the nation with his office. It was unclear whether Conway meant impeachment of resignation.
Despite his wife's role in the Trump administration, Conway has long been a vocal critic of President Trump, often questioning the president's mental health and leadership abilities.