You Can Buy A Gigantic Rainbow Pool Float That Fits Your Whole Squad

Despair no longer! Even though winter is fighting to stay, it will not dominate the rest of the year. I personally promise you that. Summer is near, and there's a new gigantic float to remind all of us of this when we need it the most. Funboy's Rainbow Pool Float will be your own private island this summer, so let's start making our sunny season plans.
Stop shopping for gloves, scarves and down jackets. It's time to trade blankets for beach towels. It's time to collect swim suits and the appropriate pool accessories. It is finally time to outfit our closets with summer essentials. And one of those essentials should absolutely be a too-big-for-your-storage-space pool float.
Thanks to the sharing powers of Instagram, you may already be familiar with larger than life pool floats. Inflatable swans and ice cream cones meandering through the water with friends on board. If you're wondering how to acquire one, or where they come from, you're in luck. The company behind the Instagram phenomenon is Funboy. And in 2016, we witnessed Rihanna on a Funboy swan when she posted it to her Snapchat. Whether that started the pool float trend or not, there are now more Funboy pool accessories to hop on board, and they are larger than swans.
The Giant 6-Person Rainbow Cloud Island Float is exactly what it says it is. This is not false advertising. The float is the size of some pools and probably fits most comfortably in the actual ocean. The arch of the rainbow reaches seven feet at its highest point, so even your tallest friends can lounge comfortably at your private island party. The float fits six adults comfortably, and to accommodate you and five of the best friends you'd choose to be stranded on an island with, there are six cup holders included.
But cup holders aren't the only storage for your refreshments. The float ~obviously~ comes equipped with a built-in cooler that doubles as storage. Honestly, I'm moving in. Please forward my mail to this Rainbow Cloud Island float because what more does one need?
It only takes 10 minutes to inflate your own personal island, which is extremely convenient. And even more convenient are the heavy duty handles and ropes in case you want to post off and not drift too far out to sea. There's even a water entry pad so you can slip into whatever body of water you're floating upon should you choose to enjoy a dip.
If lounging on an actual cloud complete with a rainbow isn't your ideal way to enjoy the summer, Funboy has other extremely innovative, trendy floats. Simply enjoy a float for two complete with a built-in champagne cooler. If you choose to float solo but don't want to compromise style, you can fill the pit in the avocado float.
The Giant 60Person Rainbow Cloud Island Float retails for $369 and is sold through the Funboy website. Pre-orders are being accepted now and will begin to ship on March 29. An air pump and a mesh carry bag are included with your purchase. Get ready for a stylish, cool, very colorful summer.