How Many Millennial Couples Are Actually Breaking Up Because Of Trump

As you probably know, Donald Trump's presidency is affecting many things, from health care to immigration. Now, according to a new study by Wakefield Research, the Trump effect is worse for Millennials, at least when it comes to romantic relationships. The Politics and Relationship online survey was conducted between April 12 and 18, 2017 among 1,000 nationally representative adults 18+. Wakefield Research was curious to see how the political environment is affecting the lives of the American public, and the results are definitely intriguing.
Among all those surveyed, why is the relationship climate, so to speak, in this political climate worse among Millennials?! "Millennials are idealists who're committed to changing the world to become a better place for all," bestselling author and relationship expert, Susan Winter, tells Bustle. "Any leader or movement that fosters division or exclusion is seen as a threat to all that is dear and valuable; inclusion, acceptance, and unity."
I'm sure you can relate, whether you and your partner disagree, politically, or you know others that do. After all, it's not necessarily an easy roadblock to overcome when one person's a Democrat and the other's a Republican. The dating site POF conducted a survey last year, too — pre-election — which found that one-third of women were open to dating a Trump supporter.
Without further ado, here are Wakefield Research's survey findings. If their findings are representative of the state of relationships everywhere, it could be the start — erm, continuation — of a bad trend.
1. Relationships Have Ended Due To Political Differences
The survey found that more than 1 in 10 Americans, 11 percent, have themselves ended a relationship over political differences, with 22 percent of Millennials admitting they've done so.
2. Trump Is Causing More Tension In Relationships
This may not surprise you, but Trump is causing more tension in people's romantic relationships — more than 1 in 5 Americans in a relationship or married, 21 percent, reported this. Yes, this is due to couples having disagreements with their partner over their views on Trump. This has even been trumping, so to speak, disagreements over finances, Wakefield Research found.
3. Many People Know Of A Relationship That's Ended Due To Trump's Presidency
More than one in five Americans, 22 percent, know a couple whose marriage or relationship has been negatively impacted ~specifically~ due to Trump's election. For instance, this is because they voted differently or view his policies and/or actions differently. Among Millennials, this number goes up to 35 percent (!).
4. The Subject Of Politics Is *Not* Boding Well In Romantic Relationships
The current political environment — political news, developments, and discourse in the U.S. — has had a negative impact on romantic relationships. This was the case with nearly 1 in 3 Americans in a relationship or married, 29 percent, including 38 percent of Millennials.
5. Specifically, More Couples Are Arguing About Trump-Related Topics
Since Trump was elected, some couples are arguing and disagreeing more than ever before. The survey found this to be the case with 24 percent of Americans in a relationship or married and 42 percent of Millennials.
6. Many People Would Consider Divorcing Their Partner If He Or She Voted For Trump
Among Americans who did ~not~ vote for Trump, and who are ~not~ in a relationship with a partner who voted for Trump, a third, 33 percent, would consider divorce if they had a spouse who voted for Trump. This number went up to 43 percent among Millennials who did not vote for Trump or have a partner who voted for him.
In fact, Grant T. Moher, Esq., a managing partner at Curran Moher Weis, a Washington, D.C.-area family law firm, has found that couples are seeking divorce specifically because of such extremely opposing views on Trump.
What Should You Do If You And Your Partner Can't Agree To Disagree"?!
"If your partner's political views are too far from yours, reevaluate the merit of a relationship with a mate whose values are vastly opposed to yours," Winter says. "That's not a good foundation for longevity or happiness. If much of what you have is great together and this is an arguable and rational difference, then focus on the values you do share and strengthen those."
So well-said, right?! At the end of the day, how you and your partner compromise, or not, is key — no matter who you voted for (or not).