Fenty Beauty Has Changed The Way Beauty Lovers See Makeup — And Kylie Cosmetics

Fenty Beauty was the makeup launch heard around the world. Through the line, Rihanna took products that we all know and love, and made them accessible to just about everyone. The line's dedication to inclusivity is shown through the brand's whopping 40 shades of foundation and single universal gloss. The debut line seems to be going over well with everyone — and is even converting loyal Kylie Cosmetics fans.
After seeing just how inclusive Fenty Beauty is, makeup fans are starting to take a hard look at other brands, including Kylie Cosmetics. Just days after Fenty Beauty has hit the Sephora shelves, fans have taken to Twitter to call out Kylie's brand and its apparent exclusivity.
As Kylie Cosmetics fans have pointed out, there has been a lack of women of color included in promotional materials for the Kylie Cosmetics brand. Of course, that's with the exception of a Sept. 10 post on the brand's Instagram and Twitter — two days after the Fenty Beauty launch. As many people noticed, it was the first time Kylie Cosmetics featured a black model on social media since Aug. 6. It's also worth noting that it's the same model that the brand featured throughout the Birthday Collection promos, not a new model to the brand.
Bustle reached out to both Kylie Cosmetics and Fenty Beauty for comment.
From a social media standpoint, Rihanna doesn't technically have a different strategy for promoting her brand than Kylie Cosmetics. She's set up an Instagram page, posted teaser videos of her products, and featured models wearing her new releases. The big exception is the type of people she's featuring in her shoots.
You will see all types of beauty lovers on the Fenty Beauty page — even some that likely look like just like you. That's a huge testament to the products.
"In every product, I was like, 'There needs to be something for a dark skin girl. There needs to be something for a really pale girl. There's needs to be something for someone in-between'," Rihanna says in the Fenty Beauty Instagram video. "You want people to appreciate the products and not feel like, 'Oh, it's cute, but it only looks good on her.'"
Kylie Jenner, however, has never made those type of claims about her products — and people are starting to notice.
Fans are dragging the company for the sudden making a push to feature a model of color. Sprinkled in the replies to the Kylie Cosmetics tweet featuring a black model, makeup lovers are talking about how the brand has been "cancelled" and declaring Fenty Beauty the new standard.
If the GIFs are any hint, a lot of people — especially black women — will be walking away from the brand.
From now on, we will divide beauty releases in a pre- and post-Fenty Beauty world. Seriously. Yes, there have been inclusive indie brands to come onto the market dedicated to women of color. But there has never been a brand created by a black A-lister who specifically designed products with every single complexion in mind.
And the originality and dedication of Fenty Beauty is paying off. As this viral photo points out, the Fenty Beauty Pro Filter darkest shades are selling out even faster than the lightest shades at Sephora. Who would've thunk? *Eyeroll.*
It might seem like comparing apples to oranges, since Kylie Cosmetics doesn't currently offer foundation, a product that visibly shows the inclusivity of a brand. But even with the Pro Filt'r out of the question, Rihanna's Fenty Beauty offers more for every skin tone. Everything from the message to the products themselves go leaps and bounds over other brands on the market, including Kylie Cosmetics.
The best part is that Fenty Beauty doesn't make inclusivity gimmicky. Even without their social media platforms, the brand and its products would still speak for themselves.
This is the future of the beauty world, my friends. And it's a great time to be a makeup lover.