Memes About Fall That Will Officially Get You In The Sweater Weather Mood

The world's best season is upon us, and to help get you in the mood for falling leaves, dropping temperatures, and all things pumpkin spice, I've rounded up some great fall memes for 2017. You are so very welcome. From Grumpy Cat to Spongebob, you'll find quite a few familiar faces below. Need some cheering up as you're starting to realize summer is over? These memes should do it for you.
Summer is always a nice idea in theory, until the temperatures start hitting 90 degrees and humidity seeps into the air all around. Let's be real, once it starts getting sticky hot, nobody really wants to be outside anyway. Thankfully, you've survived another summer, which means that you get to be rewarded with the fall season. Isn't the solar system just the best?
From foliage exploding in brilliant colors to endless opportunities to sip on a cozy, warm beverage from the local coffee shop, there really is no season quite as adorable as fall. Pull out the leggings, the scarves, the boots, and the military jackets, because it's finally cool enough to wear them (but yet, not cold enough to wrap yourself in a down-feather jacket). It's all about the balance.
These emotions are all too real. From the moment you first see a leaf changing colors to the moment you take your first sip of pumpkin spice latte, there's no way to dial down the excitement.
I'd take either. Winter's too cold. Summer's too hot. The one perfect solution? Fall, of course! (OK, spring's not half bad either). It's all about finding a happy medium.
'Tis the season! After all, what other time of year can you get away with wearing leggings, Uggs, and a flannel button-down? Take advantage of it while you can, because it's pretty much the comfiest outfit ever thought up!
Mmmm... OK. That includes pumpkin spice lattés, pumpkin pies, Pumpkin Cheerios, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cider, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cakes, and pumpkin brownies, right?
Orange really is this dog's color. Admittedly, it's not mine — but that doesn't stop me from wearing come October. 'Tis the season of orange pumpkins, orange leaves, and orange everything!
Oh, to live the life of a fall leaf... OK, except until it drops down dead from the tree and lands in a pile of its fellow dead leaves. But that being said, I wouldn't mind the weeks before when it bursts into brilliant colors of red, yellow, and orange.
I call it beautiful — at least until you have to rake it. Seriously, is there anything worse than raking leaves? Truly doubtful. Fortunately, watching your dog run through that enormous pile you raked up does melt the heart.
Doesn't get any better. Once winter rolls around, the temperature has dropped too much, the leaves have bounced, and the electric bill manages to do a complete flip and get higher and higher (at least if you're using electric heating).
Simply adorable. You may be unamused, sweet pug, but I assure you that I am not. In fact, there may be nothing cuter on this whole page than you in your pile of dried up leaves.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Can you blame us? There's just something about pumpkin that makes it the perfect ingredient to add to every recipe. In that way, I'm going to go ahead and call it a super food.
All the best holidays are in the fall. Forget what Grumpy Cat has to say. Halloween and Thanksgiving are the most fun, and they involve the most food — coincidence? I think not.
Ignore the haters. If someone rolls their eyes at you while you're ordering that pumpkin spice latte, feel sorry for them. What else can you do? If they haven't discovered the amazingness that is pumpkin flavor, then it's their loss.