Every Celebrity Alexis Has Dated On 'Schitt's Creek,' From Prince Harry To Zac Efron

While she's been stuck in Schitt's Creek, Alexis has dated a number of men: Ted, Mutt, Ted again, and most recently Artie, who, to everyone's chagrin, insisted on calling her "Lexy." But before crash-landing in town, Alexis was gallivanting around the globe with — in her words — "a selection of very confident, international men." This included sultans' nephews, a Thai drug lord name Aroon (who was a lovely gentleman before he ran out of money), and her dirtbag ex-boyfriend Stavros, but many of them were celebrities whose names Alexis loves peppering into conversation almost as much as Tahani loves mentioning her famous friends on The Good Place. At one point, Alexis even had a "semi-successful text relationship with Josh Hartnett while he was shooting Pearl Harbor," which raises more questions than answers; the movie came out in 2001 and Alexis is probably about 30, putting her at around 11 years old at the time...
Then again, this is the same woman who escaped the Yakuza at 21, so to say she had an unconventional childhood is putting it mildly. In honor of the woman, the myth, the legend that is Alexis, here's every other celebrity she's mentioned dating on Schitt's Creek.
1Leonardo DiCaprio
Season 1, Episode 7. We don't know much about the extent of their relationship, but Alexis mentions that she and Leo went on a blind date to Bali, which seems...extravagant.
2Jared Leto
Season 2, Episode 5. When David asks his sister what she thinks about his weird poncho, she says, "I mean, I like it because Jared Leto gave it to you, and he was my first kiss, but I don't know if I like it like it" (again worth noting that Leto is at least 15 years older than Alexis).
3"A Famous Soccer Player"
Season 3, Episode 7. After Alexis enrolls in Jocelyn's high school class in order to get her diploma, she explains to the other students that she didn't graduate because she was partying too hard on a yacht with an unnamed soccer player. O.K., but who are we talking here? Beckham? Messi? Ronaldo?
4Prince Harry
Season 3, Episode 7. Later in the same episode, Alexis decides to share an anecdote while they're studying Marie Antoinette. "My friends used to call me Marie, and that was mainly because I was casually seeing Prince Harry, so there was the whole like, is she gonna be a princess thing," she boasts. "But it's also because we were going through this very dark phase where we were just like, partying too hard."
5Zac Efron
Season 4, Episode 7. According to Alexis, the High School Musical star was so thirsty, if she texted him with a question mark the "poor thing would be pressing the buzzer before I even hit send."
6All Three Hanson Brothers
Season 4, Episode 8. "I remember that summer you dated all three Hanson brothers," David tells his sister.
"This is different," Alexis responds. "I no longer need backstage passes to the Teen Choice Awards."
7Adam Levine
Season 5, Episode 3. When Alexis asks David if he and Patrick are moving in together, his brother responds that they're just looking. "Yeah and Adam Levine and I just went for bubble tea," Alexis responds slyly.
8Josh Groban
Season 5, Episode 6. "This is why you have ground rules, David," Alexis tells her brother when David explains that he let Patrick go on a date with someone else. "Josh Groban has a thick leather-bound binder full of them."
9Sean Penn
Season 6, Episode 1. "Does this not remind you of that wellness retreat we went to in Évian right after Alexis ended things with Sean Penn?" Johnny asks his wife as they go on a walk on the outskirts of town.
Season 6, Episode 4. We don't know much about Alexis' relationship with the EDM musician, but we do know that he still sends her nudes.
11Brian Littrell
Season 6, Episode 8. "You're starting to sound like me trying to end things with B-Rok on the Backstreet Boys Millennium Tour," Alexis tells Ted after he surprises her with an unexpected visit.
12Harry Styles
Season 6, Episode 8. "What now? Do I leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life?" Alexis asks Twyla as she's considering whether to break up with Ted. "Because I did that with Harry Styles in England, and it was, like, too rainy."
13Half the 'White Squall' Cast
Season 6, Episode 9. After Alexis'...mature boyfriend Artie breaks up with her, Johnny gives her some much-needed comfort. Where was her dad when she was dating half the cast of White Squall? she asks, referring to the '96 Ridley Scott film starring Jeff Bridges, Caroline Goodall, Scott Wolf, Ryan Phillippe, and John Savage.
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