In what just might be the most fitting Luna Lovegood move of all time, Evanna Lynch demonstrated how to make vegan Harry Potter treats in a video collaboration with peta2, PETA's youth division. In the video, Lynch embarks on a magical culinary journey that includes vegan chocolate frogs, vegan "butterybeer," and vegan pumpkin pasties — and if these treats were good enough to fuel a student uprising against the most powerful evil force the wizarding world had ever known, then they're more than good enough to pack in your lunch sack to get you past that 3:30 p.m. slump.
Lynch, who self-describes on Twitter as a "vegan activist," is one of many celebrities who has partnered with peta2 to advocate for vegan lifestyles. The move isn't just especially fitting because of Lynch's beliefs, but because it would likely make her magizoologist alter ego, Luna Lovegood, quite proud. But while Luna is off gallivanting the word and exploring magical creatures with Newt Scamander's grandson, the rest of us can inject a little magic into our own Muggle lives with her vegan recipes, which are so easy to make that even Hagrid and his infamous rock cakes could make them in a cinch.
The easiest of the recipes is, by far, the chocolate frogs — all they require is vegan chocolate and a plastic frog mold (available for $5.19 on Amazon), and you're all set.
The next is "butterybeer," the vegan version of butterbeer. Fortunately for those all night nerds out there, this is a non-alcoholic version, so you can drink however much of this brew your Muggle organs can take and, as Lynch notes, still fly home afterward. This version of the recipe uses vegan butter and nondairy milk or creamer, resulting in this dreamy Pinterest-worthy concoction.
And last but certainly not least, treat yourself to an autumn throwback with vegan pumpkin pasties — which are, quite literally, easy as pie. Fold vegan crescent roll dough over a mix of canned pumpkin, spices, and sugar, and you're raring to go.
But just in case you need some extra inspo to get your magical vegan grub on, you'd better arm yourself with this iconic Gryffindor hat.
LOVEGOOD OUT. To learn more about peta2 and their mission, head to their website here.