Evangeline Lilly's Theory About Costumes & Why Male MCU Stars Find Them So Uncomfortable Is Genius

Evangeline Lilly has nothing but love for her Ant-Man and The Wasp costume. In fact, Evangeline Lilly has a theory about why certain MCU stars whine about their costumes. And, after parsing through her interview comments, it sounds like one most women can probably get behind.
In an interview with BackstageOL, Lilly admitted that she wasn't always totally thrilled with her superhero getup. She especially wasn't a huge fan of soliciting help every single time she had to shimmy in and out of her costume — she literally couldn't use the bathroom alone. "I felt like I was three years old again," the actor said. But other than that, she didn't have many gripes, unlike her male co-star. According to BackstageOL's Dave Morales, Paul Rudd (who plays Ant-Man) had previously complained to him about "praying for a back-scratcher" while donning his own superhero costume.
Rudd is not the only male Marvel superhero to complain about uncomfortable costumes. And Lilly has a theory as to why. "I have been hearing Marvel male superheroes complain about their suits for years!" she cracked, before deftly segueing into the heart of her theory on wardrobe-related complaints, who drives them, and why.
Setting the scene, Lilly began. "I got into my suit, and I was wearing it, working it, doing my thing," she told BackstageOL. "And I was like, 'It's just not that bad. Do I have the most comfortable suit in the MCU? Or, have men not had the life experience...'" — here, the actor yanked her right leg up and into the frame, flashing one of the pointy, high-heeled shoes she was wearing to the camera — "'...of being uncomfortable for the sake of looking good.'"
All the women out there who'd probably like to shake their own pair of stiletto'd heels in solidarity right about now might want to hold their virtual applause until the end of Lilly's interview. Because, in what's become pretty typical fashion for the spitfire actor, she didn't stop with the shoe reveal. Delving a little deeper into the stark contrast between a man's attitude toward wearing an uncomfortable costume and a woman's, Lilly continued, saying,
"[Men are] just like, 'What is this? This sucks! Why are we — why, why do I have to go through this?' Whereas a woman's like, 'I don't know. This is, like, normal.' You know?"
Lilly closed her commentary with a pretty on-point rationale that'll likely resonate with anyone for whom discomfort (in any one of its many retail-caused iterations) seems to go hand-in-hand with getting dressed in the morning. "I wear heels to work," Lilly explained, matter-of-factly. "I'm uncomfortable all day. You get used to it. You tune it out."
Just to set the record straight, Lilly — who's reprising her role as the Wasp in Marvel's upcoming film, due out July 6 — is really into her character's super-suit. Why's that? As she told BackstageOL over the weekend, there's a lot to love. "I think my suit is killer," Lilly told the outlet during their recent sit-down. But it seemed "killer" didn't quite cover it. Continuing, the actor sang her costume's praises, saying, "I think my suit is so cool. I think it's powerful. I think it's modern and strong. It's sexy, and it made me feel like a superhero."
Based on what Marvel fans know of the Wasp's costume so far, at least, it seems pretty safe to say the character's skin-tight, industrial-looking superhero ensemble is going to be one for the books. Though audiences will have to hold out another couple of weeks to really get a sense of how the Wasp's intricate garb looks onscreen, there are some choice photos of her character that have been released ahead of time. And from the looks of them, it's not too difficult to understand why Lilly's on-set bathroom break quickly became an "all-hands-on-deck" situation.
Still, regardless of the costume quirks, Lilly told BackstageOL that she'd "never been more excited to tackle a role and a film than [she] was for this one." And while the actor's recent comments on some potential reasoning for male MCU stars' wardrobe woes definitely feel pretty spot-on, they also seem to point to Lilly's commitment to her character, as well as the actor's generally down-to-earth disposition. She's not afraid of a little discomfort if it means looking like an awesome superhero, and maybe it's time for the men of Marvel to take a page out of her playbook.